Anyone TTC or in TWW?

How's everyone getting on??

We're sitting waiting on a +OPK, which I'm expecting in the next 48 hours.
FX for you!! I had my viability scan yesterday, and all is well. Measuring one day ahead, CRL 12.1 mm and heart rate of 157. :)


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Hi girls,

How is everyone doing?
I'm out of the TWW and back in the TTC phase. :witch: showed up bang on 14dpiui!! We're both gutted, but looking on the bright side, we can try again.
Fx'd for the next cycle eh :thumbup:
Awwww boo Bajaybe. So sorry AF showed up. Hope next cycle is luckier for you!!!!
Awesome! Other than simultaneously wanting to vomit and EAT ALL THE THINGS every minute :/ I'm also super tired, but that'll pass (or at least it did last time - but then, I didn't have the nausea last time, sooooo........)

My wife is away at work until February 12. :( But at least we get valentine's day together!
The sucks Bajayby!!! Fx for next time though. Do you have a date set for the next shot?

Tristansmom - I have no idea about what these scans mean, but you're happy so I'm happy for you!!

So I got a HUGE positive OPK around 12pm today, Line was dark within seconds. I've also been having strange muscle twitches (like the ones your eye does when you're tired) all along my pelvis throughout today. Never had that before, but wonder if its something to do with my acupuncture session last night.

So we're not long back from visiting the donor. First ever attempt at inseam was pretty hilarious. I managed to lose some some out of the instead cup, but hopefully theres enough left to give us a good start. Enormously lucky with our donor - he's made him self available today, tomorrow, Sunday and Tuesday (per the SMEP, which we're kinda half following) so i should at least get enough "junk" up me to give it a good shot.

I'm still freaking out though.....

Also, can someone explain exactly when the TWW begins? I'm confused by that whole thing!!
You're technically in the TWW as of now! :) Best of luck to you, and so happy that your donor is able to accommodate multiple attempts this cycle!

Basically, with the scan, the short version is that everything is good and baby is growing right on track. :)
The sucks Bajayby!!! Fx for next time though. Do you have a date set for the next shot?

Tristansmom - I have no idea about what these scans mean, but you're happy so I'm happy for you!!

So I got a HUGE positive OPK around 12pm today, Line was dark within seconds. I've also been having strange muscle twitches (like the ones your eye does when you're tired) all along my pelvis throughout today. Never had that before, but wonder if its something to do with my acupuncture session last night.

So we're not long back from visiting the donor. First ever attempt at inseam was pretty hilarious. I managed to lose some some out of the instead cup, but hopefully theres enough left to give us a good start. Enormously lucky with our donor - he's made him self available today, tomorrow, Sunday and Tuesday (per the SMEP, which we're kinda half following) so i should at least get enough "junk" up me to give it a good shot.

I'm still freaking out though.....

Also, can someone explain exactly when the TWW begins? I'm confused by that whole thing!!

@Tristansmom, that's a bummer that your wife is away for so long, but at least you'll have her back just in time for Val day :winkwink:

@FFandJZ, Thanks for that. I'll be going again straight away. Started my meds last night. I'm going in on Monday for US & bloods and based on that monitoring, the clinic will tell me when I'll need to go back again, possibly Weds.

The TWW starts either the day of ovulation or the day after (as long as :spermy: has been introduced). After ovulation, the egg is viable for between 12-24 hours, but 'fresh' sperm can last anything up to a day or two. If you inseminate the day prior to ovulation the sperm can usually last for as long as the egg is viable - hence the reason for ~2 fertile days. It sounds ALL a bit confusing....
The TWW would end on the day that you expect your period to start, i.e. 14 days after ovulation.

Anyone please feel free to correct me if I'm wrong :thumbup:
We're just waiting on our next cycle to start over here. We're OFICIALLY all registered with the sperm bank of California, I've got my femara prescription, and we're ready to do this thing (again!)!

And actually, fresh sperm can live 3-5 days. Your two week wait starts the day after you ovulate. That's when you start counting days post ovulation (DPO). So unless you KNOW you ovulated with temping / OPKS it's really hard to tell.

Fingers crossed for you all!
We're just waiting on our next cycle to start over here. We're OFICIALLY all registered with the sperm bank of California, I've got my femara prescription, and we're ready to do this thing (again!)!

