Anyone starting IVF cycle in April/May?

Just seen this online for 5 day transfer....

One day past: The blastocyst begins to hatch out of its shell
Two days past: The blastocyst continues to hatch out of its shell and begins to attach itself to the uterus
Three days past: The blastocyst attaches deeper into the uterine lining, beginning implantation
Four days past: Implantation continues
Five days past: Implantation is complete, cells that will eventually become the placenta and fetus have begun to develop
Six days past: Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) starts to enter the blood stream
Seven days past: Fetal development continues and hCG continues to be secreted
Eight days past: Fetal development continues and hCG continues to be secreted
Nine days past: Levels of hCG are now high enough to detect a pregnancy
Twinkle- I'm so sorry I really thought this was it for you, sending you hugs xx

Jackdoll - fingers crossed you get a sticky bean as it would be lovely to see a BFP on here.
Afm I started spotting yesterday & it's getting worse so I think I'm out this time & I've had the worst period type pain ever. I've had a cry & I'm sure if it is a BFN on Thursday I will have a bloody good cry then as well.

I hope everyone else is ok & I have everything crossed for you all xx
Thank you Emz, I'm so sorry to hear your news. This is a really hard journey. :(
Twinkle- like all the other ladies said, I really admire you and not giving up but I'll be interested to hear what your clinic think your next steps should be and what tests or changes they recommend. Are you happy to stay at the same clinic or would you consider changing?

Emz - so sorry that this might not be your turn either. I'll wait for your update on Thursday and hope something changes and if not then yes I would have a bloody good sob too :hugs:

Jackdoll - keep the faith lovely :flower:

Yearningheart - are you ok? Worrying about you x
twinkle and emz - :hugs::hugs: I am so sorry guys! I dont know what to say, this was a shock to come and hear the news. I really hope you can get through this quick and well and I hope something comes up for you and soon you both have a baby in your arms. Like one of the other ladies said, good things come to those who wait. When your time comes, it will all be worth it. I know this time is so hard both emotionally and physically and nothings makes it better than to cry and let the heart heal. I am so sorry once again. xx

Jackdoll, star, lizzie - How are you guys? Hope you are doing well.

I feel bad to update after hearing the sad news :(
Thanks ladies for all you support! I have been meaning to update but was too busy. I had the EC which went well, luckily I didnt have any nausea feeling and that's because they gave meds for it. I was extremely uncomfortable just before the EC, but after that the stomach issue went down. I have given so many meds its unbelievable. Anyhow let me get to the point, they collected 17 eggs. The embryologist called today saying from the 17 eggs, 12 fertilised which is good number :). I have my embryo transfer on Thursday morning which I am very excited about at the same time so scared and nervous. I feel for any woman who has to go through IVF. I wish you all the best, and dont ever loose hope! xxxx
Yearning heart - 12 fertilised is brilliant! Really pleased that things went well xxx
Thanx for all your thoughts and hugs girls.

Emz I'm so so so sorry for u honey, I know exactly how ur feeling. It's so crap. I've hardly stopped crying since Saturday. I was a complete mess at the clinic this morning too, it doesn't take the pain away but it helps a bit. Fingers crossed the spotting stops and it's just a blip tho. Are u testing yourself or having bloods done?

Yearningheart, that's an amazing amount of eggs! We told u it would be worth the wait!!! Good luck for ur transfer, it will be fine. It's honestly no worse than a smear.

Jackdoll, have a fab time in Dublin. Plenty to do and see to keep ur mind off things. Ur not going to see One Direction are you?? Apparently the residents around Croke park are going a bit mental about all the disruption they're gonna have between them and Garth Brooks!!

Lizzie, we're gonna stay put at our clinic for now. There's really only 3 clinics in NI, and I've been round them all lol! We couldn't be happier with our current clinic, they've only been open about 7 months after running a satellite service for GCRM in Glasgow for a few years, but the whole place is great and the staff are amazing.

Star, please don't let the bad outcomes bring u down. This treatment sucks but it does work and hopefully you will be another BFP on this thread xo
Twinkle - The clinic have given me this strange looking test that i have to do as they do not do bloods, i think it must be one thats more sensitive to the hormones you need.

