Interesting article that came out yesterday
I actually found the actual study for this and it's an interesting read for a number of reasons. Here's the study:
Of the remaining 752 controls included in the analysis, 186 had an SCQ score <16 but had indications of speech delay or language delay, learning disability, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder or attention deficit disorder, or tics, or had an individual education plans.
186 of the 752 controls had possible symptoms of autism. Those were the CONTROLS? Nearly 25% of the CONTROL group may have had possible symptoms of autism????
Also, they studied the possible relationship of autism to total antigenic exposure. Most of the scientists who ARE seriously questioning whether vaccines are causally related with autism are not worried about antigenic exposure as they are worried about the effect of things like aluminum and thimerosal. "Admittedly, this approach assumes that all proteins and polysaccharides in a vaccine evoke equivalent immune responses, whereas some proteins actually may be more likely than others to stimulate an immune response."
"How evidence of early neurodevelopmental delays would have affected our results is not clear; it might have resulted in lower vaccination levels if parents were concerned about vaccinating their children, or possibly higher vaccination levels through more frequent contact with the healthcare system. " BUT THEY DID NOT COMPARE VACCINATED VS UNVACCINATED CHILDREN.
The focus of the article is on the relationship between vaccine antigen exposure and autism rather than the cumulative effect of heavy metals from vaccines. From what I understand, all they did for this study is basically compare two groups of vaccinated kids, both of which contain kids with autism symptoms, and conclude that the NUMBER OF ANTIGENS (not necessarily the vaccines, just the number of antigens) does not seem to correlate with the cases of autism.
STUDY CONCLUSION: "It can be argued that ASD with regression, in which children usually lose developmental skills during the second year of life,
could be related to exposures in infancy, including vaccines; however, we found no association between exposure to
antigens from vaccines during infancy and the development of ASD with regression."
Also, here's a really interesting link that talks more about this study: