Thanks!!! I'm getting impatient and excited haha. I started Googling and have found several personal stories that make me feel a lot better. I figured I'd share them here for anyone who stumbles across this post looking for input.
-you can get pregnant immidiately after removal, my second child was concieved 2 days after removal. just had my most recent implant removed on the 14th Dec 2012 my fiance was over from US for 2 weeks from 21st Dec untill 5th jan and iv discovered im pregnant again so it happened this time within 3 weeks
-I had my Implant removed on 17th Dec 2012 and that was coincidentally the first day of my period and I fell Pregnant that cycle.
-the doctor said once you remove implanon your able to concieve the following 2days it all depends on your body it may take more.
-so appereantly its really fast to consieve after implanon removel. except that since we werent realeasing eggs for a while your body may realease more than one egg. lol but yes i got pregnant after implanon removal after 4/5 weeks.
good luck and somthing similar happened with my friend. it took her 2 weeks to get pregnant after removal and shes having triplets!
-I had an implanon in for about 2 years before i had my daughter, after it was taken out i was pregnant 7 days later!
-I had mine out two weeks ago and my doc said you COULD ovulate within 6 hours of it been takenout. we had sex that night and as the sperm is in there you should keep ur legs up for 10 mins to make sure all of the swimmers can make it. sperm can stay in the uterus for up to 4 days. I had a blood test done because my last one i didnt find out until i was 10 weeks. and guess hwat.. PREGNANT!!!
So it looks like it's very possible to conceive immediately after removal which is exciting. I had seen so many more stories saying it took several months. I also saw several comments about waiting until you've had the implant out for 4 weeks before taking a HPT but I don't think I can wait that long haha. I want a 2ww, not a 4ww!