Anyone planning on having an elective cesarian?


Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2010
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Hi, with my DD I had to be induced as my waters were leaking for about a week, they kept sending me away then realised they actually were leaking! So I was in labour around 18 hours (and still only a few cms dilated) and then LOs heart rate kept dropping so I ended up having an emergency section, turns out the cord was around her neck. I was on all sorts of drugs for me (I had the flu Aswell!) And lo to make sure she didn't catch an infection from waters leaking so I felt out of it by the time she was born, I feel like I didn't really bond with her at first and this also affected me breast feeding her which I regret more than anything so I really want to breast feed this time. So really not a good experience. So now that im pregnant again I really don't want that happening all over again and im quite worried about it so im wondering if I asked to have an elective ceserian this time round would I be allowed? Also who would I talk to about this? The midwife or doctor? We have just moved from the uk to Germany so also worrying about this.
For anyone that has chosen an elective cesarian, what are your reasons for this?
I'm having one.

I had pre eclampsia with my daughter and a failed induction.

I saw my midwife today at my 12 week appointment, she said it's my choice, and they will support me in either, I. Under a consultant because of my last pregnancy and will see him Thursday, she said he'll discuss it with me, and will book it around 36 weeks xx
I had one after numerous people advised me against it. Just went with my gut, turns out DD was born with malrotation of the midgut and viral meningitis. None onf which we knew before the birth. There was something wrong with my placenta as well.

I will definitely have another planned c-section and also plan to breastfeed this time. Did with my DD for a week and then they stopped me since she was on iv.
I am having another csection-but only because I ended up with a vertical section last time...which means I'm not allowed to attempt a VBAC (higher risk of uterine rupture than with a regular csection).
Personally if I HAD a choice I would have a VBAC...every pregnancy and birth are totally different. First babies are usually the hardest...with baby #2+ , you usually progress much faster, and an easier delivery. With my first baby, I had a horrible time, forcep delivery..(Almost csection) with my daughter(baby #2), I went into labour naturally, but she flipped breech last minute so I ended up with a csection. SO all that to say, do what you feel is comfortable but just know that induction, medication, etc slows down the labour process and makes it harder, so if you can tough it out and allow a midwife to assist you, it may end up being a great experience.
The most important part of labor and deliver is that mother and baby both stay healthy. I think this can get lost in a woman's determination for a certain type of delivery.

As this is my first, I am going to try for a natural delivery. We will see what happens as events come.

If I had your history I would probably ask for a c-section as well. Especially if attempting a vaginal delivery will cause more stress and anxiety. I am sure your midwife and doctor will support you. The only opinion that really matters though, is yours.
The most important part of labor and deliver is that mother and baby both stay healthy. I think this can get lost in a woman's determination for a certain type of delivery.

As this is my first, I am going to try for a natural delivery. We will see what happens as events come.

If I had your history I would probably ask for a c-section as well. Especially if attempting a vaginal delivery will cause more stress and anxiety. I am sure your midwife and doctor will support you. The only opinion that really matters though, is yours.

Yes definately very important to keep mom and baby safe...but unfortunately there is increasing numbers of csections, and a lot of it has to do with medical interventions. In the event of the OP a csection was a good thing...for me personally having my 3rd baby now, I'm well aware of the effects of medical intervention like pitocin, induction etc. It can cause issues, and doctors push for these procedures much sooner than needed. I know from first hand experience with my other 2 children. To the OP you need to do what best suits you...and what you are comfortable with...but also keep in mind women have successful VBAC's all the time...if you speak with a midwife about all your options and concerns, she will give you a good honest opinion. A medical doctor usually opts for a csection as its easier for them.
I want to ask for a c-section, the only thing stopping me is worrying about my daughter and looking after her and the baby. ATM she is a TOTAL Mummy's girl (and yes I love it) but I already feel guilty about bringing a baby into her world - not sure how she'll handle it if I am in hospital for days afterwards. OH wants me to have a c-section because it was so traumatic for me too...

I had a very traumatic first birth, similar to OP - it really affected me, I only started enjoying / relaxing being a mum when my daughter turned 5 months. I also took a long time to heal as my stitches fell out - and they wouldn't restitch...

I must be mad to be here again....
It depends why you had a c section if your pelvis was to small

I had my booking last week and I had an emergency c section with my daughter !

My midwife didn't mention anything about elective she actually said you will be trying for a vbac which is what I want anyway there's loads more risks with a c section !! X
The most important part of labor and deliver is that mother and baby both stay healthy. I think this can get lost in a woman's determination for a certain type of delivery.

As this is my first, I am going to try for a natural delivery. We will see what happens as events come.

If I had your history I would probably ask for a c-section as well. Especially if attempting a vaginal delivery will cause more stress and anxiety. I am sure your midwife and doctor will support you. The only opinion that really matters though, is yours.

