Oh my goodness Star! Yucky cycle. Hoping AF show up soon.
I have tested again. I'm limiting myself to once a day (seems reasonable, yes?!) Line is looking good. I always seem to start really well, but my first ultrasound is the one that shows problems. NOt looking forward to having a scan this time.
I did have 2 put back Jack. I'm actually really hoping it's not twins because I'm pretty sure my doctor will recommend "reduction" (can't believe they call it that). DH and I debated about whether to do one or two because of this, but as I just turned 40 the clinic recommends transferring two. We would be completely fine with twins, but because of my history with miscarriage and Asherman's syndrome it is likely the clinic will recommend going with a single. Not sure what we'll do---seems like the most difficult/horrible decision we could ever make. It is just one of those things we'll have to think about if it happens. Consider my health and the health of the babies. Really hoping for one so I don't even have to think about it.
I'm sorry to bring this up, but it is something you really need to consider (if you're in the position we are all in). I know an acquaintance from another thread was attacked on bnb when she decided to go with reduction. I'm really hoping everyone here can keep an open mind. It is not an easy decision and I hope it is a decision that none of us have to make. THanks.