Hi Ladies, hope you are all well
Lots going on with me.. have doctors appts here there and everywhere. Unfortunately I came up positive for gestational diabetes so I am on a whole new diet at the moment. Its not to bad so far, just no soft drink, chocolate, cake or take away etc for the next 6 months :/ and I have to check my blood sugar 4 times a day. So far I am ok to be diet controlled, fingers crossed I dont need insulin later on. My baby will definitely not come after 38 weeks, they will induce me around this time. Its funny though I am 5 foot 8 and 80 kgs so I am not huge and I have hardly had sugar since I've been pregnant, I really didn't think it would come back positive.
And tomorrow I have an appt at the heart center to be fitted for a 24 hr blood pressure monitor... fingers crossed I come out of that ok its all very overwhelming for me at the moment.
And I turned 30 on Wednesday
I've booked in for a gender scan on the 23rd of this month eeeek cant wait.... I'll be just over 16 weeks then
Hope you are all well
Thanks girls.
Nah definitely doesn't have anything to do with weight and diet... but for some reason you trick yourself into thinking you are ok. You never think it could be you. If that makes sense.
My hospital automatically classes IVF pregnancies as high risk so she wanted me to do the Glucose test now and at 28 weeks. Glad we did it now so I know to watch what I eat and exercise more
Farrar... hope your morning sickness doesn't get too bad. I found that really cold soda water helped me a lot
I have a feeling its a boy I've done the bicarb test a couple of times and its fizzed haha so I think that is why
Aww you poor thing with the glucose test :/ I have heard a few people dont get through it easily.. I was fine, maybe that is why I am positive.
I did the overnight fast, with a fasting blood test then 1 hour and 2 hour blood test. I failed pretty bad. My readings at home arent too bad but I am watching what I eat and walking so that could be helping.
How are you feeling Jillie?