Anyone tried acupuncture?

Hey all:wave:

ScarlettP- your sis is so sweet bless her!!! I hope scan next week shows fab news :) keeping all I can crossed for you!

I went to see Acu lady yesterday. She worked on my abdomen area which was swollen and tender in some parts. She worked on kidney chi and some points on my shoulder (will work on those more next time) as I have tense shoulders (am also getting them massaged every other week) She took my history and then said she would treat what she see's. interestingly she didn't give me herbs straight away. Said she would see me a few times before she would. Also said she would see me every two weeks which is a marked difference to the double sessions I was having last time. She said effects of acupuncture were accumulative and so most things were prescribed 4-6 weeks. She would see where we were in a few weeks. I have some herbs from my original guy which she said to take this month and she would see what to give me next time. Overall, the good news was as there isn't much major wrong with me- health wise then just being 40 soon, may mean I need help. I asked if she could increase blood flow to the ovaries to get perkier eggs and she said that generally blood flow to all reproductive areas is increased. I sounded like she doesn't want to work on areas she doesn't see needs it. So if bloods come back with low fFSH she may make more of it :shrug:

I came away happy for I will not be spending a mortgage deposit but unsure whether this will be enough. Perhaps the aggressive version is why DD is here?

Hsg is tomorrow- little reassured as I don't normally find smears painful. Not sure about the squirting dye malarkey though. Lol. I read a few posts and looks like there is no scientific evidence to back up increased fertility but women do report getting BFP in the few months following a hsg. Is this due to their clean out or a not is not clear. I like to think clearing tubes out is helpful :) fingers crossed they don't find anything other than my right tube has miraculously healed and now is fully functional (had ectopic and part tube removed in Sept 2009.

Anyway enough babble- happy Tuesday ladies!!!
Hey all:wave:

ScarlettP- your sis is so sweet bless her!!! I hope scan next week shows fab news :) keeping all I can crossed for you!

I went to see Acu lady yesterday. She worked on my abdomen area which was swollen and tender in some parts. She worked on kidney chi and some points on my shoulder (will work on those more next time) as I have tense shoulders (am also getting them massaged every other week) She took my history and then said she would treat what she see's. interestingly she didn't give me herbs straight away. Said she would see me a few times before she would. Also said she would see me every two weeks which is a marked difference to the double sessions I was having last time. She said effects of acupuncture were accumulative and so most things were prescribed 4-6 weeks. She would see where we were in a few weeks. I have some herbs from my original guy which she said to take this month and she would see what to give me next time. Overall, the good news was as there isn't much major wrong with me- health wise then just being 40 soon, may mean I need help. I asked if she could increase blood flow to the ovaries to get perkier eggs and she said that generally blood flow to all reproductive areas is increased. I sounded like she doesn't want to work on areas she doesn't see needs it. So if bloods come back with low fFSH she may make more of it :shrug:

I came away happy for I will not be spending a mortgage deposit but unsure whether this will be enough. Perhaps the aggressive version is why DD is here?

Hsg is tomorrow- little reassured as I don't normally find smears painful. Not sure about the squirting dye malarkey though. Lol. I read a few posts and looks like there is no scientific evidence to back up increased fertility but women do report getting BFP in the few months following a hsg. Is this due to their clean out or a not is not clear. I like to think clearing tubes out is helpful :) fingers crossed they don't find anything other than my right tube has miraculously healed and now is fully functional (had ectopic and part tube removed in Sept 2009.

Anyway enough babble- happy Tuesday ladies!!!


Pleased all went well with your accu lady :happydance: Mine treated me for kidney deficiency, she also told me to start eating walnuts, which I have been religiously since! And I think it’s great that she’s not trying to tell you that there are loads of things she needs to work on. So will your next sess be around O? Although I understand you wanting to weigh up this and before – if you carry on seeing her over maybe a longer period of time, would she still work out cheaper than your chap before?

Hope all goes well tomorrow :hugs: and that there’s no bad news at all…but in fact your BFP follows very soon afterwards :dust: Will you get all your results back at the same time?

