anyone want a ttc#1 buddy?

How's it going dare? Any sign of ov yet?

Ticktock, I see you are nearly at 7 weeks, time is flying already!

I'm at 8dpo now, only 4 days til AF, so I can start my treatment! I have my baseline scan tomorrow morning.

Also, I passed my EDD from my first pregnancy for the second time on friday
Made me feel a bit sad that I'm still not a mum after all this time :(
Hey Dan, i'm so sorry that you're not a mum yet, but , you WILL be. Be strong for that ok? I know you'll be a mom and you'll be fantastic. And, it'll be a wonderful baby, and the one you're supposed to have. I believe in that!

As for me, no, i'm only cd 9 here. BUT i'm still having spotting from my AF! So i'm very afraid this is a freako cycle like the one i had in june, and the one in march. those both were like 50 days. And i'm scared we're going to miss this one.

If this cycle is normal- we should O on the 6th-7th of Oct. If not... TWO WEEKS after that.

My BIL gets married the end of NOV and we know that they're going to start trying right away, so hubby said i HAVE to get preg this cycle because he doesn't want them to have a baby first.
Ohh we were in a TTC race too, with my SIL & her hubby, lol.
We got pregnant at the same week, funnily enough.

Mine did not work out tho, as you know, but her baby is about to turn 1. xx
:( I know and i'm so sorry about all of that.

They don't know we're in a race.... mainly because we really don't like the girl. She is AWFUL and can't believe he's marrying her. It's going to be a very sad wedding day.
Oh, that's a shame for your BIL, I wonder what he see's in her? Ugh! :(

I had to laugh @ your description of her tho, sorry!

Hope you get that BFP wayyyy before she does ;)

On a different note.
What supplements are you taking? Just out of interest really xx
Taking women's one a day, and omega fatty acids.

Not really much though. Just one capsule a day.

And yeah, the bil's girl is awful. She says things to hurt people, and HE apologizes for her, and says she didn't realize what she was doing.
Hi all just checking in mostly to say a massive CONGRATS!!! To ticktock, so pleased for you. I'm not coming on here much these days which is intentional as it seems to have been getting to the point where it consumes me! As for me, Ive had dr app she can't find anything wrong, said it could only be blockages really now although these would have to be secondary IYKWIM. Anyway, she is referring us to fs (mostly cos I said we had ntnp since oct/nov 09-it was actually jan 10) dare, how long did it take to get app? What's first thing they do? I think she wants me to have hsg which scares me-I winder how long I'll have to wait? In mean time I have started Pilates,acupuncture and still not smoking and just trying to stay positive and create karma! Dare, have you been to dr about irregular cycles? Sorry I meant to ask dan-o those questions-I'm rushing and can't go back to change it sorry x
Sorry like I said those fs questions were for dan-o, not dare! X
have to go to a&e as my doc reffered me due to some spotting. Am mega scared and hope everything is ok. Am now just waiting for hubby to get home to come with me incase its bad news
Oh ticktock don't worry I'm sure it will all be ok-keep calm hun and get yourself down there asap, let us know how you are-will keep everything crossed till we hear x
OMG, I hope everything is OK.

Spotting is super common & not always a bad sign.

Everything crossed for you hun, let us know how you get on xx
Hi Kitty.

First thing, I went to my GP to express my concerns. They arranged bloods to check everything under the sun on CD3 and anther on CD21 to check im ovulating. OH had to then go and do a SA. I got a BFP that cycle too funnily enough, but unfortunately lost it a week later.
I left it a month after the chemical/mc and went back to see the gp again to get the referral rolling.

I got my FS appt through quite quickly, I think it was a few weeks, but I know it does vary depending on where you live. The first appt was basically to have a chat, look through mine and OH's medical records, have some more blood tests, and book in for whatever further investiagations were needed.

The FS looked at my history IE. I've conceived twice in 2 yrs, and cycle with short but regular ovulatory cycles. Then combined this with OH's low sperm count (10m).
She decided that the best course of action for me was to bypass the HSG etc for now and try clomid first.

I then had to wait for my baseline scan, to check for any abnormalities preventing me from having clomid (which I had today, all OK)

I start clomid after the weekend, on my next cycle.

I'm having another scan in about a fortnight, to check my ovaries response to the drugs.

After that, If no pregnancy occurs in 6 cycles, or the clomid doesnt help/agree with me before then, I think we will be moving on to IUI & ultimately the IVF wait list.

