Anyone planning on NOT vaccinating your baby?

the anti vax people I do know do tell me they don't want it to cause autism...I get it drilled over and over from them so tell them to get it right ...not us.
Original question: is anyone NOT vaccinating your baby?

If you ARE vaccinating your baby..why are you here? I have read through the threads and have found some highly insulting language. I cannot believe the levels some people have stooped. It is awful.

Jenny McCarthy phenomenon? Give me a break!
Calling unvaccinated children threatening! Disgusting!
Calling parents who choose not to vaxx selfish and narrow minded. I cannot believe that no one has stepped in and said something...that is RUDE language.

Herd immunity has been shown not to work!

The best thing you can do for your herd is keep your immune system healthy...there are many more tricks in the bag other then vaccinating (which IMO is not a good one), what about eating healthy, breastfeeding, taking vitamins, getting sunshine, proper the herd!!

Another thing you can do for your herd is step away from it and reevaluate things...Bahh!

Like I have said many times before..we are all parents doing what we think is best for our children.
Original question: is anyone NOT vaccinating your baby?

If you ARE vaccinating your baby..why are you here? I have read through the threads and have found some highly insulting language. I cannot believe the levels some people have stooped. It is awful.

Jenny McCarthy phenomenon? Give me a break!
Calling unvaccinated children threatening! Disgusting!
Calling parents who choose not to vaxx selfish and narrow minded. I cannot believe that no one has stepped in and said something...that is RUDE language.

Herd immunity has been shown not to work!

The best thing you can do for your herd is keep your immune system healthy...there are many more tricks in the bag other then vaccinating (which IMO is not a good one), what about eating healthy, breastfeeding, taking vitamins, getting sunshine, proper the herd!!

Another thing you can do for your herd is step away from it and reevaluate things...Bahh!

Like I have said many times before..we are all parents doing what we think is best for our children.
Least I am not the only one who noticed it. Some people in here are just vile. And its for some reason totally acceptable. :shrug:
Original question: is anyone NOT vaccinating your baby?

If you ARE vaccinating your baby..why are you here? I have read through the threads and have found some highly insulting language. I cannot believe the levels some people have stooped. It is awful.

Jenny McCarthy phenomenon? Give me a break!
Calling unvaccinated children threatening! Disgusting!
Calling parents who choose not to vaxx selfish and narrow minded. I cannot believe that no one has stepped in and said something...that is RUDE language.

Herd immunity has been shown not to work!

The best thing you can do for your herd is keep your immune system healthy...there are many more tricks in the bag other then vaccinating (which IMO is not a good one), what about eating healthy, breastfeeding, taking vitamins, getting sunshine, proper the herd!!

Another thing you can do for your herd is step away from it and reevaluate things...Bahh!

Like I have said many times before..we are all parents doing what we think is best for our children.
Go ahead and do what's best for your children, but don't lie to yourself or others and claim that your actions don't affect the rest of us.

I find the level of baseless scientific claims made on here by certain people vile. Maybe someone should "step in":thumbup:
Its the whole rudeness, no other area of parenting is it acceptable to speak like some do in here about a parenting choice. I cant go around judging formula feeding woman, cio, vaxing parents because it wouldnt be acceptable. Different rules apply here then.

Not even nice to say poeple are lying to themselves when they do whats best for their kids like you do Piper.
Original question: is anyone NOT vaccinating your baby?

If you ARE vaccinating your baby..why are you here? I have read through the threads and have found some highly insulting language. I cannot believe the levels some people have stooped. It is awful.

Jenny McCarthy phenomenon? Give me a break!
Calling unvaccinated children threatening! Disgusting!
Calling parents who choose not to vaxx selfish and narrow minded. I cannot believe that no one has stepped in and said something...that is RUDE language.

Herd immunity has been shown not to work!

The best thing you can do for your herd is keep your immune system healthy...there are many more tricks in the bag other then vaccinating (which IMO is not a good one), what about eating healthy, breastfeeding, taking vitamins, getting sunshine, proper the herd!!

