I have 2D and 3D pictures from my private scan at 16 weeks. I will include the link, but I just bumped the thread too.
In my case, I'm having a girl... The place I went to specialized in 3D ultrasounds, but they did gender determination in 2D. The 2D potty shot was very clearly girl according to the tech and my own experience with girl ultrasounds. However, the 3D portion of the scan had me a little weird. Things definitely did look swollen down there, and after I posted the pictures on FB (without announcing the gender), I had someone ask if one of the swollen bits was a penis. I was so worried the elective ultrasound has been wrong after that. I'd never had gender confirmed so early before, and I kept hearing horror stories about people getting it wrong.
Thankfully, I've since had it confirmed twice that we're 100% having a girl. I'm sure I will be asking them to check again at my next scan in a couple weeks, though. I honestly don't think I'll completely believe it until she's born and I see her bits for myself. LOL
Link to my thread: