Anyone waiting to get their cycles back (regardless of the reason) to TTC?!

Good luck ljo1984 hope you get O signs soon :) xx
Good luck ljo! I hope you O soon :flower:

Scarlett- my hormones FINALLY balanced post wean last cycle. LP was either 11 or 12dpo (red blood showed up overnight so not sure how to count). So not fantastic but not too short either.

I did not do journals last time but have had a WTT journal this time and have really enjoyed it. I think I'll stay in that journal for the first month trying and if we don't catch, then move over to the offical TTC journal. I really wish I would have done it last time to look back on so going to do it this time instead!
Hopefully you Dont need the other op and I'm glad you're not waiting to try. It would be a bit maddening to wait and find out you Dont need it! What happens if you do need it but are pregnant by that time?

Hope your cycles sort themselves out quick! It could be thrown off by stress from the surgery but hopefully would go back to normal quick!
That's fab that your cycles have finally balanced, you must be so excited about ttc now!! Hmm that's a good idea about a journal, maybe I will this time as a way to let some emotion out!!

Yes that's what we thought, would be frustrating to wait and find out it was for nothing and also it took us so long to TTC last time I wonder what the chances are of it happening that quickly anyway?! But if it does and I do need it then we'll have to pay although I've been told it would be about £600.

Still no O here with my temps :( I was wondering if it;s cos I''m a "slow riser" but I think it would have showed by now and I was so sure it had happened this month too.

Hope you have a good weekend - at least its Friday! x
I wonder if you did but temps just didn't catch it? What do the not solid circles mean on ff?

I can't wait for the weekend! Saturday is "my day" this week where DH takes care of DS all day so I can relax. We each get one Saturday a month, with the other 2 being family days (with a date night in there too). Not sure what I'm going to do, but it will be nice to have a little break. Do you have any plans?
What a fab idea! Hope you enjoy it, defo got to get a lie in there for starters! And chocolate - lots of it that you don't have to share!!

We only have one day off a week together atm and it's really hard trying to get a whole weekend into one day. This week it will mostly be boring DIY :( I can't wait to be back on mat leave again and have more family time!!

The circles that aren't solid FF isn't totally happy with - it's partly cos I struggle to take my temp at the same time every day. I'm still hopeful it will show up tomorrow if my temp rises. I think next month I'm going to have to make a big effort of doing it at the same time, which will be 5.15 as that's the the time I have to get up twice a week for work.

Enjoy your "me" time xx
Ah, I gottchya. Hopefully then you get your ch back. From CM it looks like you did O and hopefully temps will confirm!

Sorry you only have one day together :( I'm sure you all really enjoy that time :flower: what diy project are you working on?

We started doing Saturdays like this in December and it has been so nice honestly. DH started a new job where he is gone several nights during the week so all of DSs night care and cleaning falls to me (we usually alternate at night). So this gives me a break, his day off gives him a chance to relax (which he doesn't get to do during the week at all), date night to reconnect with each other and lots of good family time with each other. It will work for a few more mo this until another baby comes along at least!
Wow that must be hard with him away overnight in the week. That's where I'm really lucky as hubby is here and home early enough to do dinner! What did you do with your day off today?

We're sorting out what will be DD new bedroom so that we can free up nursery! Managed to do some this morning and then have family trip out this arvo which was lovely. Sadly we don't get too many date nights cos we don't have too many chances for a babysitter
Oops hit post by accident!

My mum has just retired so hoping she will help more in future.

O still not shown up but I'm so sure it happened. Classing this as tww anyhow and it's already driving me mad!

Hope you have a lovely Valentine's Day! Xxx
That is great that you are converting her room! Is she still in her crib or in a toddler bed? I'm kind of dreading switching down the road. Are you doing any theme in her room? I hope you can get some date nights scheduled now that your mom is retired. I'm thankful that my BIL and SIL live a few minutes away. We alternate with them and our 16 year old neighbor each month.

I think you did O...bring on the symptom spotting!

Sorry, I kind of misspoke. He is still home every night, but several nights doesn't get home until after DS is in bed (goes to bed at 7). So I do the bedtime routine and then start cleaning the kitchen. He usually gets home while I'm cleaning and we get to talk while he eats. Then he will help finish the cleaning. The other nights he is home in time for dinner.

Day off was wonderful! Played video games, ran errands child free and baked cookies for a friend bday. And only changed one diaper when I put DS to bed! DH and DH had a great day too so it worked out well.

I'm on AF watch now. I'm 11 dpo and really really hope AF stays away a few more days!
Happy valentines day to you too!
Your day sounds perfect! I'm very jealous. So good you've got help from family too. Ah see what you mean now about hubby being away, but even still it must be hard him not getting back til late.

