So AF is not here yet. I don't know why. I don't know if it could because my diet changed but I need her to be here because I need to start my process. I usually get my period on the 2nd but last month it came on the 4th so I figured it would be one the 4th this month. This cycle right now is 34 days. my longest cycle since I have been TTC was 41 days because an antibiotic messed it up. Should I call my fertility Specialist or just wait it out?
Going by the date isn't the best way to predict AF since each month is a different length and ovulation can change for loads of different reasons. I'd wait a bit longer yet before you call you fertility doc. It might be worth testing though.
Raz - so sorry. I definitely know how you feel .. my first IVF resulted in a BFN also so if you need to talk you can PM me anytime!
Pnuts - I would wait a little while longer however, it's not going to hurt to call them and let them know. If I'm 2-3 days late I normally call just to let them know but I'm also being monitored and stimmed like crazy soo ... do what makes you feel most comfortable.
Wanna - I already said congrats on your journal and our other thread but congrats again! So happy for you, can't wait to hear your second beta results!
AFM - it's rainy and nasty in NYC and it's supposed to be for the next 4-5 days ... yay! NOT! I hate the rain, would much rather have snow especially since it's really cold. But that's just me so ... yehp that's all for me. Just waiting to get my period so I can start my next cycle orrrrrrrrrr I'm waiting to get that in between stim cycles natural BFP! Wouldn't that be awesome?! That stuff never happens to me though!
I hope you're all doing well and getting ready for the holiday's! They're coming so fast!
Ash - I know what you are saying...though I am inbetween IUI cycles and you are between IVF cycles....we are both feeling the same way about that miraculous natural bfp.....hahaha...well af is due for me on Monday what about you?
TTC - we can dream right?! It does happen to people, I do see it on here but I'm just normally not one of those people! Plus, I don't think we've been having enough sex to catch it so .. oh well! I can still hope! Wow, AF is so close for you, I WISH mine was that close. AF for me isn't due until December 19th or 20th! Such a long way to go!
My HCG blood beta results from yesterday are 365!!! The nurse told me those numbers were healthy and normal for where I am in my pregnancy.
I am wondering if maybe it is just one baby now because I thought it would be higher if it was more than one at this point, but I am not totally sure though.
My fertility office wants me to get an ultrasound next week some time and they wanted me to come into the office there but I am 6 hours away so I need to find a local OB dr close to home and start seeing someone soon. My fertility office can just write me a request and I could just go get scanned any place that would do it if I need to but I prefer to find an OB DR sooner than later if possible. I have a few referrals of a couple of names of DR's and I want to research them this weekend and pick someone in network with my health insurance. So it looks like I will be getting an early scan. I think it is good and bad to be scanned real early in a way, good because hopefully I can find out how many babies I am carrying, bad because I know if it is too early the DR can't always see much and than this can cause stress not knowing what is going on in there... But hopefully keeping the PMA up the scan will give me piece of mind and show me that everything is okay in there and show how many embryos implanted.
I don't think femera worked I took an opk yesterday it was negative...then took one this morning it errored...and took one a little bit ago and it looks lighter than the one yesterday I'm on cd11...and I use the digital tests...I just don't get it! Ive been feeling sick the past day or stomach hurting and feel like ill get sick...dunno why..had trouble sleeping last night...I hate ttc...I go in Tuesday to see if my follicles are good...but I doubt ill get good news
It could be that you had a really short surge and you missed it with the testing, that or it hasn't happened yet. I hope you get good news at your scan.
AFM - I have my appointment for bloods and a scan in about an hour and a half. Really hope they can tell me what's going on and why AF is so late.
Well that was unexpected. Blood test shows that I've ovulated. The spotting I had must've been my period. I've to expect a period in 7-10 days. We only DTD once so I don't think we're in with any chance at all. I need to have a look at my chart and update it.
I don't ovulate on my own. I haven't been on medications and my period have always come on the 2nd for the last year. I am waiting until this tuesday then I will call them.
You have regular cycles but don't ovulate on your own? That's unusual. I hope they tested you properly and didn't just test on cd21. I hope you get some answers from your clinic.
Ive heard of ppl not ovulating on their own and still having a period I just read it when I looked up annovulatory on google ...usually ppl that have irregular cycles or no periods are the ones that dont ovulate...but it can happen to those that have regular cycles. good luck Hun! Hope you get some answers
Ash - Oh I know you are right...we can wish....My temp is plummeting so I think af will be here for me tomorrow.
Ickle - wow what a shocker that is....sso you oved on cd8....that is really early...did they have any explanation for that?
Sugarpi - Ickle is right...I have a very short surge and will def. miss it if I dont test twice a day. Also it is a bit early to have a surge right? I usually dont surge until cd 13 on femara but that is just me.
9I have no clue I figured it was early...but they said to start using opks at cd10...@so I did just seems to be getting lighter... but I guess we will see. Thanks ttcbaby
Don't take my chart too literally - I made up a start date from the heaviest day of spotting but I've really no idea when cd1 was. I think the ov day is pretty accurate though because I think that the high estradiol level I had on the 30th was the pre-ov peak. Needless to say I won't be including this chart in my stats lol!
I think that if you're having regular period then your body must be trying to ov but not quite getting there which is good. I've heard of some women having cycles that last 100+ days. That would drive me insane!
ETA - I've tweaked my chart slightly so that it's more realistic now. Still the same DPO but I've taken off the override I had for last months ov and I've moved AF to my usual LP length.
Good luck with ur scan wannabe I hope they do see something but try not to worry if they don't cos it is still early xx
Thanks fisher all is going well and I'm having weekly scans at the minute to make sure all is ok, it's really nice cos were getting to see it grow and last week we saw it moving for the first time and it waved at us �� xx
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