Another thing you can do for your herd is step away from it and reevaluate things...Bahh!

Like I have said many times before..we are all parents doing what we think is best for our children.

How has herd immunity been shown not to work? Its been shown to work very well over here - despite individual infections being brought in from abroad they haven't caused outbreaks of the disease because there has been enough people vaccinated to give the needed level of herd immunity.
You may be right, but the anti-vaccination minority should accept that their lifestyle choices affect others and will provoke a strong reaction.
I am neutral in that respect, not anti not pro. How your raise your kids on a whole effects society. That ones a can or worms so will keep on topic. Next time I see a topic I disagree with I shall use some phases from here and see how long I last.
I will always defend a parent's right to choose whether to vaccinate or not but I won't defend a false belief that their choices do not effect others.
For those moms who vax . . and this is an honest question, I'm truly not being rude . . would it be fair for us non-vaxxing parents to say that your vaccinated child effects our unvaccinated child and that your child is actually threatening our child as well? We all know vaccines aren't 100% effective, especially the whooping cough vaccine, so if your child came down with whooping cough during an outbreak and an unvaccinated child that is around your child came down with it shortly after your child did, would it be fair to say that your child actually threatened that child? Believe it or not, you vaccinating your child does effect unvaccinated children as well, and not always in the best way. EVERY one is able to spread these diseases and harbor them, not just unvaccinated children.

Furthermore, I'll reiterate again that the Jenny McCarthy issue is utter garbage. If there's a non-vax parent who decides to base their child's medical decisions on someone like that, fine, but don't group all of us non-vax parents into the same category. As I've said before, I'm extremely wary of getting my son vaccinated now more than ever after learning of his severe food allergies . . that has absolutely nothing to do with Jenny McCarthy's son having autism. What do you say to all those parents who have vaccine-injured children? Are they following this "Jenny McCarthy phenomenon" by choosing not to vaccinated their others simply because they are fearful of vaccines having the same effect on those children?
If you are upset by the content of the can always report it :flower:
For those moms who vax . . and this is an honest question, I'm truly not being rude . . would it be fair for us non-vaxxing parents to say that your vaccinated child effects our unvaccinated child and that your child is actually threatening our child as well? We all know vaccines aren't 100% effective, especially the whooping cough vaccine, so if your child came down with whooping cough during an outbreak and an unvaccinated child that is around your child came down with it shortly after your child did, would it be fair to say that your child actually threatened that child? Believe it or not, you vaccinating your child does effect unvaccinated children as well, and not always in the best way. EVERY one is able to spread these diseases and harbor them, not just unvaccinated children.

Furthermore, I'll reiterate again that the Jenny McCarthy issue is utter garbage. If there's a non-vax parent who decides to base their child's medical decisions on someone like that, fine, but don't group all of us non-vax parents into the same category. As I've said before, I'm extremely wary of getting my son vaccinated now more than ever after learning of his severe food allergies . . that has absolutely nothing to do with Jenny McCarthy's son having autism. What do you say to all those parents who have vaccine-injured children? Are they following this "Jenny McCarthy phenomenon" by choosing not to vaccinated their others simply because they are fearful of vaccines having the same effect on those children?