Symptoms wise I've cramps which isn't unusual but sore BB and back ache which is. Also feeling sick and so v tired but wondering if I'm fighting a bug as surely far too early for that?! That started yesterday and am only 5/6 dpo if it happened when I thought.

She's in a toddler bed as she climbed out her cot in November! We're doing new room now as it needs plastering and the family friend who we want to do it is going off travelling soon. I don't think we'd move her for a bit though - I bet it will be ages before it actually gets finished! When do you think you'll move your LO into a bed?

Hope AF stays away for a bit longer, although I guess in a way it brings you that bit closer to ttc! Xxx
Hi hope I can jump in...I'm WTT for my cycles to return too. I'm breastfeeding 14 months now and also have PCOS. Hoping my cycles will return soon on their own even if I'm still breastfeeding.
Congratulations on your BF journey Andi. I still miss it after we stopped in October! Hope your cycles return soon, are you going to do anything to help them along? X
Hi hope I can jump in...I'm WTT for my cycles to return too. I'm breastfeeding 14 months now and also have PCOS. Hoping my cycles will return soon on their own even if I'm still breastfeeding.

I got my first one last month at 16 month bf although I've not ovulated it seems this cycle (still bf) so wondering if AF will arrive or not next week :-/
Congratulations on your BF journey Andi. I still miss it after we stopped in October! Hope your cycles return soon, are you going to do anything to help them along? X

Is there anything I can do to help AF come while breastfeeding that's safe for my child? Well besides weaning. I'm trying to get down to less feeds but my DS loves the boobs lol. I'm down to mostly nap time, bedtime, and during the night. The odd time I will give him some in the afternoon if he's cranky.
Hi hope I can jump in...I'm WTT for my cycles to return too. I'm breastfeeding 14 months now and also have PCOS. Hoping my cycles will return soon on their own even if I'm still breastfeeding.

I got my first one last month at 16 month bf although I've not ovulated it seems this cycle (still bf) so wondering if AF will arrive or not next week :-/

I've been told it's normal for it to come between 14-18 months. I hope this is true as id love to start trying for another
I was never able to do anything while still nursing. Your hormones are just all over the board and can be hard to control.

It took mine 6 cycles post wean to regulate back to normal (ovulate and lengthen LP). Ive been taking b6 and AC since November to help.

I hope your cycles come back soon for you ladies!

Scarlett- I hope its a good sign for you!! I think we will aim to move him over closer to 2 1/2 (this fall) unless he starts climbing out.

AF showed up yesterday, giving me a 12 day LP!! And we are down to less than a month now before we start trying!!
I might be being really thick, obviously I realise why you need to be ovulating to have babies, but what does LP matter, and why do your cycles need to be regular before TTC?

I fell pregnant with our first after 18 months but only one period in all that time (we had been on waiting list several months for a consultant appt to discuss further treatment, had had blood tests etc which didn't tell us anything new, I had already been diagnosed with severe PCOS at 17 when my periods didn't start) I didn't have a period in between #1 and #2 at all (fell first month after stopping BF) and only one between #2 and #3 (fell first month no contraception, three months after stopping BF)

I guess as someone who has never had regular periods, it's not something I've ever thought about - the first I usually know of a period starting is when I feel it happen haha, occasionally I get a little cramping or sore boobs a day or two before, and even that doesn't actually mean a period is going to happen, sometimes it just results in spotting and no actual AF.

Please bestow your wisdom on me ladies :flower:
You're not being thick at all!

So you are considered to have a "luteal phase defect" if your LP is shorter than 10 days. If its shorter, then your lining will not be at the right stage at the right time for a successful implant. And if baby does implant, then you are at higher risk for early miscarriage. My DS was a late implanter at 12dpo. So if my next is also a late implanter but my body is shedding its lining early, then there is no chance of a successful implantation. There are a lot of women who struggle with infertility due to short LPs

I've always had extremely regular cycles so I'm working on getting it as close to normal as I can before trying again, in order to give me the greatest chance for a successful pregnancy
^^^^^ What kksy9b said about LP!!!

Hmmm I don't know about the herbs. I know there are some (vitex being the one that people talk about most) but I don't know if it's safe whilst BF - could you ask your Dr? Or maybe do some googling or make a new thread asking on here? Sorry not to be able to help more than that. I've several friends who have got pregnant whilst still BF and others who have had to stop to get their cycles back so it's very different for everyone.

kksyb9 I'm just replied to your other comment about AF but I'm so sorry I'd forgotten that this cycle was extra promising because of your LP everything crossed for a proper AF today!

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