I had a lap dye done the end of feb 2011 and it wasnt nice and quite painful after with bleeding but well worth it as i conceived a few days after it
we had been trying for nearly 3 years so it was a complete shock
I was one day late due on 16th march and im not sure what made me get a test the next day because i had completely stopped abscessing with buying a test as i would always feel so gutted looking at a negative
, but i did and went home did it a few hours later and only looked at the test for about 5 seconds and thought nope its negative and left it in the bathroom, about 4 hours later i thought must put that all in the bin so as i picked it up it caught my eye 2 lines
i nearly passed out one was very faint but defo there , i called hubby and he wasnt sure because i said how faint it was so told me to do another in the morning and it came out the same 2 lines one faint this one fainter :/ so we took it as i was took a sample to the doctors and told friends and family, later on that day the doc called and said it was negative wtf!!! i i new it was wrong hubby was a little stressed so we went and spent a small fortune on clear blue tests and all thank god positive and strong lines very clear
so we took 5 in all to the doctors and showed them and they said they wouldnt pass my notes to the midwife until they did a positive test with me ggrrrrr.... so a week later i went back and yes it was positive and i was told NEVER TRUST A DOCTORS PREGNANCY TEST BY THE PRACTISE MANAGER AND NURSE . I am now waiting for my dating scan on the 16th of may
so it is possible and i wish you all luck and hope
x x x