Anyone tried acupuncture?

Hi Ladies, I hope you do not mind me joining. I've been doing acu (once a week) + herbs (twice a day) for 5 months. I noticed that I have more energy and feel less tired but apart from that I cant really see any difference. I hope it improves quality of my eggs. My acne got much worse since I started doing acu. my cycle got shorter after I had lap/hysteroscopy and I was hoping acu can help get it back to normal but it's still on the short side.

My acu doc usually starts with checking my tongue and pulse. then I have 30 min of acu - usually about 10-18 needles at least 4 on my tummy with electrics going through them, the one that represents my right ovary is usually so sensitive almost painful that I can never relax. after that i have 10-15 min of cupping and a bit of massage which i enjoy the most - really calming and relaxing.

Because i did not really feel much difference I decided to change my doc and booked an appointment with Dr Zhai - she is a famous fertility guru in london, she charges accordingly but i just got so desperate. We have sperm issues - low count but unfortunately my DH is very skeptical and does not believe in TCM.

Congratulations to the ladies who got BFPs, very inspiring. Do you continue with acu after BFP? if so, do you get tummy points needled?

Hi I have been having accuputure for the last 6 weeks and enjoy the information she gives me plus the relaxation it provides. Since starting this we have found out that my husband has a low SA, we went to see a specialist yesterday and he has banded him from drinking, basically says 1 drink will harm it when you have low SA. He has put him on 500mg x 3 of vitamin c plus vitamin e 200IU x 3, these are the 3 key actions he has given plus the normal keep it cool down there so to speak. We will go back for another test in 1 month and a final one in 3 to 4 months to see the results. His count was at 8m after 2 days of abstaining. Also the other advice we were given is DTD every 2 days.

What advice have you been given?

Good luck

I did not get any useful advice from our FS she would not even refer my DH to a urologist so I had to do my own research. we think my hubby's problem relates to loo testosterone levels so he is now exercising a lot (lifting weight etc) which should help increase his T levels and as a result sperm count. Below is a list of what he is supposed to be taking every day but you know what it is to get a man to take anything so I'd say roughly 5-6 times a day (plus Chinese pills)

1,000 Maca
200 COQ10
1,000 Flaxseed oil
1,000 Fish oil
50 Zinc
50 Selenium
200 Calcium
2,000 Vitamin C
1,000 Vitamin B12
400 Vitamin E
1,000 L-Arginine (increasing to 3,000 around ovulation to increase sex drive)
1,000 L-Carnitine
900 Horny Goad Weed (increases testosterone)
500 Tribilis (increases testosterone)
900 Ginseng
40 Pycnogenol ®
Wellman Conception
Thats a shame about your FS, he is taking alot, your taking the right amounts of vitamin c our FS said though to take 600 IU of vitamin e, he said the rest of it doesnt matter.

Yes it is a like the chicken and egg, the more sperm you produce should also help increase testosterone. We have a scan booked also just to rule out anything else. Has he been on any medication over the last 3 months or so? Go and get a second opionion. Our FS was really good and for the first time over the last 2 years my husband is really committed, the last thing you want is for someone not to be helpful in your situation. I can see your based in London not sure where abouts, but Wexham park is on the outskirts, he was very useful. Did you get referred by your GP?

I am near paddington, my FS is at st. Mary's. Am going to see her again in May, she could not tell hubby's SA results over the phone (hopefully they did not lose them). I was begging hubby to go to urologist, even pay for it if necessary but he is refusing, man can be so sensitive! If only I could make him do acu and herbs for a couple of months I am so sure this would improve his count
I am near paddington, my FS is at st. Mary's. Am going to see her again in May, she could not tell hubby's SA results over the phone (hopefully they did not lose them). I was begging hubby to go to urologist, even pay for it if necessary but he is refusing, man can be so sensitive! If only I could make him do acu and herbs for a couple of months I am so sure this would improve his count[/QUOTE]

What a shame, as you really need to rule everything out. I hope they give you your results soon. Men are so sensitive thats for sure. You could put some herbs in his food?

Chicken stock in pastas, rices, soups etc really helps for both men and women, my acu has recommended these for both of us.

