Out of the hospital now was in for 2 days with what they think was an infection, I had really bad headaches, sickness and was leaking fluid I called triage and they asked me to go up and get checked out. When we went in she said my urine was full of ketones and protien and listened for a hb, she couldnt find one so had to have an emergency scan, lucky haribo is ok. Had some swabs taken (was like a smear very unplesant) and kept in and put on a drip for fluids due to dehydration from being sick so much. Also had some antibiotics and pesary paracetamol and bloods done. I felt better when they let me home but only for a bit and now feeling exhausted, dizzy and nausea again and Im pretty sure its to do with low bp as my reading was only 98/67 when they let me out. I have the mw on wed for a check up so hoping they can help me as Im soooooooooooooooooooo tired.
Hope your well xxx