Anyone else with endometriosis?

So u got just over a year till you can try, how come? x
Firstly me and my OH are both first year student nurses, so he wants to wait until at the absolute earliest when we've almost finished our degrees. Also, OH is on an arthritis medication that reduces :spermy: count and can also cause spontaneous abortion and severe birth defects, so absolutely cannot TTC until he stops that for 6 months before hand.

I, on the other hand, would much rather have a baby now and do university when I'm more ready. :shrug: my opinion on this decision is pretty much non existant.

Congrats on your wedding coming up :) How's the planning going?
Hello ladies, I've just joined BNB! I've also been having pelvic pains for several months (just before we were going to start TTC, oh the timing!) and recently found out I have a big endometrioma on my ovary - just waiting for my laparoscopy. The pain's getting worse, I have it every day and the meds don't work (I've tried paracetamol and ibuprofen)
Its terrible isnt it hun, when is your op.

How did they find how u have it without a laparoscopy, I hope the pain goes afterwards as mine hasnt, i go bck next week x
Firstly me and my OH are both first year student nurses, so he wants to wait until at the absolute earliest when we've almost finished our degrees. Also, OH is on an arthritis medication that reduces :spermy: count and can also cause spontaneous abortion and severe birth defects, so absolutely cannot TTC until he stops that for 6 months before hand.

I, on the other hand, would much rather have a baby now and do university when I'm more ready. :shrug: my opinion on this decision is pretty much non existant.

Congrats on your wedding coming up :) How's the planning going?

Hi, The plans are all done and all we need to do is start paying for everythinng :-(. I have my Hen weekend next week and i really cant wait for it!! x:flower:
Endometrioma on my ovary showed up on 2 intravaginal ultrasounds and my op's in 2 weeks...glad it's coming up soon but also a bit scared! Just hope the pain goes away, it's really disruptive isn't it! I've been having pain (on and off, but more frequent and more painful as time goes on) for about 4 months. Hope your wedding goes well, it'll be a wonderful day :)
Firstly me and my OH are both first year student nurses, so he wants to wait until at the absolute earliest when we've almost finished our degrees. Also, OH is on an arthritis medication that reduces :spermy: count and can also cause spontaneous abortion and severe birth defects, so absolutely cannot TTC until he stops that for 6 months before hand.

I, on the other hand, would much rather have a baby now and do university when I'm more ready. :shrug: my opinion on this decision is pretty much non existant.

Congrats on your wedding coming up :) How's the planning going?

Hi, The plans are all done and all we need to do is start paying for everythinng :-(. I have my Hen weekend next week and i really cant wait for it!! x:flower:

:happydance: how exciting!!!! Best of luck for your weding :thumbup:
Endometrioma on my ovary showed up on 2 intravaginal ultrasounds and my op's in 2 weeks...glad it's coming up soon but also a bit scared! Just hope the pain goes away, it's really disruptive isn't it! I've been having pain (on and off, but more frequent and more painful as time goes on) for about 4 months. Hope your wedding goes well, it'll be a wonderful day :)

I do hope the your pain goes after the op, it really isnt nice hun. Itsd good that they have found it now. The wedding plans are going great and I have my hen weekend next week too! Cant wait now, just want it to hurry up!! x
Rburnett - thanks hun...yes, it's good they found the cyst now, I was gutted when I first found out as we were about to TTC, but it's better to know now and get it sorted than finding out later on! If you don't mind me asking, how did your laparoscopy go (did you have a lap and dye to check for any blockages, what exactly did they do, how was the recovery etc)?
Hey the lap went ok, when i first came round i was in no pain at all but after a while i got pain in my shoulers and chest where the air they put in your stomach is escaping (im not going to lie but that does hurt) I didnt have the dye put in. My stomach went down in a couple days but my pains are still there so im going back this Thursday to find out whats happening! x
I know that this thread is a little old now but I thought that I would post anyway in case you ladies are still around.

I have been investigated recently for PCOS - a blood test revealed that my hormones are off and I have had irregular periods since coming off the pill in Dec and so I was sent for a scan.

I had an external and internal u/s and they found possible PCOS and an endometriomial cyst on my right ovary. It didn't sink in until I left the drs surgery that that meant that I possibly had PCOS AND endo. I was so worried about the PCOS and had read lots about functional cysts that it wasn't until later I realised that she had said 'endometriomial'.