And actually, fresh sperm can live 3-5 days. Your two week wait starts the day after you ovulate. That's when you start counting days post ovulation (DPO). So unless you KNOW you ovulated with temping / OPKS it's really hard to tell.

Fingers crossed for you all!

Thanks for the correction on the :spermy: :winkwink: FX'd for your next cycle :dust:
No biggie!

"They" say that the girls live longer and swim slower. Boys swim and die faster. SO if you want a girl to try and inseminate before ovulation, so you have girl swimmers up there! =P
Thanks y'all. So I guess I'm in the TWW!

Weirdest day yesterday attempting to explain ovulation, charting, CM, and fertilisation to to our donor - a gay man - whom, every time we mentioned anything about lady bits he would stop us and say "sorry, just give me a minute" before looking a bit green around the gills! He's got twin 2yo daughters so god only knows how he's going to cope in about 10 years time!!!

Not symptom spotting (because everything I've read has told me it's often pointless until you've got a bfp), but I did notice I suddenly felt VERY warm around 8pm last night. Given this morning's reduction in CM, I'm wondering if that could have been the start of the progesterone 'thingy'
- it was really unusual feeling, like I was all flushed in the face, but (apparently) I didn't look red and only felt very slightly warm. Hmmmmmm!!

Tristansmom - Keep up the good work! :thumb up:

Bajayby - If you can use those extra hormones as an excuse for anything (being cranky, extra ice cream etc etc) I say go for it!! Good luck this time around, keep us in the loop, ok!!

Mrs and Mrs - Good luck to you as well for this time around. Fx!!!
FFandJZ, good luck in the TWW. Every woman is different in what they experience, so here's hoping that what you're feeling is positive signs for you :winkwink:
hey guys, just checking in to see how we're all going?? :wave:

So looking forward to the weekend, I'm exhausted (which is pretty normal after a week like the one I've had this week!).

Currently 7dpo, thinking I might take a test on Sunday or monday but we'll see. I'd like to hold out as long as possible but I'm not going to lie, it's been a nervous week!!!
Waiting is good - I tested at 9DPO and it was negative and I was SO upset and miserable about it. Didn't have a positive until 12 DPO. (It's very rare to get a pos at 9!!)
I've managed to restrain myself by watching OITNB for most of the weekend. That's got to be a legit form of distraction, right??:angelnot:
FFandJZ...TSF, I love OITNB, although here (in Ireland) we are waiting for Season 3 to'll be summer before it starts here. Maybe you guys are the same?

AFM, I had IUI #2 yesterday CD12, 2 follies, one at 22mm other at 20mm. Count and motility of :spermy: were higher than last time. So, I'm officially in the TWW again. :thumbup:
Last time around my OH and I had told a few ppl that it was happening, this time around we decided we were not going to do that again!! When IUI #1 didn't work, telling people that it hadn't worked was adding to the upset that we were feeling.
I had those awful cramps again yesterday eve...same ones I had the in the evening of the first IUI....I'm putting it down to the procedure though.

My LP tends to be 14 days exactly, so will probably test in and around the weekend of the 20th...if we can hold out until then :winkwink:

How is everybody else doing? Hope you all had a great weekend.
Hi all!

Good luck your two week wait FF and Bajayby!

I'm stillllllllllllll waiting for my next cycle to start, so we can try with the femara again. I'm currently on cycle day 49. I've been trying to naturally induce my period. I've been having lower abdominal cramps in the last couple of days. Could be any day now!
Bajayby - waiting for Season 3 too. I've got Netflix (despite it not being available in Australia, best not ask how I managed that <cough>) so can't WAIT until midyear!!! So excited.

Good luck with this round - I'll keep everything crossed for you! Despite saying I was going to test early, I've managed to contain myself. Found the Countdown to Pregnancy website and after looking on there, decided I would wait until 10DPO to test, which is tomorrow.

Like to think I'm being all statistical about it. I'm basing my decision on this:

So maybe I'll be in the 50+% that gets a positive on that day. But I'm actually being quite positive about the whole thing and, until AF comes along, I won't take a BFN too badly.

Mrs & Mrs - good luck to you too. The first month I decided to keep a proper chart my cycle was 3 days late in starting. In those three days I'd managed to convince myself that something was seriously wrong. I actually think it was likely the stress of waiting for AF that time around that delayed me for a few days! Our bodies are strange old things!!!

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