Anyone planning not to be induced?


Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2012
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The closer I get to my due date the more I'm thinking of my options at 42 weeks and the more I know I really do not want to be induced nor do I want another section (DS was a EMCS so I have the option of a section instead of induction).

Is anyone else planning to go past 42 weeks if baby hasn't arrived? Or does anyone have any experiences of it?
There are lots of good post-42 week birthing stories online. Check out the Birth without Fear blog ( And while risks of complications increase, they are low to begin with. Although monitoring is recommended to ensure placental health.

That being said I don't think I have the patience to go beyond 42 weeks.
Hoping not to go that far but we are so far not choosing induction.... :) I am also a VBAC with diet and exercise controlled GD.
Id avoid being induced at all costs... its makes the labor really painful and instense and usually leads to C section.

That being said, my friend went over 42 weeks and amid her frantic nurses pressuring her into inducing, she stuck to trusting her body. And lo and behold, she did eventually go into labor, and the baby was born just fine.. vernix and everything. and then the nurse had the gall to say 'Oh, the baby is just perfect, you must have had your dates wrong!' wow lol so the nurse couldnt have come up with that explanation BEFORE they were trying to induce her?
I do not want to be induced, thought alone makes me cringe up and feel stressed out.

I will however accept sweeps.
My doctor will not allow me to be induced at all since I am attempting a VBAC. She said that the medicines used for inductions can soften the scar tissue and increase the risk of rupture. So now I'm just impatiently waiting for labor to start. She said she would allow me to go just past 41 weeks. I don't want a csection so hopin labor starts on it's own!
I had a wonderful induction that did NOT lead to csection - I had a great induction, and am hoping to be induced again.

Not all inductions are terrible!!
My doctor will not allow me to be induced at all since I am attempting a VBAC. She said that the medicines used for inductions can soften the scar tissue and increase the risk of rupture. So now I'm just impatiently waiting for labor to start. She said she would allow me to go just past 41 weeks. I don't want a csection so hopin labor starts on it's own!

It's funny how things work differently depending on where you live. Despite my previous section, I will be offered an "normal" induction (or a section) at 42 weeks which is just the same as anyone else in my area would be.
My doctor will not allow me to be induced at all since I am attempting a VBAC. She said that the medicines used for inductions can soften the scar tissue and increase the risk of rupture. So now I'm just impatiently waiting for labor to start. She said she would allow me to go just past 41 weeks. I don't want a csection so hopin labor starts on it's own!

It's funny how things work differently depending on where you live. Despite my previous section, I will be offered an "normal" induction (or a section) at 42 weeks which is just the same as anyone else in my area would be.

My doctor did mention that if my cervix was "extremely favorable" they could still offer me an induction. However they will not attempt it otherwise so maybe that's the difference.
I refused induction (although my midwife didn't want to do it either) with #2 and had him at almost 42 weeks. I'm glad I did. Induction SUCKS, I found it horrible. Natural labour was less painful. Zero regrets.
I refused induction (although my midwife didn't want to do it either) with #2 and had him at almost 42 weeks. I'm glad I did. Induction SUCKS, I found it horrible. Natural labour was less painful. Zero regrets.

Did you have any sweeps? DS was 10 days late and that was with three sweeps but I don't want any sweeps this time as I found them awful (wimp? :haha:) and I want things to happen completely in their own time.
I refused induction (although my midwife didn't want to do it either) with #2 and had him at almost 42 weeks. I'm glad I did. Induction SUCKS, I found it horrible. Natural labour was less painful. Zero regrets.

Did you have any sweeps? DS was 10 days late and that was with three sweeps but I don't want any sweeps this time as I found them awful (wimp? :haha:) and I want things to happen completely in their own time.

Nah! I was scheduled to do so the day he was born but luckily I missed my appointment ;)
I was induced with my first. Water had been broken for over 18 hours with Jo contractions in sight. There was no other choice, I couldn't wait any longer, she already had to go to nicu, where water had been broken so long.

Induction wasn't terrible in the slightest and I had fine vaginal birth. No c-section , wasn't even considered.
Isnt pitocin an induction medication? Ive had two babies where my water broke but they had to give me pitocin to speed up the contractions... Is this the same as being induced?
Id avoid being induced at all costs... its makes the labor really painful and instense and usually leads to C section.

