twinklemama -

Hi and welcome! Oh thats great you started stims, we will be at similar times then

I start my stims tomorrow (Hopefully). Is it one injection you taking daily or two if you dont mind me asking? Hope the nausea goes away, those thing can be a real bugger.
lizzie78 -

Thats brilliant! Trust me I am telling me, the long protocol seems forever but somehow time just flies. I can not believe I have had like 7 weeks of pills, seriously time went super fast. Happy to hear the appointment went well and looking for updates from you after.
emz1200 - Hi and welcome!! Wow you did the injection yourself?!

Excellent, you brave lady!
I cant imagine doing it myself, my husband does it for me. I do agree with you in terms of not getting hopes up. This is my 2nd round of IVF and though I am so excited I keep saying to myself not to get hopes up. Bigger the hope, bigger the sadness but I hope it doesnt come to that for anyone of us.
Star - Hi, Yeah I really do hope we all get a BFP and party

Well my first IVF did pass very quick, it was an exciting journey but at the same time an emotional one too. I found the meds a lot to take in because normally I dont have any medications unless an absolute need so that was a tough. My body did not react too good with some meds so i was in hospitial few times, those days sucked! It was horrible but to know that maybe I can have a baby kept me going and that all died when I found out my IVF failed. Iv moved on past those days of tears and ready and confident for the second round. You just have to be strong and always positive no matter comes your way. (I know super easy to say) I am wishing this IVF cycle works for you.