Hi ladies!!! Been very busy and forgot to post the new event
Didn't see much of Sandy since I'm in Toronto, but I know some areas were affected a bit, but nothing scary.
I'm glad the acupuncture is having a good effect on you. It is amazing how much it is relaxing. My whole mood changed.
So the news: after 4 rounds of acupuncture, we noticed a small change. Apparently I had chemical pregnancy for the first time. I don't think it ever happened before (or maybe it did but I never noticed). I really thought I wasn't able to conceive at all. I think I'm very close
I know for some of you it's not a big deal, but for somebody that never conceived before- it's a big thing
On 11dpo I had just a little bit of blood on the toilet paper- which turned out to be implantation spotting, but than on 14dpo I got my period (right on time) which was totally different from any period I ever had. First started with a clump falling out of me (half inch), then my heavy flow, and pain around my uterus with a lot of cramps (I never have painful periods, only lower backache). So now on CD3 no pain anywhere.
The acupuncturist told me I definitely have implantation problems, so he gave me some pills to take to clean up the uterus from stagnant blood. Then he gave me another pills to start taking on CD3 to strengthen the ovaries. He taught my husband how to massage (it's more lifting up) my spine in order help the circulation. Wherever I have problem on the spine, that part is very painful, but with time we noticed I scream less
)) meaning it's not that painful anymore as the blood starts to flow normally in those areas.
I'm becoming more and more confidant in traditional medicine than the western.