Hi Jollypop...was wondering where you were this cycle
I'm 9dpo today, and have been symptom spotting for the last couple of days
. I've had a bit of cramping...and one night, I awoke to find one nostril completely blocked (didn't have a cold or anything...and it cleared by the time I woke up the next morning). My breasts were completely normal, but started having some fleeting stabbing pain over the weekened....going in the armpit area as well. That's it though....my CM hasn't been anything special....I haven't been tired...or thirsty....or weeing non-stop.....
I'm really not sure what this cycle has to bring, but after the heartbreak of last time, I'm almost too scared to hope. Thank God for my BnB friends who make the wait so much better, and are there if you need to
. Love ya girls
And Jolly....I know how annoying it feels like to have superior pregnant women around you. Gosh, do I ever! Makes me determined about how NOT to behave when I do fall pregnant!
My AF is due on the 21st (or 22nd). I have told myself I shall not be going near any tests before then, and will instead wait for AF to show (or preferable NOT show
). But knowing that I buckled last cycle.....who knows
. But seriously, I probably won't test.