Yeah I can’t wait for next Tuesday – I feel terrible saying this on here, but I’ve been really low and struggling because I’m terrified something bad is going to happen! So am hoping the scan will ease my mind so I can start really enjoying this exciting journey – did you have these worries after your BFP with you DD? I don’t know if it’s especially bad as we’ve been trying for so long, but also cos sadly we’ve had more than a few friends have bad news over the last year or so too. I was ready for MS etc, I just wasn’t expecting to feel like this :nope:

Oh Scarlett. I wish there was something I could do to ease your mind. Just to know it is natural and normal. I was so scared I didn't want to believe it would be ok. The scan disease my mind and everything was ticking along. I keep telling myself hat my body has its own inner wisdom - it does tick along and keep things going- yes we need help like acupuncture etc but that's just nudging things. Trust your body is doing all it needs to.
How are you feeling otherwise? Symptoms?

My other Acu guy was expensive. I was putting away £250 a week on Acu and herbs during my first trimester as he wanted to see me more around the time I miscarried previously. This could be precautionary or not. Who knows :shrug: by that calculation I would have to be seeing Leslie for years to cover the same sort of money expenditure ha ha

Not sure about results. With all these tests and trying to get DH SA in this week too. I forgot to ask about results. I will call my docs in a few weeks once all tests have been done.

Fingers crossed next week comes around fast for you Hun.

Thank you for your kind words :hugs: I’m actually feeling a bit more positive today thank you, I think what really made me worse is that my elderly neighbour had died and the police had to break into her house and it was just all so sad. Symptoms wise I’ve got mild ms on and off, back ache, sore nips, heightened sense of smell, mild cramps (which I’m used to now) normally tired or hungry and I get lightheaded sometimes. All of that I’m totally fine with and I will never complain about as it’s taken so long to get here and I think it would also be disrespectful to all the other ladies on this forum!! I’m very hormonal – which I wasn’t expecting :dohh: – and that’s quite funny as I’m standing up for myself at work and that’s shocking people!!! I’m starting to put myself and Diddy first, I guess cos I don’t want to stay over shift any more. But yes, not wanting to believe it will be ok in a kinda protecting myself in case of the worse is how I’ve been too :wacko: decided I HAVE to think positive now, and next Tues can’t come soon enough.

Sorry for such a long reply! Enough of my moaning!!! WOW now that really is A LOT of money!! Well I defo think you’re doing the right thing seeing Leslie and saving all that cash. Have either of your acu peeps looked at your tongue? My lady wasn’t happy with mine at all LOL I couldn’t understand it to begin with!!!

Hope you’re DH manages to get his SA sorted asap….guess you need that sorted sooner rather than later so he’s not having to abstain during your fertile time.

Hope all goes well today. Will they not be able to tell you anything today? Hope you’re planning on treating yourself to something nice afterwards, even if it’s just a bar of chocolate!!

And I guess a good thing about today is that although it’s Wednesday, it’s virtually Thursday what with Easter HURRAH :happydance:


I have read all these great posts about acupuncture

I am TTC my second child and I am early 30s. I had a laprascopy in December to remove endometriosis off my bowel and also some cysts off my ovaries

I have been on two cycles of clomid since and still no luck - last cycle I had a 20mm follicle and was given a hcg shot but no luck and progesterone was low at day 20 at only 5 . Less than what I had in the last with clomid which was 60 in jan and up to 100 last year pre laprascopy - also surprises me prog was so low when I know I had a good egg and the hcg would have released it

I also had the amh test done and was told my reserve is low - I wander whether the laprascopy had any impact on this and has damaged my ovaries temporarily or permanently an thus impacted eqq quality

Anyway I am starting to take coq10 royal jelly arginine and also want to start doing acupuncture to improve my chances - does anyone know any good acupuncturists for fertility in the Buckinghamshire area specifically around Chalfont St. Peter - I have searched online and there are plenty but I would rather go with someone's recommendation.

Thanks again for all the helpful tips and good luck to all of you
Just a follow up to my last post

I have looked for acupuncturists specialising in fertility issues in my area and have found the following

- Steve Brown in Amersham
- Ellie Cheshire in High Wycombe
- Beth Bennett in Aylesbury

I talked to some of them and they seem to be experienced and knowledgeable but if anyone has experience of them please let me k ow as I would rather use someone that comes recommended

There are so many others it is hard to chose - how did others chose which one to go for - did you just google it for a local one and call them up?
Hey all!!

Scarlett. All those symptoms are great. They sound like mine with DD. definitely the heightened smell in recall being in a meeting in town and people really smelling! Yuk! Also the nausea. I had that for most of the first tri. Better than MS but still horrible. It was like a hangover without the fun night before ha ha
I am seriously crossin all for you hun. Tuesday isn't too far and the weekend will go fast with Easter. You doing anything good?