Any child, vaccinated or not, who falls ill (or carries without symptoms) threatens anyone they come into contact with, whether they are vaccinated or not. There is no denying that. However it is also true that vaccination provides a level of protection against contracting those diseases that not vaccinating does not provide.
For those moms who vax . . and this is an honest question, I'm truly not being rude . . would it be fair for us non-vaxxing parents to say that your vaccinated child effects our unvaccinated child and that your child is actually threatening our child as well? We all know vaccines aren't 100% effective, especially the whooping cough vaccine, so if your child came down with whooping cough during an outbreak and an unvaccinated child that is around your child came down with it shortly after your child did, would it be fair to say that your child actually threatened that child? Believe it or not, you vaccinating your child does effect unvaccinated children as well, and not always in the best way. EVERY one is able to spread these diseases and harbor them, not just unvaccinated children.
In the very unlikely event that my child came down with an illness against which he has been vaccinated, I would make sure he was kept away from others until the risk was over (I'd also expect the parents of unvaccinated children to keep their kids away during an outbreak). If he was harbouring the disease then it's highly likely it originally came from someone who is insufficiently vaccinated, so that person would be ultimately have been the threat, and not my child.
Furthermore, I'll reiterate again that the Jenny McCarthy issue is utter garbage. If there's a non-vax parent who decides to base their child's medical decisions on someone like that, fine, but don't group all of us non-vax parents into the same category. As I've said before, I'm extremely wary of getting my son vaccinated now more than ever after learning of his severe food allergies . . that has absolutely nothing to do with Jenny McCarthy's son having autism. What do you say to all those parents who have vaccine-injured children? Are they following this "Jenny McCarthy phenomenon" by choosing not to vaccinated their others simply because they are fearful of vaccines having the same effect on those children?
Where did anyone group all "non-vax" parents into the same category? I asked a simple question about what the motives behind not vaccinating are, and you turn it into that? Looks like someone's trying to be offended at all costs...

It's not exactly a long shot to suggest that the recent trend of anti-vaccination may have something to do with this woman's "activism" and a fear of autism, along with people like Oprah Winfrey, Jim Carrey, Mayim Bialik misusing their influence by spouting their pseudoscience, especially if you take a look at the amount of influence celebrities have on parents:
So yeah, unbelievably, a lot of parents may have been influenced by these people. The fact that they have nothing to do with your anti-vaccination beliefs is neither here nor there.
Just for the record, Jenny McCarthy, Oprah Winfrey, Jim Carrey, and/or Mayim Bialik have NOTHING to do with my decision to vaccinate or not vaccinate my children. I can't stand Oprah or Carrey, I have barely heard of Jenny and have no idea who she is, and have NEVER heard of Mayim (ETA: Oh, It's Amy Farrah Fowler!). But then, celebrities in general have very little, if any, influence on my beliefs and behaviors. Of course, I place little trust in the majority of medical professionals as well, but that's a different story.

My motives behind not vaccinating are that I feel it is the safest and healthiest choice, based on my research and personal experience, for my children. Everyone makes that decision for their children. Some people think about it a lot, some people think about it a little, but everyone makes that choice. Just because my choice is different than yours does not mean that I am stupid or misinformed, I have just weighed the risks and benefits and came to a different conclusion about my child's safety. I know that my decisions have the potential to effect other people, but my #1 responsibility is for the health and safety of my children, not other people's.

My mother's choice not to vaccinate me had no effect on others :shrug: Everyone saying that not vaccinating you children WILL affect others is not entirely accurate, they have the potential to have an effect on others, but it doesn't mean they will.
For those moms who vax . . and this is an honest question, I'm truly not being rude . . would it be fair for us non-vaxxing parents to say that your vaccinated child effects our unvaccinated child and that your child is actually threatening our child as well? We all know vaccines aren't 100% effective, especially the whooping cough vaccine, so if your child came down with whooping cough during an outbreak and an unvaccinated child that is around your child came down with it shortly after your child did, would it be fair to say that your child actually threatened that child? Believe it or not, you vaccinating your child does effect unvaccinated children as well, and not always in the best way. EVERY one is able to spread these diseases and harbor them, not just unvaccinated children.
In the very unlikely event that my child came down with an illness against which he has been vaccinated, I would make sure he was kept away from others until the risk was over (I'd also expect the parents of unvaccinated children to keep their kids away during an outbreak). If he was harbouring the disease then it's highly likely it originally came from someone who is insufficiently vaccinated, so that person would be ultimately have been the threat, and not my child.
Furthermore, I'll reiterate again that the Jenny McCarthy issue is utter garbage. If there's a non-vax parent who decides to base their child's medical decisions on someone like that, fine, but don't group all of us non-vax parents into the same category. As I've said before, I'm extremely wary of getting my son vaccinated now more than ever after learning of his severe food allergies . . that has absolutely nothing to do with Jenny McCarthy's son having autism. What do you say to all those parents who have vaccine-injured children? Are they following this "Jenny McCarthy phenomenon" by choosing not to vaccinated their others simply because they are fearful of vaccines having the same effect on those children?
Where did anyone group all "non-vax" parents into the same category? I asked a simple question about what the motives behind not vaccinating are, and you turn it into that? Looks like someone's trying to be offended at all costs...
It's not exactly a long shot to suggest that the recent trend of anti-vaccination may have something to do with this woman's "activism" and a fear of autism, along with people like Oprah Winfrey, Jim Carrey, Mayim Bialik misusing their influence by spouting their pseudoscience, especially if you take a look at the amount of influence celebrities have on parents:
So yeah, unbelievably, a lot of parents may have been influenced by these people. The fact that they have nothing to do with your anti-vaccination beliefs is neither here nor there.

