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Anyone else not like breastfeeding?


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2008
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I'm so fed up, and I don't enjoy BFing at all. I'm only doing it because I feel like I should. Anyone else?

To put it in context my LO is 6 weeks old, was born 6 weeks early, and spent the first 2 weeks on neonatal, where I was expressing and he was being fed by a tube. I had no problem with the expressing every 3 hours day and night, and my supply seemed to be quite good. When LO came home and we were breastfeeding he wasn't putting on much weight, and dropping down the centiles, and so I was told I should try feeding and then expressing aswell and topping him up with EBM. I've been doing this for around 2 weeks now, and also have to top up with extra EBM I had in the freezer from when LO was in Hospital, as sometimes he never seems satisfied. He takes around 20-25 minutes to feed, and I'll often try him on the other side after that as he's still hungry, so its around 40minutes he's feeding for, every 2-2.5 hours. In the night its the same, and by the time I'm sorted, and have changed him I'm awake for 1 hour every time he needs feeding. I think I only managed 3 hours sleep the night before last. My nipples are really sore. I don't think its a latch issue, its when he first goes on, and someone suggested I had a strong let down, and it feels like being stabbed in the nipple for about 2 minutes. After that it settles down, but it's really painful. I think the extra expressing isn't helping either. :wacko:
Wow that sounds so difficult. Breastfeeding is hard but I can totally understand you not enjoying it with the extra issues you are having.

All I can say is that don't wear yourself down by it. Don't feel like it's the only option. I had to move to formula at 6 weeks with my son as it was really difficult
I think you have been through a lot and you NEED to see a lactation consultant and/or la leche league ( FREE ) to help you get it sorted whether you want to BF or pump.
I honestly have never enjoyed it either but have done it about 2 months with both of my boys because I felt like I needed to.. I have always had a very difficult time and felt like instead of bringing us closer it took a toll on our relationship. I really didnt look forward to when they got hungry..i felt a feeling of dread come over me and it was just awful.

We have our son on a homemade goat milk formula now, and it is incredible. It is very similar to breastmilk and we find it to be less expensive than store bought formula and much healthier. We started it because ds2 had an intolerance to every formula we tried, including the hypoallergenic formula from the doctor.. but now that we've used it we plan to use it for ds3, its great knowing what we are giving them is healthy and organic.

I just wanted to let you know that there are other good options besides those most apparent :) If you are interested feel free to message me or search Mt Capra goat milk formula, there are many variations you can use to fit you and baby's life.

Wishing you the best
I didn't really enjoy breastfeeding till my pain was sorted and my LO was gaining weight well. Then I could finally relax and pay attention to my child. After that I loved how I didn't have to remember to take anything with us, just prepacked nappy bag and out the door, I loved how putting her to the breast solved every problem where in the beginning it felt like it caused every problem, I loved that I didn't have to think "Is she teething, bored, hungry, thirsty, cold, over stimulated, scared" because whatever it was I had the solution - Breast!

The first 6 weeks are the hardest and your LO is still small and new being a preemie, so it will take that little bit extra time to get the hang of things. When you first latch and there is pain which then goes away, what might be happening is that your LO is taking a minute or so to get the right amount of breast in and the nipple right to the back. New babies can't always take a big mouthful so they end up sucking the nipple to the back rather than opening wide (which would mean it started out at the back of their mouth). As they get bigger their gape is bigger and this initial latch pain tends to disappear. If it lasts longer than the first 30seconds or so there may be other underlying issues. In addition, pumping to vigorously, for too long or with the wrong sized flange can cause nipple damage.

LLL can be so supportive even when there aren't diagnosable difficulties so I second giving them a call if they are in your area, or if not them another free Breastfeeding charity/advisory service (NCT/ABM etc.)
I hated breastfeeding for the first three months. It was messy, stressful, and all around miserable.

But I'm so glad I stuck with it. For me it was definitely a few months' pain for a long term gain. I eventually came to love breastfeeding and look back very fondly at my breastfeeding experience as a whole. It also made my life a lot easier in the long run.

I don't really know why I stuck with it even when I hated it, I wasn't being pressured by anyone and I said myself when I was pregnant that I'd try it but wouldn't force it if I didn't like it. I think I just knew it wouldn't always be so hard and that I would regret not giving it a shot. Ultimately I think your heart just has to be in it, and if it's not then the payoff might not be worth it, and that's okay too.

Anyway, I think most people would say that breastfeeding was a struggle for a while. It's a learning curve for both you and the baby.
Also there is no guarantee he wont take a formula bottle every 2 hrs round the clock and take 40minutes to finish one...

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