ACK please don't go throwing out misinformation and freak people out! Induction does NOT usually lead to a c-section. Does it increase your risk a little? Yes. It's actually 23% chance. Higher than going into labor naturally? Yes it is. But certainly doesn't usually lead to one. I just can't take fear-mongering. :winkwink:
This is my first pregnancy. I am hoping to avoid sections and inductions at all costs.
Id avoid being induced at all costs... its makes the labor really painful and intense and usually leads to C section.

ACK please don't go throwing out misinformation and freak people out! Induction does NOT usually lead to a c-section. Does it increase your risk a little? Yes. It's actually 23% chance. Higher than going into labor naturally? Yes it is. But certainly doesn't usually lead to one. I just can't take fear-mongering. :winkwink:

Sorry, I knew I should've added my sources... I stick by what I said... Avoid getting induced at all costs!! And it's not fear-mongering, nor misinformation. Perhaps if more women actually did research on their own rather than collecting opinions on these threads, they'd be more informed.
So yes, this information may disagree with your personal opinion/experiences, but it is still valid information!!
There are very very few valid reasons for inducing labor, most of them dealing with emergencies or rare circumstances.
Convenience is not one of them.
Id avoid being induced at all costs... its makes the labor really painful and intense and usually leads to C section.

ACK please don't go throwing out misinformation and freak people out! Induction does NOT usually lead to a c-section. Does it increase your risk a little? Yes. It's actually 23% chance. Higher than going into labor naturally? Yes it is. But certainly doesn't usually lead to one. I just can't take fear-mongering. :winkwink:

Sorry, I knew I should've added my sources... I stick by what I said... Avoid getting induced at all costs!! And it's not fear-mongering, nor misinformation. Perhaps if more women actually did research on their own rather than collecting opinions on these threads, they'd be more informed.
So yes, this information may disagree with your personal opinion/experiences, but it is still valid information!!
There are very very few valid reasons for inducing labor, most of them dealing with emergencies or rare circumstances.
Convenience is not one of them.
She was never disputing that there were risks to being induced.

She disputed the statement that it usual leads to c-section. And she is correct in disputing that.

There are certainly risks to induction, no one denies that. But does it usually lead to c-section? No. It increases your risk of needing one yes.
Id avoid being induced at all costs... its makes the labor really painful and intense and usually leads to C section.

ACK please don't go throwing out misinformation and freak people out! Induction does NOT usually lead to a c-section. Does it increase your risk a little? Yes. It's actually 23% chance. Higher than going into labor naturally? Yes it is. But certainly doesn't usually lead to one. I just can't take fear-mongering. :winkwink:

Sorry, I knew I should've added my sources... I stick by what I said... Avoid getting induced at all costs!! And it's not fear-mongering, nor misinformation. Perhaps if more women actually did research on their own rather than collecting opinions on these threads, they'd be more informed.
So yes, this information may disagree with your personal opinion/experiences, but it is still valid information!!
There are very very few valid reasons for inducing labor, most of them dealing with emergencies or rare circumstances.
Convenience is not one of them.
She was never disputing that there were risks to being induced.

She disputed the statement that it usual leads to c-section. And she is correct in disputing that.

There are certainly risks to induction, no one denies that. But does it usually lead to c-section? No. It increases your risk of needing one yes.

Exactly. I admitted that being induced (at least with first baby) has a higher risk of leading to c-section. However, it does not USUALLY lead to c-section, and that's just reality
'Usually' is pretty qualitative.. anything over over a 50% chance is going to be 'usually' to me (regular rate of c section being 33%, and an additional 24% as she quoted) thats about a 60% likelihood of having a c-section.. as thats more than a 1 in 2 chance, I'd say that qualifies as 'usually' and 'likely'

please see: Side effects of common labor interventions
Current research suggests that some labor interventions make a c-section more likely. For example, labor induction among first-time mothers and/or when the cervix is not soft and ready to open appears to increase the likelihood of cesarean birth. Continuous electronic fetal monitoring has been associated with greater likelihood of a cesarean. Having an epidural early in labor with or without a high-dose boost of synthetic oxytocin ("Pitocin") seems to increase the likelihood of a c-section, and epidural analgesia appears to increase the likelihood of cesareans performed in response to "fetal distress."


I'd like to see the absolute questionless faith and trust people place in the medical industry to not be treated in such a cavalier fashion. At least 'fear mongering' gets people to ask questions and start finding things out for themselves rather than being lulled into false security by whatever their doctors tell them.
How about rather than nit-picking everything on these posts, you do a little research on your own???

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