For the first bolded part, I would love to see a study that proves that it is highly more likely for your child to get a disease from an unvaccinated child. Any contageous disease could come from any child regardless of their vaccine status.

For the second bolded part. You said American women/parents are more vocal about being anti-vax and you wondered if this is because of Jenny McCarthy or because we don't think about how our choice effects other people. You never once asked for my reasons behind not vaccinating my son. So yes, you did group us American women that are anti-vax together. I also didn't know those other 3 celebrities were anti-vax until you said that and frankly, I don't give a crap. Anti-vax parents have done their research as well and we don't just listen to celebrities to base our children's medical decisions on. While some anti-vax parents may be influenced by celebrities, not all of us are
I'm sure there are parents who see the anti-vax movement and go along with it because of the trend, or because Oprah said so, or because they heard it causes autism. Just as people choose to vaccinate their kids just because everyone else does or their doctor said so. Not everyone on either side has done their research, I've seen some really misinformed statements made by both anti-vaxers and pro-vaxers.

I do think that since a lot of people vaccinate just because it's the norm, it's not unfair to question if people are choosing not to vaccinate because of the recent media attention/anti-vaccine movements.

That being said, you obviously don't fall into that category, CMarie, nor does anyone I've seen posting in these threads. :)
For those moms who vax . . and this is an honest question, I'm truly not being rude . . would it be fair for us non-vaxxing parents to say that your vaccinated child effects our unvaccinated child and that your child is actually threatening our child as well? We all know vaccines aren't 100% effective, especially the whooping cough vaccine, so if your child came down with whooping cough during an outbreak and an unvaccinated child that is around your child came down with it shortly after your child did, would it be fair to say that your child actually threatened that child? Believe it or not, you vaccinating your child does effect unvaccinated children as well, and not always in the best way. EVERY one is able to spread these diseases and harbor them, not just unvaccinated children.
In the very unlikely event that my child came down with an illness against which he has been vaccinated, I would make sure he was kept away from others until the risk was over (I'd also expect the parents of unvaccinated children to keep their kids away during an outbreak). If he was harbouring the disease then it's highly likely it originally came from someone who is insufficiently vaccinated, so that person would be ultimately have been the threat, and not my child.
Furthermore, I'll reiterate again that the Jenny McCarthy issue is utter garbage. If there's a non-vax parent who decides to base their child's medical decisions on someone like that, fine, but don't group all of us non-vax parents into the same category. As I've said before, I'm extremely wary of getting my son vaccinated now more than ever after learning of his severe food allergies . . that has absolutely nothing to do with Jenny McCarthy's son having autism. What do you say to all those parents who have vaccine-injured children? Are they following this "Jenny McCarthy phenomenon" by choosing not to vaccinated their others simply because they are fearful of vaccines having the same effect on those children?
Where did anyone group all "non-vax" parents into the same category? I asked a simple question about what the motives behind not vaccinating are, and you turn it into that? Looks like someone's trying to be offended at all costs...
It's not exactly a long shot to suggest that the recent trend of anti-vaccination may have something to do with this woman's "activism" and a fear of autism, along with people like Oprah Winfrey, Jim Carrey, Mayim Bialik misusing their influence by spouting their pseudoscience, especially if you take a look at the amount of influence celebrities have on parents:
So yeah, unbelievably, a lot of parents may have been influenced by these people. The fact that they have nothing to do with your anti-vaccination beliefs is neither here nor there.

