Yvanne just tol dme about this thread.
Im not on much at the mo for a few reasons,
You know me, im blunt as hell at teh best of times and say what i think lol but right now the pregnancy is making me even more so blunt (if thats possible!) and there are a few things on here that are grating on me right now so i have deicded to step back while im feeling grumpy coz i will only get myself in to trouble and offend...belive it or not, id rather not do that lol
Also this pregnancy is being weird, ive had spotting (thats stoped now) but also lots of other things, i keep having episodes (hate that word but cant think of another) wehre if i dont eat for more than 3 hours max i start to shake, go dizzy, feel sick and my vision goes blury, after i eat something i feel ok..untill the next time.
Size wise i apear to be getting smaller, not bigger, my normal jeans are getting lose on me, so im worried about that (even tho the hosital say everything is fine)
I have been swtihed to consultant care this week and had my scan put back from the 3rd to the 7th Aug, so im not happy about that either.
Just basicly a right grump at the mo, more so than normal! lol so its best if i keep my distance for a while, im still looking and keeping track of you guys tho, i dont like missing out on the gossip!
Thanks for asking about me