Yearning - Wow 12 fertilised thats brilliant I'm really pleased for you, see we all said that things would work out for you.

Thank you for all your support everyone i an honestly say that it is making this journey a whole lot easier knowing you are all there, sorry for being soppy lol x
So sorry emz, hope your ok considering
Twinkle, sorry if I sounded like I was been a downer, just wish I knew what to say to you both to make you feel better
So glad I'm on this thread with all you ladies

Yearningheart, wow, fantastic news, will yours be an3 or 5 day transfer?

Lizzie, have you got a scan soon?
Morning girls, if yas want a wee giggle, yes I'm going to see 1D with my 2 sisters & mum this Saturday in Dublin. And I'm the youngest @ 28. Oh know!!!!! To be fair we fancy a wee weekend in Dublin & I we love 1D so hey who cares!!!!!

Yearning congrats on all those eggs. Amazing...

Emz hope things change tomorrow on your test date...

AFM I had a funny feeling in my tummy last night and now and again shooting pains in my vagina. Sorry for the details! Wonder what this was at 2dp5dt...
Im still of work girls and just woke at 1130... I haven't done that since I was in my teens, oops xxx
Jackdoll - ha ha my niece would be so jealous of you! Hope you have a fab weekend.

Star - yes, scan and final blood tests tomorrow morning.

Twinkle - Glad you are happy with your current clinic, hopefully at your review they will have some suggestions for a change or even just reassurance that the protocol is right for you and that you should stick with it.
emz - Awww I know what you mean, it does help coming on this forum, the support the ladies give is so amazing especially when you have no one else to talk to and plus half of those people dont understand as they are not going through it.

star - Its going to be a 3day transfer, Well I had the egg collection on Monday and embryo transfer on Thursday so yeah 3 days. Hows things with you?

Jackdoll - Make sure you take good rest and yeah make the most of sleeping, thats like me, I hardly remember waking up late other than first IVF 2ww

Lizzie - Oh thats great! a scan and blood test, things are moving for you! :)

- Im just at home, finished some cleaning and washing, just got some ironing to do and pack my stuff. I am going to my mums for the 2ww and am looking forward to the pampering. I am going to take it easy in my 2ww, I think last time I was not so relaxed because I was so stressed. Then again Im saying all of this now! lol
Jackdoll,I'm sure you will have a great weekend and take your mind off the wait :)

Yearningheart, hope time flies for you, how many will you have transferred do you think?

Lizzie, nearly time for you! Hope all goes well tomoro

Emz and twinkle, hope your both ok?
Afm, CD31 just waiting for af, god knows when that will be, hoping day 36-40, what its been last few cycles off Clomid and if Carries on that way should only have to wait about 2 week's after appointment for af to start again
star - I want 2 embryos put in. Thats what we selected. I just hope they both stick on. Im dreading the 2ww so much that Im already thinking about it. It seriously feels like forever. I think you guys are going to hear me rambling on next few days! lol
Sounds like things are moving with you too, other than waiting for AF. Im looking forward to your first IVF appointment! I remember I was so excited with my first appointment!

Im just going to have a nice long bath now. I heard after embryo transfer you should minimise bath and hot water. So I might as well make the most of it now, I have done most of my packing to go away to my mums. Im so excited :)
Hi again. I've been reading along, but I haven't had anything to add as I'm quite far behind everyone in the process. Finally did my first injection this morning so I'm feeling like things are really starting now. First blood test on Sunday morning.
Hi Mowat, thats good to hear you have started the injections! Yes when you start it, it does feel like something is happening and things are moving. All the best!
Already screwed up my meds! Geez, you'd think I could read a label. Oh well, just the prednisone (took one instead of two this morning). I'll get that one right tomorrow.
Oh I'm on that pill too, still taking it. Taking one prednisone shouldn't not matter too much since you have just started in it. If you have a lot of meds just write it down on a paper into your meds bag or so. After my egg collection they gave me so many meds, it seemed to confusing, so I just wrote it down, which one to have when and how many. Don't stress yourself with not taking the meds on time,be amount of times I forgot to take metformin in the beginning was a joke! Hehe
Hi mowat, dont worry your further along than I am, I haven't even got my first appointment til 18th June!
Hope all goes well for you, is this your first cycle?

How is everyone else today?

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