Yes definately very important to keep mom and baby safe...but unfortunately there is increasing numbers of csections, and a lot of it has to do with medical interventions. In the event of the OP a csection was a good thing...for me personally having my 3rd baby now, I'm well aware of the effects of medical intervention like pitocin, induction etc. It can cause issues, and doctors push for these procedures much sooner than needed. I know from first hand experience with my other 2 children. To the OP you need to do what best suits you...and what you are comfortable with...but also keep in mind women have successful VBAC's all the time...if you speak with a midwife about all your options and concerns, she will give you a good honest opinion. A medical doctor usually opts for a csection as its easier for them.

You are completely correct, that we need to know when to say yes and when to say no. When I was a doula it was my job to advocate for the mother as doctors tried to push pitocin, c-section etc when it was not needed. However, the real danger came when these things were needed and women refused. These were the worst cases - trying to get a mother to understand that w/out intervention she and/or baby would not survive. I used to be determined to have a natural delivery. After what I have seen I will set up a birthing plan with my doctor and doula but safety will come first. If and when the time comes to change that plan I will not hesitate.
I will be. With my son at 38weeks I had a placental abruption and started bleeding huge cl
I will be. With my son at 38weeks I had a placental abruption and started bleeding huge clots/ balls of blood, the huge amount of water/ blood loss caused cord compression.
When they opened me up they said placenta was very damaged and calcified and a sudden spike in my Bp (which had been borderline dangerous through my pregnancy) had caused 2 clots the size of tennis balls to form behind an already weak placenta and rip it off the wall. I got to hospital and went straight into a cs and blood transfusions under general anaesthetic so was asleep baby's first day!
They told me if I'd lived more than 10 min from hospital I'd have bled out on the way.
hopeful- golly gosh glad u was okay !!! hope your BP is normal this time xx
Me too but ill prob ask to be put on Bp meds.
Last time my Bp was hovering around 142/90 and they wrote on my notes if it got to 150/100 to start meds. 2 days before the abruption it was down to 130/75 and they said it had resolved itself and I'd be fine. When the PA happened I wasn't doing anything strenuous or stressful it was a Sunday and we were just watching a movie. So things can go from fine to not fine in no time!
I'm kind of in two minds. With my first I had an emergency section only because I didn't get any further than 1cm in three days on induction. The surgeon said his head was too big and if I were to have another boy, to re think and have a planned section. Although this doesn't make sense to me as girls can have big heads too!! So I might try a VBAC if I go into labour naturally, but have a back up of a planned section should thy want to induce me.
I am not decided yet but DH wants me to have an elective. With DS1, I was admitted at 40+5 with pre eclampsia and they started to induce me. Induction lasted 5 days and I was examined god knows how many times, given a propess 5 separate times as well as gel. I was in awful pain the whole time and barely slept whilst I was there. Then on the fifth day, I was taken to delivery suite to have my waters broken and just as the midwife was about to break them, she stopped and said something didn't feel right. She then brought in a portable scanner and did an ultrasound and he was breach. I had been examined by at least 6 different midwives over the 5 days and not one of them had realised. I was then booked in for a c section later that day (this was 7am) as I was not an emergency. About 20 mins laters, I went into labour and had to be rushed into surgery. Luckily LO was fine but the whole experience took such a long time to get over.

I spent two further days in hospital on a ward with babies crying all night so by the time I got to go home, I was so tired I was literally crying. I breast fed for a few days afterwards but eventually gave up as I just wanted a full nights sleep. Giving up BF is one of my biggest regrets and I honestly think everything I went through just made it too hard.

So yeah, not really something I would want to repeat and DH doesn't either. The thought of being induced again fills me with dread but I would like to experience natural labour too. I am so determined to BF this time though and don't want to risk anything getting in the way or making it harder.

I thought they wouldn't induce if previous cs as risk of uterine rupture goes from 0.2% to 7-8% from the extra force of induced contractions vs real ones? That's why alot of women who want a vbac don't get one if they go overdue.
Yeah they will induce they must do since am an ivf pregnancy and i be having a vbac and they won't let me go over 40 weeks :)

It depends on the inducing method the drip on a high rate they can put them on a a slower rate too and give different drugs too induce x
Hope - your bp wasn't really that high then was it because it's 100- 145 anything over or under they worry x
I have done a lot of lot of Googling on whether I would be induced again and some of the answers seem to depend on how long ago the first section was and mine will have been 3.5 years by the time this LO is due. I suppose I may have the option to wait until my due date and if I don't go into labour, then opt for a section?

My mum is coming to stay with us when DH goes back to work after Pat Leave so I know I would have plenty of help whilst I recover but not being able to drive last time was a pain in the butt!

Leash - where abouts in West Yorkshire ya from close too me :) x

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