I am not looking forward for the next few months, more of the emotional roller coaster. I am booking my hubbie back in for SA test in 4 weeks and then again in another 2 months then we have to go back to FS if nothing has changed then we are going down the IVF route
I wanted to share my experience with acupuncture...I am on my second month/cycle of treatments...I didn't get a BFP the first cycle but it drastically changed my menses and lengthened my LP and I also ovulated this second cycle 6 days earlier then my first cycle! I really think acupuncture has helped regulate my cycles and hopefully will get me that BFP!!! :flower:
Hi Ladies, I have a question from you.
In my last acupuncture session, two points of my body that she needled started to hurt awful bad such that I could not bear the pain more than 10 seconds and she removed the needles immediately due to my discomfort. When I asked her what that was, she said both two points are my Spleen (responsible for blood flow and immune system) and being painful does not necessarily mean anything bad or good. She needled almost twenty other points which were all fine.
Have you found any points of your body so painful that you could not stand it?
Hi ladies
I was diagnosed with PCOs and thyroid , as English medicines are giving side effects i just wanted to try on acupuncture and of course it worked after 5 months i got my periods back :) i started ovulating on my own thyroid levels have gone down . It's just a big relaxation and i m on cd 12 keeping my fingers crossed hope to get a bfp soon :)
I wanted to share my experience with acupuncture...I am on my second month/cycle of treatments...I didn't get a BFP the first cycle but it drastically changed my menses and lengthened my LP and I also ovulated this second cycle 6 days earlier then my first cycle! I really think acupuncture has helped regulate my cycles and hopefully will get me that BFP!!! :flower:

Hello and welcome along :hi:

So pleased to hear that acupuncture has helped you too! Are you on any herbs as well? Fingers crossed for your BFP this cycle :dust: please keep us posted! How many dpo are you now? :flower: xx
I'm going to discuss budget with DH tonight. I've made enquiries at a few places, we just need to talk about costs.

Hi HBGirl! How are you getting on? Have you made an appt somewhere now? x
Hi ladies
I was diagnosed with PCOs and thyroid , as English medicines are giving side effects i just wanted to try on acupuncture and of course it worked after 5 months i got my periods back :) i started ovulating on my own thyroid levels have gone down . It's just a big relaxation and i m on cd 12 keeping my fingers crossed hope to get a bfp soon :)

Hi Vinesha! That's great news that its helped with PCOS :happydance: when did you start to O again? Really hope you get your BFP soon too! :dust:
Hi Ladies, I have a question from you.
In my last acupuncture session, two points of my body that she needled started to hurt awful bad such that I could not bear the pain more than 10 seconds and she removed the needles immediately due to my discomfort. When I asked her what that was, she said both two points are my Spleen (responsible for blood flow and immune system) and being painful does not necessarily mean anything bad or good. She needled almost twenty other points which were all fine.
Have you found any points of your body so painful that you could not stand it?

Hi Stewie I had a similar experience. She was treating my
Back for my asthma and the needles felt really uncomfortable and itchy. I'm v sensitive and knew it was an allergic reaction. When she took them out I just wanted to scratch like mad! She said I had little raised bumps
Where every needle had been and that all asthmatics she'd treated did that there! She's not put needles there since my BFP so don't know what difference there'd be another time.

I was also told I had a kidney deficiency and my asthma
Tied in with that. Just wondered if you'd been given a diagnosis in TCM terms
that would tie in with your reaction? X
Hi Ladies, I have a question from you.
In my last acupuncture session, two points of my body that she needled started to hurt awful bad such that I could not bear the pain more than 10 seconds and she removed the needles immediately due to my discomfort. When I asked her what that was, she said both two points are my Spleen (responsible for blood flow and immune system) and being painful does not necessarily mean anything bad or good. She needled almost twenty other points which were all fine.
Have you found any points of your body so painful that you could not stand it?

my only painful point is the one representing right ovary, I can tolerate it but it's super sensitive so I can never relax. I've been doing it for about 4 months every week but it's not getting any better, still sensitive. I am changing my acu doc and so hope the new doc wont be needling this point
scarlett, I am 4 dpo...I really do think its helping...I am on clomid and take raspberry leaf throughout my cycle, epo, mucinex, black cohosh (during the follicular phase) and pineapple core/brazil nuts/progesterone cream during luteal phase.
Hey all and welcome new posters!
Can't recall the OP but I have points that sometimes hurt more- more tingly or just painful. I was told that was a sign energy was flowing again. Of course super painful and they have removed the needles. In a weird way I take it as things working. What did your Acu person say?

Also to newbies- nosy me likes to know how many times your going to see you're Acu. ATM I am going about twice a month and maybe starting herbs after a month or so. So far only one session with this new Acu person. Just being nosy!

Dr Gomps- hello- have been reading some other threads with your posts! Just peeked my interested as I am also a scientist :) good luck!