I know it seems like a long time, but taking 12 months to conceive is very normal, so try not to panic too much at this stage. Has OH had his swimmers checked yet? It's best to have all this done first, to speed up the process.

I would say have CD3/21 bloods, make sure thyroid and FBC etc is included. Do STI swabs and chlamydia bloods and a SA before getting referred. If your GP can book you in for the HSG then all the better, as there is often a wait for those too.

Hope this helps.

Hi dan-o, thanks hun. Yes we have had SA-all good. Cd 3 and 21-all good. All other bloods that can be done have been to rule out thyroid, PCOS etc-all hormone levels look good. LP about 15 days so ok. Have been pg before so not genetic abnormalities or anything born with. Cant be burst appendix as the reason I almost died was because it was so high up in the wrong place so it cant have caused scarring in fallopian tubes ( and I got pg after anyway) so it can only really be a blockage caused by infection I suppose ( que me worrying about having underlying chlamidia or something for years!) I have always been prone to cystitis and had so many urine tests over years-nothing picked up or on any smears which I always make sure I have so..........I know all this is good news but I have a horrible feeling we will fall into that awful 'unexplained' group argh!! I also thought it could be the smoking and stress hence the quitting, pilates and acupuncture (fertility specialist). I am just having a bad couple days I think-generally I have been really up beat about it and just looking forward and hey if it takes another 6, 8, 12 months so be it-I guess in life the things you really want (qualifications, jobs, driving, buying a house) all take months if not years to achieve so I will not be giving up anytime soon! I guess an hsg will deal with my worry of blockages. My Dr just said we will both have to go to local hosp for initial app then take it from there-I hope its not too long! Glad things are moving forward for you hun and thanks for the info x
hi all, am back. Well after a horrendous internal exam I had a scan, they eventually found a heartbeat yey but have put me at 6 weeks rather than 6+5 but I wasn't totally sure on dates anyway and 6 week does fit. My LMP puts me at 7 and a half weeks which the lady doing the scan was told so she was concerned couldn't find the baby at first. But the doc said don't worry about size etc as long as its not lots behind on size and has a heartbeat then not to worry.

And he just said what everyone else has - spotting is common so don't worry about it!!

Am relieved to be home, am exhausted, physically and mentally. Have totally lost my appetite too, just wanna go to bed and wake up when I'm in 2nd tri lol
Wow, what a nasty scare. Hope everything goes smoothly from now on hun! :hugs:

When will they scan you again? x
I'vw got a private one booked for next week but might move it to week after. But from looking on here, the measurement of 4.4mm I got given can be dated up to 7 weeks so I guess different places have different ways of doing it! So may just keep my scan for next friday still.

So am bit more relaxed today! Can I ask a slightly personal question? When I had the internal exam to check my cervix etc, he made me put my fists under my bum to lift me more into the air and muttered something about 'bit of a funny shaped uterus'?!?!? Any insight to this?!?!

Am soooo excited for starting clomid my dear,I'll be stalking you!!!

Kittycat, hope your fs apt comes through quickly x
Probably just a retroverted uterus ticktock. I have one sometimes, other times it flops back to the usual place.
When I have internal scans I always have to put my bum on a foam block, so everything goes in a nice straight line.
Very common & nothing to worry about, google it :) xx

Another thing, a retroverted uterus can make baby appear smaller than it actually is, I've read lots of stories about it online.

Aren't EPU scanning you again before 12weeks?

I dug out my old paperwork from last year & found two of my old scan sheets which might be of some use to you.
First one, FP measured 4mm exactly, HB not clearly visible, dated just under 6weeks.
Next scan a few days later FP measured 6.2mm (and we saw the HB clearly)That dated me at 6+1.

You should be able to see lots more at your next scan, whenever it is :)
ah thanks dan-o, it goes to show how variable things can be. She did have a bit of a nightmare finding everything at the scan, was waving the scanner around in me for ages :wacko:

so I got a naughty uterus, when he said about not seeing it, I was like 'wheres it gone?!' I'm such a numpty lol

epu said no worries about me and as I have a midwife apt next week just see what she says. The gynae doc was very nice and am just to contact my GP if I have any worries!
Ohh if you beg your midwife, she might give you another early NHS scan then :)

Always nice to have another peek for free, he he! xx
BFN for me today (11dpo) AF is due to arrive overnight or in the morning, unless I'm a day out on my chart.

Oh well, looks like clomid here I come....

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