For the first bolded part, I would love to see a study that proves that it is highly more likely for your child to get a disease from an unvaccinated child. Any contageous disease could come from any child regardless of their vaccine status.
For someone so interested in seeing studies you don't seem too eager to do your own research. Why is that?

Pockets of unvaccinated children pose risks in United States:
In pockets, not only are those youngsters vulnerable but also all the other unprotected kids that are now living close together, making an epidemic more likely.

Unprotected kids include newborns who haven't been vaccinated yet and those who can't be vaccinated for medical reasons.

For the second bolded part. You said American women/parents are more vocal about being anti-vax and you wondered if this is because of Jenny McCarthy or because we don't think about how our choice effects other people. You never once asked for my reasons behind not vaccinating my son. So yes, you did group us American women that are anti-vax together. I also didn't know those other 3 celebrities were anti-vax until you said that and frankly, I don't give a crap. Anti-vax parents have done their research as well and we don't just listen to celebrities to base our children's medical decisions on. While some anti-vax parents may be influenced by celebrities, not all of us are
Of course I grouped anti-vaccination parents together, but at no point did I group them all under the Jenny McCarthy category. You insinuated that all by yourself.

My question was why the American contingent of anti-vaccination parents seemed more vocal. If it was just the usual suspicion of toxic ingredients or allergy worries, you'd probably have a similar number of European parents adding their voice as vaccination uptake rates are similar here, but still the American commenters seem more numerous. It seems to be something else, so I wondered if it was the higher level of individualism characteristic of the US or maybe the effect of idiots like Jenny McCarthy. What's your problem with that?
For those moms who vax . . and this is an honest question, I'm truly not being rude . . would it be fair for us non-vaxxing parents to say that your vaccinated child effects our unvaccinated child and that your child is actually threatening our child as well? We all know vaccines aren't 100% effective, especially the whooping cough vaccine, so if your child came down with whooping cough during an outbreak and an unvaccinated child that is around your child came down with it shortly after your child did, would it be fair to say that your child actually threatened that child? Believe it or not, you vaccinating your child does effect unvaccinated children as well, and not always in the best way. EVERY one is able to spread these diseases and harbor them, not just unvaccinated children.
In the very unlikely event that my child came down with an illness against which he has been vaccinated, I would make sure he was kept away from others until the risk was over (I'd also expect the parents of unvaccinated children to keep their kids away during an outbreak). If he was harbouring the disease then it's highly likely it originally came from someone who is insufficiently vaccinated, so that person would be ultimately have been the threat, and not my child.
Furthermore, I'll reiterate again that the Jenny McCarthy issue is utter garbage. If there's a non-vax parent who decides to base their child's medical decisions on someone like that, fine, but don't group all of us non-vax parents into the same category. As I've said before, I'm extremely wary of getting my son vaccinated now more than ever after learning of his severe food allergies . . that has absolutely nothing to do with Jenny McCarthy's son having autism. What do you say to all those parents who have vaccine-injured children? Are they following this "Jenny McCarthy phenomenon" by choosing not to vaccinated their others simply because they are fearful of vaccines having the same effect on those children?
Where did anyone group all "non-vax" parents into the same category? I asked a simple question about what the motives behind not vaccinating are, and you turn it into that? Looks like someone's trying to be offended at all costs...
It's not exactly a long shot to suggest that the recent trend of anti-vaccination may have something to do with this woman's "activism" and a fear of autism, along with people like Oprah Winfrey, Jim Carrey, Mayim Bialik misusing their influence by spouting their pseudoscience, especially if you take a look at the amount of influence celebrities have on parents:
So yeah, unbelievably, a lot of parents may have been influenced by these people. The fact that they have nothing to do with your anti-vaccination beliefs is neither here nor there.

