Hello there! I am totally new to all of this but was really pleased to see your post! I'm 7.5 weeks pg and am on Cyclogest. I too have sore boobs - on and off, sicky feeling but never sick and sproadic bouts of severe tiredness. I was feeling really anxious that maybe it had stopped growing or I wasn't really pregnant....even though we had a scan at 6 weeks and saw a grain of rice with a strong heart beat! No cramps or spottting at all. I think progesterone may take the edge of the HCG or as we are all on progesterone i'm guessing many have been through a lot to get here and maybe our bodies are just better at dealing with all the extra chemicals weve pumped in over the years...eg clomid, IVF etc! Whatever the reason im sure this is probably better than been physically sick!
A little bit about me.... first time pregnant in 4 years of TTC. Clomid failed, IVF failed cycle 1, then I started cycle 2 of IVF, did the first round of injections...for 19 days and still no period. Turns out I got pregnant naturally about 7 days after starting IVF! Whilst mountain climbing and drinking wine in france, how wonderfully random. So now i'm terrified that at any moment it will go away, and not having many symptoms doesn't make me feel better!
Phew...feel better after getting that off my chest! Fingers crosed for everyone xxx