Anyone with PCOS?

I was diagnosed with PCOS in September last year. TTC for 2 years and in January i found out we were pregnant. This was entirely due to a supplement i was taking which seemed to reset my hormones completely in the space of only 2 months. Totally shocked that supplements can do so much. It was inositol, got it off amazon. Before i took this my periods had stopped completely, i gained loads of weight and my moods were just permanently low. Inositol seemed to 'fix' all of that. Amazed.
Welcome timetotry & Kristel!

Time - It is frustrating! I hope you get your BFP soon!!

Kristel! WOW thats wonderful!! I am glad it worked out for you with the Inositol!

Clapper, Haha! I seriously hate the gassy feeling and the mood swings, yikes! Our poor DH's haha!

HB - aww crap! I don't blame you, I wouldn't want AF on my wedding day either!

Thanks guys. I am going to ask my dr for some provera, just to get the ball rolling again. I am almost positive I won't O this cycle but hey ya never know! (As I sit here typing my ovary start hurting LMAO).
I also have PCOS which was diagnosed about 5 years ago. I'm on 2000mg modified release metformin per day. Was on regular metformin but the side effects were awful, so the GP changed them and all ok now.

My cycles vary; sometimes I am regular 28 days and others 100 days +. Longest I've been without AF was 6 months!

I also have an under active thyroid, and am now on thyroxine for that!

We've been trying for 5 years and 4 months, we managed to get pregnant twice but lost them both. Until TTC I never had any idea that things like PCOS, endo, thyroid conditions etc were so common!
Dumb, PCOS! I O'ed super late this month and then 4DPO AF showed up... Ugh!!!
Here's to next month! :wine:
Hi can I join!?

I finally got diagnosed with PCOS last week but here's a bit of the back story

Periods were like clock work until I started taking the pill at 18 (weight 11st). Took a break from the pill at 20 (11st7) and my period didn't return. After 6 months my weight had shot up to 13st 7lb, still no sign of my period so I went to the doctor who referred me for an ultrasound. I never got an appointment so went back on the pill. Weight stabilised at around 12st7-13st for the next 4 years.

Fast forward to end of June 2014 and I stopped taking the pill just before my wedding. My weight was 11st 9lb having been on a pre wedding diet/exercise regime based on simply keeping my net daily calories to 1200 per day (running three times a week to counteract bad food choices, didn't cut anything out)

Had my first proper AF at the end of August, normal cycles (33 days) in September, October and November and ovulation was detected (OPK and temping. Weight had slowly crept up to 12st7 despite keeping net calories below 1400.

Since December I have had a 58 day cycle and two 20 day cycles, each ending with the lightest of periods/spotting for 5 days. My weight has crept up to 13st2 despite NO change in diet and increased exercise

Ultrasound on 8th April detected cysts on both ovaries, more on the left than the right and no sign of maturing follicles (I was on CD11 and had been taking soy isoflavones so that's annoying).

Now I'm on a two month wait before I can even be referred to a fertility specialist (in June). All I have is norethisterone to make sure that at the end of this cycle I have a proper bleed :(

Wow that ended up so long! Sorry!!
Welcome ladies!

Wannabe- glad the ER met has been much more tolerable for you :) It is crazy how everything works together and can have an effect on us!

Jamie- Sorry to hear about AF :( 4 days is super short! are you on progesterone supplements?

Km- I also have struggled with the weight creeping on with zero changes in diet... so frustrating!!! Over the past 3-4 years I have gained about 3 st with no changes if not actually eating healthier. Even when I was much lighter (from puberty) I never ever had a regular cycle so I am pretty sure the weight isn't the cause but rather a symptom :( CD11 is still very early for maturing follicles especially if you have long cycles! Don't worry just have to stay positive.

Kelligal- how are things on your end?

AFM I am 6dpo but the doc thinks 7dpo. I called yesterday to ask to have progesterone test today because I was nervous that maybe I didn't O even though I am on the clomid and my follicles did grow. The doc was pretty convinced that I was either O'ing or about to last time I went in (week ago today) because by LH was 23.3. I have still had some weird tugging kind of cramp like pains in my lower abdomen, my face broke out today but for the first time since around O my nips aren't sore.. I don't know if that is good or bad haha Baby dust to all!!
Hi welcome ladies!!

Wannabe- I too am on the ER, it is SO much better than the regular met, but it still does make me sick.

Jamie- Yikes! 4 days? I've had LP at 8 days but never 4. That sucks!