Oh I forgot about the fertile time and his SA sample. Actually had hsg (horrible ��) and asked last about ttc after and she mentioned the hsg uses x rays which could do spending to the eggs as they are maturing. She said they are told to let patients know to wait one ovulation. I've not had anyone else say this but does make sense if eggs are developing and then exposed to X-rays. They are mutagenic and may mess them up? Will have to google later :shy:

Both the old and new acupuncturists looked at my tongue :) amazing what they can tell. Also the pulse diagnosis amazes me. In fact all of TCM an eastern medicine does ha ha ha

Nita- sorry you have had problems but hope your path on TCM is short and your :bfp: is just around the corner :) sorry can't e much help on your search for an acupuncturist. How far is Barnet or Archway for you? . My old acu guy- who is expensive but helped me with DD and has a track record of several fertility clients, I know is in Barnet/Archway. If you're interested I can PM you his details. Also have you looked on British acupuncturist site. You may be able to search via postcode or something.

AFM- mother of ...!!!! Hsg hurt :cry: and I guess brought up a lot of memories. Am rather sad and subdued but as per Scarlett suggestion had a big dose of ice cream and choc sauce :) yum! I found the procedure painful durin the dye and X-ray and uncomfortable whilst they set up the tubes and speculum. Didn't need pain killers afterwards but felt a little woozy so they let me lie down. Bleeding a little (not enough to cover pad) but nothing horrendous. Have been given a single dose of antibiotics and told to speak to fertility consultant to get my results. Next one- follicle scan next week 4th.

Hope everyone is well xx
Just a follow up to my last post

I have looked for acupuncturists specialising in fertility issues in my area and have found the following

- Steve Brown in Amersham
- Ellie Cheshire in High Wycombe
- Beth Bennett in Aylesbury

I talked to some of them and they seem to be experienced and knowledgeable but if anyone has experience of them please let me k ow as I would rather use someone that comes recommended

There are so many others it is hard to chose - how did others chose which one to go for - did you just google it for a local one and call them up?

Hi Nita :hi: Sorry I’m in the West Mids so can’t help you, and actually there wasn’t much choice of people in my area so it was quite an easy decision. And I’m so sorry to hear you’re having such a tough time :hugs: I really hope that you find an accu that can get you your BFP really soon. I had low progesterone so I totally put my success down to accu and herbs. I know things like diet and exercise can help with low progesterone, although I’m guessing yours is linked to the op you’ve had? Have you got another appointment coming up with fertility clinic so someone will be able to answer your questions? And has your OH had a recent SA?
Hey all!!

Scarlett. All those symptoms are great. They sound like mine with DD. definitely the heightened smell in recall being in a meeting in town and people really smelling! Yuk! Also the nausea. I had that for most of the first tri. Better than MS but still horrible. It was like a hangover without the fun night before ha ha
I am seriously crossin all for you hun. Tuesday isn't too far and the weekend will go fast with Easter. You doing anything good?

Oh I forgot about the fertile time and his SA sample. Actually had hsg (horrible ��) and asked last about ttc after and she mentioned the hsg uses x rays which could do spending to the eggs as they are maturing. She said they are told to let patients know to wait one ovulation. I've not had anyone else say this but does make sense if eggs are developing and then exposed to X-rays. They are mutagenic and may mess them up? Will have to google later :shy:

Both the old and new acupuncturists looked at my tongue :) amazing what they can tell. Also the pulse diagnosis amazes me. In fact all of TCM an eastern medicine does ha ha ha

Nita- sorry you have had problems but hope your path on TCM is short and your :bfp: is just around the corner :) sorry can't e much help on your search for an acupuncturist. How far is Barnet or Archway for you? . My old acu guy- who is expensive but helped me with DD and has a track record of several fertility clients, I know is in Barnet/Archway. If you're interested I can PM you his details. Also have you looked on British acupuncturist site. You may be able to search via postcode or something.

AFM- mother of ...!!!! Hsg hurt :cry: and I guess brought up a lot of memories. Am rather sad and subdued but as per Scarlett suggestion had a big dose of ice cream and choc sauce :) yum! I found the procedure painful durin the dye and X-ray and uncomfortable whilst they set up the tubes and speculum. Didn't need pain killers afterwards but felt a little woozy so they let me lie down. Bleeding a little (not enough to cover pad) but nothing horrendous. Have been given a single dose of antibiotics and told to speak to fertility consultant to get my results. Next one- follicle scan next week 4th.