I'm not sure how sure the GP was about this though - she said that the report from the scan said that the cyst was 'thick walled' and so wasn't a functional one and was most likely an endometrioma.

Anyway, I have an almost constant dull ache in my right side which gets worse around the time of AF. During AF I also get pain into my buttock and down my right leg. I never used to get this - it only started a couple of months ago. I can also 'feel' something in the right side of my abdomen when sat down, does that makes sense to you?

I have also been thinking and wonder whether I have had this for years. I was on the pill for about 8/9 years with no problems but prior to that (about 13 years ago) I was admitted to hospital for three days for severe (and I mean severe) stomach ache. I had had a dull ache for weeks - it got worse, I went to the GP, she diagnosed IBS. Later thay evening I was collapse on my bathroom floor in the most extruciating pain ever. I was sick until there was nothing else to bring up and my body still want to be sick. I was so weak and couldn't get up off the floor. I was rushed into hospital, given pain meds, xrayed and so on but never diagnosed with anything. Three days later they released me with no follow up or anything. I was too young to know any different and so didn't pursue it. I wonder now whether this was a ruptured cyst? I have had three other episodes like this since although no where near as bad - I was hospitalised and they only lasted a few hours. It just makes you think, doesn't it?

Anyway, I'm off to see the gynaecologist tomorrow as my GP has referred me. I have to say that I am getting really quite nervous. I have been fine for the last 3/4 weeks but now the appointment is approaching I'm a bit of a mess - I just could not stop crying yesterday (although AF is due also so it could be a bit of PMT!!). I guess I am just scared that this will impact on TTC - so scared.

Anyway, I'm rambling now - sorry for that. I just thought i'd add my story to see if it was similar to any of yours?

I haven't been diagnosed with anything yet, but I have had the whole hospitalisation for 'IBS' or 'constipation' when they just haven't been able to think of anything else to explain my symptoms!

Hopefully the cycst is just something easy to fix. There are plenty of women on here with endo or PCOS who can conceive. I know that's no real consolation, but you're not alone.

Sorry I can't say anything more useful :hugs: The gynaecologist should be able to really clear things up for you anyway. Keep us updated :hugs2: xx

ps. LOVE your profile pic, Pooh for the win :winkwink:!
Thanks everdreaming - your post did really help actually! When TTC and having women's probems - it is easy to forget that you are not alone as it is not talked about openly.

I'm hoping once I know what I am looking at that I will be able to tell my sister, which will help. Don't want to tell her before I know as I don't want to needlessly worry her.

Love Winnie the Pooh. It always reminds me of my niece when she was a toddler. She was walking round the house with her hand down the back of her nappy (nice!) with a worried face saying 'Poo, poo, poo'. I checked her nappy but there was nothing there but she kept saying 'poo, poo, poo' and was getting more and more distressed. Finally, she looked at me with exasperation, pointed at the DVDs, and said 'Pooh'! Ha ha - she wanted the Winnie the Pooh DVD on!! :rofl:
Oh - and how did your gynae appointment go? You said it was the end of June?
:rofl: that's hilarious!! I used to love Pooh as a child and I just cannot kick the love now. He is far too cool, in my opinion. I absolutely cannot wait to have a classic Winnie-themed nursery :haha:

:hugs: you're welcome. I always need reminding that I'm not alone. Sometimes when I feel like I've got forever to wait I can remember how long some of the women on here wait and it makes me feel better.

Talking to your sister sounds like a good idea, especially if you're close. If you are able to, have you spoken to your mum or any female relatives? I only realised recently that my maternal Aunt has had a full hysterectomy because of ovarian cysts and my maternal grandmother had them too, which is information my Gynae dr asked me about.

I think women should be more open with their problems, otherwise things like PCOS and endo are totally unheard of and women don't know where to turn if they have any concerns :hugs:
Thaks for asking :)

I had my appointment last wednesday! It was okay, she said she's definitely querying endometriosis or PCOS. I had a normal ultrasound in Jan which showed no cycsts but she wants to do a trans-vaginal ultrasound to see if that shows anything more clearly, and also to see if it is endometrial tissues growing in my fallopian tubes.

Otherwise she thinks it's a hormonal cause, which she wants to treat with 'trials' of diferent contraceptive pills. Which I have refused, along with the coil and any other synthetic hormone. I get depressed enough every month without synthetic hormones causing another emotional break down!!
So true about needing to be more open.