For the first bolded part, I would love to see a study that proves that it is highly more likely for your child to get a disease from an unvaccinated child. Any contageous disease could come from any child regardless of their vaccine status.
For someone so interested in seeing studies you don't seem too eager to do your own research. Why is that?

Pockets of unvaccinated children pose risks in United States:
In pockets, not only are those youngsters vulnerable but also all the other unprotected kids that are now living close together, making an epidemic more likely.

Unprotected kids include newborns who haven't been vaccinated yet and those who can't be vaccinated for medical reasons.

For the second bolded part. You said American women/parents are more vocal about being anti-vax and you wondered if this is because of Jenny McCarthy or because we don't think about how our choice effects other people. You never once asked for my reasons behind not vaccinating my son. So yes, you did group us American women that are anti-vax together. I also didn't know those other 3 celebrities were anti-vax until you said that and frankly, I don't give a crap. Anti-vax parents have done their research as well and we don't just listen to celebrities to base our children's medical decisions on. While some anti-vax parents may be influenced by celebrities, not all of us are
Of course I grouped anti-vaccination parents together, but at no point did I group them all under the Jenny McCarthy category. You insinuated that all by yourself.

My question was why the American contingent of anti-vaccination parents seemed more vocal. If it was just the usual suspicion of toxic ingredients or allergy worries, you'd probably have a similar number of European parents adding their voice as vaccination uptake rates are similar here, but still the American commenters seem more numerous. It seems to be something else, so I wondered if it was the higher level of individualism characteristic of the US or maybe the effect of idiots like Jenny McCarthy. What's your problem with that?

That link you posted was an article, not a study. Even with the whooping cough numbers he mentioned, he didn't say how many of those cases involved vaccinated people or unvaccinated people.
My question was why the American contingent of anti-vaccination parents seemed more vocal. If it was just the usual suspicion of toxic ingredients or allergy worries, you'd probably have a similar number of European parents adding their voice as vaccination uptake rates are similar here, but still the American commenters seem more numerous. It seems to be something else, so I wondered if it was the higher level of individualism characteristic of the US or maybe the effect of idiots like Jenny McCarthy. What's your problem with that?

As far as ingredients, it might be the ingredients of US vaccines are more suspect, remember, we don't have all the same things here. They still put thimerosal in our vaccines and what not (I have no idea if they still do in the UK, everyone claims they don't, but...).

Or maybe, Americans are just more vocal. It may just be our culture.
Yuck, look at the ingredients:

So, I took the liberty of analyzing the vaccine excipients ("other" ingredients) used in US vaccines.

Of the 51 vaccines on the CDC list mentioned above used in the United States:

22% Contained aborted fetal cell DNA.
45% Contained formaldehyde.
16% Contained thimerosal.
49% Contained Aluminum.
10% Contained Monosodium glutamate.

I have yet to narrow that list down to the ones routinely used for Childhood vaccinations, that list contains ALL vaccines approved in the US.

Okay, the following are the percentage for ones that might be used in Childhood vaccinations (Like there were four or five DTaPs, etc, not all would be used but some variation of all for a fully vaccinated child)

29% Contained aborted fetal cell DNA.
50% Contained formaldehyde, which is extremely toxic and known to cause cancer.
14% Contailed thimerosal (Didn't they claim to have removed that from "most vaccines?!?")
50% Contained Aluminum.
11% Contained Monosodum Glutinate.

I seriously thought they removed the thimerosal from vaccines used in childhood vaccinations? Maybe the 29% of the 28 vaccines were just ones that are the same type just not used on kids? I'm not so sure though. Remember, a lot of those get MORE THAN ONE dose.

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