Hope everyone is well xx

Oh Minimin :hugs: :hugs: so sorry that yesterday was so awful. So pleased you treated yourself to lots of ice cream and chocolate afterwards, defo well earned! Were you able to get anything out of them on what they could see? Wow I’d not heard about the not trying either with that test – I was meant to have it alongside starting the clomid and therefore defo trying that cycle! My friend who did have hers didn’t mention that to me either… I don’t think you should google, I think you should just not think about it cos I can’t see that being true at all. Have you managed to get SA booked for your OH?

I’ve got a lovely weekend planned doing family stuff so keeping busy and trying not to wish Easter away for Tuesday!! What have you got planned? I may not be able to get on the site over the bank hol, so if I don’t I hope you also have a wonderful break!

Aww sounds like a lovely weekend planned. Hope it is full of fun love and laughter and of course, speeds by :)
I am still cramping a little but think the antibiotics are making my stomach cramp more :-( nothing a morning nap won't help :)

Have told DH to get SA sorted- but you know what these men are like. He hasn't. Says something about needing a referral letter. He doesn't and I know he can go straight and leave the sample but making excuses. Probably now we are looking at after Easter.

I did find info on radiographer s site saying damage to eggs during hsg via X-ray is minimal. (I know google is evil so am restricting myself!)

If I am feeling better we are definitely going to try this cycle. I can't waste a cycle cos I have one tube. Lol. Also I am waiting to speak to consultant on the phone. His secretary is engaged on the phone!

Have a great weekend ladies :) xx
I had acupuncture 7 years ago. I came off the pill, was horribly depressed, my cycles were getting longer and longer.

It regulated my cycles to 32 days, ovulation was clear, lots of CM, moods were stable and had a good sex drive. It worked whilst I had it, but when I stopped things did go backwards a little (not too much).

We weren't trying to conceive, I just did it for my over all health x
Thanks for the information - I have now checked to see if they are part of the British accupuncture council and they all seem to be - i spoke with one and they seemed to know what they were talking about - ie asked about my cycle and what cm was like and lots of other questions around af and timings. It was a male acupuncturist - I assume this is ok ie you are mainly covered and they only need to work on arms hands legs and stomach otherwise I would be uncomfortable and look for a female therapist.

I am really looking forward to it and have heard a lot of positive stories about accupuncture so thanks for everyone's feedback.

Scarlett congrats to you and don't worry everything will be fine and time will fly - I remember how nervous I was with my first one after two years ttc but everything was fine in the end so don't worry.

Happy Easter to you all and I will report back after my first session
Oh forgot to say OH SAY was fine count was over 100 million motility about 70% and morphology was only 8% but consultant said that was fine and anything above 4% is normal - he took zinc selenium coq10 arginine and carnitine which helped him get these numbers as initially motility and count were just on the normal borderline

Thanks again
Good luck Nita. Yes mostly covered you may have some point on stomach but nothing further down.
Look forward to your first session. When is it?
Great news on your DH SA.

I. Waiting on consultant to come back to me with results. Bt not holding my breath until after Easter x
I had my first acupuncture appointment today. I was scared beforehand but it went well :)
Just a quick questions from you ladies, what fertility related changes did you see from acupuncture and how long did it take to notice those results?
Hey stewie. Howard you. I guess changes depends on what your original symptoms were. Do you have areas your acupuncturist wants to work on?
Hi Minmim, thanks. The acupuncturist did not describe to me what areas she is targeting. The thing is I have not done any tests and she suggested that I get tested and rule out obvious issues that might exist.
I have been trying for four months only. I do chart and use OPK, so I know I ovulate most of the cycles, but one thing I am worried about is my mid cycle spotting that I have every month for the past couple of years that to me seems like hormonal imbalance, she also suspects it to be due to thyroid hormones. From my charts she thinks I have a slow ovulation since I have long cycles.
Anyway, I will ask her next time what she is working on, but apparently she likes to know the problem first from medical tests results.
Hey Stewie! All my experiences with acu peeps has included western medicine. It is useful for them to get a western diagnosis so acu and herbs can get the target problem areas. Are you going to get testing done? Not sure but think thyroid functioning is tested via bloods. My friend had thyroid probs as well as other stuff. Went to see an acupuncturist and had a D'S two years ago an now expecting second! Hope your enjoying weekend x
Can't see how it would hurt! Anything to reduce stress levels helps when TTC. Except margaritas! LOL

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