The scan started out terrible. There were 2 students, the physician's assistant and the sonographer in there. I told her when I went in that I already knew something was wrong but that I should be 8 weeks. She stuck the wand in me and said oh no...see that's where the sac the students and the assistant were all comforting me and saying they were sorry. I wanted to cry but since I already felt something was wrong I held it in. She moved the wand around again and said Oh look....there's the sac. It's way high in the uterus. (I thought she already knew that based on my other scans!) I said- yeah, but there's no baby or heartbeat is there. She said oh yes there is...look. So I finally looked and could not believe my eyes. There it was- strong as everything!!! So I asked- what is this gray stuff I have been passing over the past week? Long story short- they did an exam and evidently the progesterone I am on coils up in the hoo hoo and when it comes out can take on all kinds of weird colors and look like tissue. OMG....someone could have WARNED me about that don't ya think????