Scarlett- how are you feeling? Hope your weekend was restful :)

ATM- have Acu on Wednesday night. Yesterday's opk started getting darker but not as dark as control so busy busy me! I asked for Acu after OV to see if she can help. DH still hasn't got his :spermies: sorted out :(

Finally, has anyone had d21 bloods done. I have a longer cycle and so my OV is around CD18. I assume CD21 is a little on the earlier side of going to get bloods done so wounding if I can wait until Monday 15th. Am planning to go away this weekend for my 40th and want to leave Thursday which is CD20???

Happy Monday ladies :) x
scarlett, I am 4 dpo...I really do think its helping...I am on clomid and take raspberry leaf throughout my cycle, epo, mucinex, black cohosh (during the follicular phase) and pineapple core/brazil nuts/progesterone cream during luteal phase.

Pleased to hear you feel it's helping :happydance: fingers crossed you get your BFP really soon then! :dust: my accu lady put me on Zuo Gui Wan and am sure that helped me. Did you use the same things when you conceived your DD? x
Hey all and welcome new posters!
Can't recall the OP but I have points that sometimes hurt more- more tingly or just painful. I was told that was a sign energy was flowing again. Of course super painful and they have removed the needles. In a weird way I take it as things working. What did your Acu person say?

Also to newbies- nosy me likes to know how many times your going to see you're Acu. ATM I am going about twice a month and maybe starting herbs after a month or so. So far only one session with this new Acu person. Just being nosy!

Dr Gomps- hello- have been reading some other threads with your posts! Just peeked my interested as I am also a scientist :) good luck!

Scarlett- how are you feeling? Hope your weekend was restful :)

ATM- have Acu on Wednesday night. Yesterday's opk started getting darker but not as dark as control so busy busy me! I asked for Acu after OV to see if she can help. DH still hasn't got his :spermies: sorted out :(

Finally, has anyone had d21 bloods done. I have a longer cycle and so my OV is around CD18. I assume CD21 is a little on the earlier side of going to get bloods done so wounding if I can wait until Monday 15th. Am planning to go away this weekend for my 40th and want to leave Thursday which is CD20???

Happy Monday ladies :) x


Hope you had a good weekend? Mine was ok trying to get some stuff sorted as I'm moving the start of next month (well I hope to be things still not confirmed) and don't want a mad rush and to feel stressed by it :wacko:

I had 21 day bloods done, and thankfully it was on a cycle that was 28 days that time as mine could vary a bit!! But yes it needs to be a week before AF is due - that's what the Dr and Nurse and my surgery told me and also the consultant I saw at the FC, it's how they knew my prog levels were too low.

Sorry to hear your OH hasn't got his SA test sorted yet, men can be so naughty sometimes! Mine was the same and in the end it was me who managed to get his results :dohh: hope you managed to get his bum into gear soon!

And I really hope you have a wonderful Birthday weekend! Where are you going away? :flower: xx
I got my bfp!!!! Turns out me feeling unwell and cancelling acu was early ms!!
Keep going ladies, I've spent months thinking it'll never happen, but one day it does! Keep working at it!!
Congrats Maxie!!! H&H pregnancy
I assume it wasn't the acupuncture that helped, what was it then? How many cycles did you try?
Maxie, congratulations! H&H pregnancy
Congrats Maxie!!! H&H pregnancy
I assume it wasn't the acupuncture that helped, what was it then? How many cycles did you try?

Thanks! Been off the pill since end of may last year, irregular cycles were a big problem. We used the cbfm for two cycles, think it really helped. Also basically tried the smep alongside it. Didn't do much else. I had a lot going on this cycle, a lot of other stresses, but distracted me lots. Genuinely didn't believe it'd ever happen for us. Still in shock! I spent months looking n writing on these pages, seeing other people's bfps, thinking when's our turn. It'll happen for you all, don't give up!
I got my bfp!!!! Turns out me feeling unwell and cancelling acu was early ms!!
Keep going ladies, I've spent months thinking it'll never happen, but one day it does! Keep working at it!!


Big HUGE congrats! Wishing you a very healthy and happy 9 months :hugs:

Hope you're feeling a bit better now? I've found the acu has helped with my symptoms if you're still tempted to go :flower:

Maxie- Congrats and h&h 9 months!!!!!!!!

Thanks scarlett- off to my mums north of the river. Lots of family there so lots of dinners and celebrating. DH has a suprise dinner booked on Sayurday night. Started last night with the local mums :-/. Had a few prosecco's. now officially 1dpo so no more :) not holding hope this month. I kind of follow SMEP- but not to the letter. I have Acu tonight too :)

Hope you're feeling well- good idea to start moving stuff going. Are to moving far? Have you had a booking in session yet? X

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