I also took it before bed! I only have done two cycles with clomid now. One in the morning, one at night. The one I took at night I had no side effects so this time I am also doing it before bed. Hope this helps!!
Sara and Brownie, thanks so much for the positive reinforcment!! That really helped. I for some crazy reason thought I would have had that bfp by now.
Hopefully It happens soon. Brownie, saying it worked after four cycles really made me smile to see!! I dont understand why it hasnt worked for me yet but I am getting a head of myself to. I think after this cycle I go back to my obgyn, I am out of refills for clomid so I guess so. I really thought this month I had a good chance, but maybe next!!
Sara and Brownie, thanks so much for the positive reinforcment!! That really helped. I for some crazy reason thought I would have had that bfp by now.