I would love to talk to my Mum about this but she is a massive worrier. She was quite ill with anxiety related illness when we were younger and so we try not to worry her if we don't have to. If I were to tell her I'm sure she would be great - but then I would also be aware that she is worrying about me (to the point that she would probably make herself ill). It would then be another thing for me to have to think about and TBH I could do without anything else at the moment! Perhaps once I know more about my situation and there are less question marks it would be good to tell her but she wouldn't cope well with the unknown.

It is a good point about needing to know family history though. I think if my Mum has problems we would know about it - but then who knows?!

My sister is lovely and we are very close. I think I will probably tell her once I know more. It is just finding the right time - perhaps when she next asks me when I am going to produce some cousins for her kids (!) I can tell her.
Thaks for asking :)

I had my appointment last wednesday! It was okay, she said she's definitely querying endometriosis or PCOS. I had a normal ultrasound in Jan which showed no cycsts but she wants to do a trans-vaginal ultrasound to see if that shows anything more clearly, and also to see if it is endometrial tissues growing in my fallopian tubes.

Otherwise she thinks it's a hormonal cause, which she wants to treat with 'trials' of diferent contraceptive pills. Which I have refused, along with the coil and any other synthetic hormone. I get depressed enough every month without synthetic hormones causing another emotional break down!!

So how were you referred to the gynae? Had you had your bloods tested? Are you irregular? I hope you don't mind me asking so many questions - it just seems that everyone's experiences are different!

I have had the trans-vaginal ultrasound - it is nothing to worry about. It is a bit embarrassing but not the end of the world. The person that did my scan was lovely and really put me at ease.

Hmmm... I would be with you on the pills. I'm not sure whether my messed up cycles are due to PCOS, my cyst, coming off the pill or what. But what I do know is that I wouldn't be keen to go back on the pill again. Mind - it is supposed to help with the symptoms of PCOS and endo so maybe I would.... I just don't like the idea of synthetic hormones anymore...

So when will your scan be?
They haven't sent me a scan date yet, so just awaiting that. But the Dr said it will definitely be before I next see her otherwise it's pointless seeing her again, that's on the 10th August.

I got referred by my GP because I sat and cried at him for ten minutes saying I couldn't handle the stress of not knowing my cycle, so in the end he referred me :)

It's been a nightmare trying to get this referral. I've had irregular periods since I started when I was about 13. This time last year I went through 4 months of 10 days on, 10 days off, 10 days on, 10 days off etc. Then all of a sudden it changed and I had a full cycle length of 24-26 days for a couple of months. Then in February 2011 I didn't have a cycle at all and I was in absolutely loads of pain, sick and nauseous, completely aunable to do pretty much anything. My GP told me I was pregnant and to get a grip, essentially, even though I gave him a NEGATIVE pregnancy test. After another couple of weeks I was in too much pain so they sent me to hospital saying it was ectopic (still NEGATIVE pregnancy tests) then they thought miscarriage etc. Long story short, it was neither and I came on with a unbearably heavy (I'm talking one super sized tampon and sanitary pad in less than an hour) period and was sent home with Pelvic Inflammatory Diease or IBS they weren't sure which. But since then my cycle is still unmanageable. I had no period in April but a super painful and heavy one in May, and nothing in June so I'm still awaiting AF from then this month.

It's a huge change for my cycles to go through - from constant periods (November last year I was on the pill for a month and bled the entire month) to huge gaps in between. My cycle diary is absolutely all over the place, and the pains I get are unbearable. I also get really bad pains in my right hip just before i come on to the extent I can't always walk, and the last two periods have been so heavy I have literally passed out or been unable to do anything but cry from the pain. I have a really high pain threshold as well, so this scares me. The week before I come on I aso get thoroughly depressed. But my GP says it's "completely normal" for my cycle and body to behave in this way. Huh.

Sorry that was rambly, but that is my cycle story! The Gynae dr thinks the hip pains might mean endometriosis, and the long gaps might be difficulty ovulating due to endometrial tissue in my fallopian tubes which could be referred pain in my hip. Make any sense?

My hormone blood tests were normal, which is why I don't understand why the gynae dr thinks it's a hormone problem?!? :dohh:

Why did you start having tests? what brought it all on for you??

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