April Showers ♡☆2024 testing thread☆♡

Yay! I wish we could get frer in the shops here, what are the new ones called? Congratulations, looking forward to the pic!
@Mummy23beauts yay!!! Congratulations on BFP!!!

AFM, I'm 4-5 days away from AF. Today had some breast soreness and period like cramping, so may e they are good signs, but I'm really trying to relax and not symptom spot. :) if it happens, I will celebrate, if not, I don't want to be too disappointed.
I’m from the uk they don’t have them in the shops so I ordered on Amazon. But this morning is bfn unfortunately. I have so many symptoms including insomnia which I had with my last daughter. I don’t know what’s going on but I won’t be testing anymore. Good luck to all the ladies still testing x
Sorry it was a bfn today mummy23
When is af due ?
Congratulations @star25! Great to see you return and get your BFP! Happy and healthy nine months to you. <3
Sorry it was a bfn today mummy23
When is af due ?
af is due Friday, did another test because Iv just been told the new frer aren’t as sensitive as they use to be. It’s safe to say these are getting darker. Ok so now Iv posted them they don’t look as dark on here but irl they are.



I hate trying to get pics to look good on here but I see it, Have you got anymore frer to compare ?
I hate trying to get pics to look good on here but I see it, Have you got anymore frer to compare ?
Iv decided not to take anymore first response until I get a better line on these, also congratulations here’s to a happy healthy pregnancy x
Thank you, good idea to save the first response, they are usually the only brand I use but as I was in the shop this time I got clearblue which I'm not keen on
11dpo bfn. I think something is catching my eye, but not enough to be hopeful about. My LH is rising again which I know sometimes happens before BFP, but did not happen my last negative cycle, so I'm taking it as a good sign. Temp has maintained, was hoping to see a rise this morning though!

11dpo bfn. I think something is catching my eye, but not enough to be hopeful about. My LH is rising again which I know sometimes happens before BFP, but did not happen my last negative cycle, so I'm taking it as a good sign. Temp has maintained, was hoping to see a rise this morning though!

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Something is catching my eye too
11dpo evening test. Only a short hold, somewhere between 1-2 hours. I have felt pressure and cramping all day, feels like AF, I'm hopeful that it's not. I'm just trying to stay neutral either way.


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