Anyone heard/had a labour like mine? **update baby here, read pg3 if same situation**


Sam and Adélie-Rose's Mum
Nov 9, 2008
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Hi, I'm at my wits end really. I went into early labour about 3:00am on Sunday (nearly 40 hours ago). I went straight into cramps in the back, tummy every 3 minutes, quite painful so went to labour and delivery and confirmed I was in early stages. Told to go home thank god and wait it out. Lost my plug, a lot of it, still losing little bits now. Anyway I've had contraction now getting stronger as the days go by but not getting closer. They are just random 8 minutes for a few hours, then go to 6 minutes for an hour (just to tease me some at 5), then go to 14 minutes, then back to regular 8 etc!!! :saywhat: The pain is excruciating in the contractions, so I'm sure they aren't BH, and needless to say I haven't had any sleep in 48 hours because they come regardless. The pain is now also in my hips as well as my tummy and back and this is by far the most painful part (the hips). They come more regularly when I sit down and a warm bath and a walk slowed them back down. My husband and I are so confused as to what' going on and when we might finally see our baby. L and D don't want me back in until I'm regular 5 minutes. AHHHHHH

Has anyone heard of or had a similar labour to mine? When can I finally expect things to happen do you think?
i m 35 weeks...feeling such things but not so intense....good luck for u and ur baby....:hugs:
I think I would insist the hospital do something at this poing. You have been doing this for over a day now and something doesn't seem right. It almost sounds like they should give you potocin to help with regular contractions.

Hun, I'm so sorry you are going through this. Everytime I log on, I hope to see that you have been admitted to the hospital. This just isn't fair to you. :hugs:
I don't know what kind of MW you have hun but ours have told us, if we're in labour at home, that if a comm MW is in our area they'll pop in just to see how we're doing. I know it doesn't help tonight but maybe worth a call to your MW in the morning?
Oh hun i'm so sorry this is my first so i really cannot help at all, but i really hope someone comes along soon who can give you some advise. It must be soooo frustrating!! can u not call ur community midwife and ask her what you might be able to do to speed things along a bit? huge hugs :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:
My labour with Sam was 49 hours because the contractions got close together and long very quickly (thought I was ready to go to hospital after about 10 hours) but then stayed 3-8 minutes apart and lasting well over a minute for over 24 hours. I was in excruciating pain too - definitely not BHs. I was lucky as I'd been booed for an induction so they asked me to go in to be monitored anyway, and decided to keep me even though I was only 3cm dilated (after about 40 hours). Things did finally get going for me then though - I hope they do for you soon too :hugs: x
last sunday (16th) i was getting contractions 15mins apart regular. by tuesday they were 7mins apart regular and MW was convinced i was in early labour and LO would be here by wed morning! thursady they were 3-5mins apart and i went to day unit who were also convinced early labour, i was in total agony but they wernt "majorly strong". day unit said to go home and see what happened - ring delivery if got worse. friday was worse and rang delvery who told me "i wasnt in labour they were BH, take 2 paracetamol".

now BH dont get more painful, these are. BH dont get closer together, these are. BH ease upon moving these dont. i have been like this 8days now ad hosp still wont see me. i am getting 3-4 in 10mins regular and have done for 2days. most of pain is in my back so their machine wont pick it up.

hope you get sorted sooner than i have. x
Thanks ladies, I'm so scared this is false labour and I just can't handle it. I'm in tears most of the time. I have my usual community MW appointment tomorrow so hopefully she can do something for me but not looking forward to sitting in the waiting room contracting BH or not! I might phone L and D again later if they come on regular again, currently they are 7 1/2 mins... again!
My mother was in active labor for over 18 hours. She said that hers started out like yours. She had back labor. When I told her I was going natural or was going to try to, she said "yah right."


I hope you feel better soon and have a lovely baby in your arms!
If i were you i would insist on going on (I'm a true scardy pants however!). My hospital notes from my ante natal class on 'when to attend hospital' states if the pain is getting hard to handle then go in. Really hope you're ok poor thing, must be awful. Sorry not much help either, thinking of you though. x:hugs:
So sorry to hear you are having such a frustrating and painful time - I hope things progress quickly for you or you get some help/answers tomorrow
Awww :hugs: I've no clue I'm afraid, but I hope things happen quickly for you - I would keep on at them until they let you go in and look after you :hugs:
omg - huge hugs!!!!! maybe they could give you gelsto help speed things? that's what they were going to do with me when i was in early labour, so it must do something. or could the break your waters? do you have someone to advocate for you - you must be exhausted!!!!!!

huge hugs!!!
Oh petal, I am so sorry to hear you're having a tough time.
Whilst I've not had a labour as long as yours, when I had my 2nd, although the whole thing lasted only 2.5hrs I had pains very similar to what you're describing, right from the off. The contractions were only every 10 mins but the pain was unbelievable. I went to the labour ward regardless of what they said because I needed help with the pain. When I got there I was 7cm dilated and got straight on the gas and air, it was bliss. They broke my waters for me when I got to 9cm.. until that point, my contractions never got closer together than 7mins, then they were suddenly all merging together.

If you are struggling with the pain, coupled with the fact you havent slept for so long, I'd be tempted either to lie and say they are coming every 5 mins, or just insist that you need to be checked over.

I hope things pick up for you soon and you get to meet your baby xx
Hope it doesn't last much longer and you have baby soon:)
Oh pip im so sorry that your having such a horrible time hon!
My first labour was sheer hell 52 hours but as my watrers were trickling and bloody i was in hosp so i had some pain relief i really think a shot of pethadine would help you now just so you can get some sleep ready for active labour xxxx
really sorry your having such a rough time of it, will keep my fingers crossed that it gets lots better for you soon
Thanks girls still no better in fact worse and they told my husband earlier to take paracetomol and a bath. Seriously I think they are having a laugh. I'm going to trytalking to them in a minute I think.
So sorry what you are going through *hugs*. With my DD I was in labor for 95 3/4 hours in total... I had contractions that were about 5 min the whole way through but didn't get regular enough for them to admit me. I finally went in sobbing after the first 3 days and said that I NEEDED to have something for me to get some sleep. They gave me a shot of morphine and let me try and have a sleep there. I managed to sleep/rest for a few hours and went from 3cm to 7cm between midnight to 8am. Then I was still sort of stuck at the 7cm mark but they finally gave me pitocin at about 1pm the next day and Kayley was born buy 3:43. Try and go in and get something at least to help you sleep as being exhausted is just going to slow everything down and if it carries on too long demand pitocin lol. I truly believe if I had been given pitocin just a bit earlier it would have saved me a ton of agony.
My sister was in labour like this for about 5 days before the contractions became regular and closer together. I know it's hard but try and think of it as your body is just trying to get the baby into a good position for the birth.

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