Km- Yup.. Welcome to club. I hate how much my weight yo-yo's. I am like Clapper, not sure if it is the weight causing the issues, because even when I was very in shape and at a "healthy" weight I still had issues. The thing that works for me (may not for everyone) is low carb/gluten free, and no dairy & soy. When I stick to that religiously I lose weight pretty quick. (Just sticking to it is the kicker LOL).

Clapper- I so hope this is it for you! I hope the different symptoms you are having is because a baby is a brewing! :D

AFM - I am CD 30 today, my temps are going up, but this morning I (SORRY SO TMI!!!) I had blood twinge CM. SO I am thinking AF is going to rear her ugly head today or tomorrow, and I didn't ovulate at all this cycle.
Kelligal- I hope that its not AF but if it is at least it means a fresh start and new possibilities!:thumbup: I have heard ovulation can cause that as well. Our bodies are so confusing :wacko: I hope this is it too! I got my results of my progesterone test and it was 24 so I definitely ovulated!!!! I literally was in tears at my work desk haha this journey is exhausting. I am cautiously hopeful for this cycle as it is my best ever and we DTD every day in the fertile window. I hate the waiting part, especially the second half! I keep having dreams of having twins, maybe its a good sign... or I'm just over emotional and really hoping for twins :haha:
Unfortunately I am thinking it is AF. I really REALLY really wish something would happen just so I would know.

Sweet!! Yeah thats a for sure ovulation lol. The TWW is the worst! Why cant we just get an email like 5 days later saying "nope not this month" ha. It would be nice.
Unfortunately I am thinking it is AF. I really REALLY really wish something would happen just so I would know.

Sweet!! Yeah thats a for sure ovulation lol. The TWW is the worst! Why cant we just get an email like 5 days later saying "nope not this month" ha. It would be nice.

I love the email idea! The worst bit of the tww is testing too early and then knowing from like day 7 that it won't happen but keeping testing to kid yourself :(
Yep! It's complete torture! I swear AF gets her jollies off watching all of us scramble and fret.
I have PCOS as well! I don't have cysts, but my blood work is pretty clear. I've been off birth control for 5 months now with no real period, but a lot of spotting. Worked on my diet and continue to work on it and my exercise. Possible metformin coming soon. Just made an appointment with the reproductive endocrinologist (which is in a bit over a month). I'm excited, but also a bit nervous as we haven't been trying super long!
Welcome otter pup!! Hopefully in your appointment they can straighten things out for ya!
Welcome otterpup!I hope your RE treats you well and things move along smoothly. Do you temp?

Kelligal- I see your status is happy! yay happy :thumbup: and you aren't kidding about the email!!!! I wish!! I'm 8dpo today and feel nothing. No different than any other day (besides EXTRA cranky) I woke up yelling at DH over his alarms. I feel kind of bad now but its like there is something inside of me and I can't control the angry lol I was so confident this was our month, but I just don't think so anymore. :nope:
An email would be a great idea! If only it was an option :haha: the weight gain is horrible. I weigh more now than u did after I gave birth! I've bought a treadmill hoping to shift some of it but we'll see. I just bought a dress for my husbands surprise 30th and I'll either need to lose some weight or a really good pair of spanx!!

Did AF show Kelligal?

Clapper - don't give up hope yet! You never know!
Ha clapper, I forgot to change it. I set it to happy when I started clomid, but now I am down right pissed LMAO.
I've heard of people not having one symptom and ending up pregnant. So it could happen girl! When are you going to test?

HB- hey purchasing a treadmill is a step in the right direction! I've got to get my butt into gear, i've slacked off at the gym again and my clothes are noticing :(
.. Oh yeah, and AF.. NOPE still nothing. My temps are holding out around the same area, BUT I am SUPER tired today and usually when I feel very drained like this it means she is making her entrance soon. I am trying to decide when to ask my DR for provera so I can get this over with LOL.
HB- happy treadmilling! I bought an elliptical 2 years ago and I hate the dang thing, wish I had gone for the treadmill. I love ellipticals at the gym but the one I got is a very choppy motion when I use it but my shorter friend doesn't really have an issue.. maybe I am just too tall. The weight battle is never ending. I wish you the best of luck and hope to loose with you :)

Kelligal- Might as well just ask the Dr and if you get AF before at least you have it for backup if you ever need it again :) (hopefully not until next baby!)

You guys are right, I just don't know until I test or get AF :shrug: I plan on testing tomorrow morning (9dpo). Praying that I'll get a second line! Babydust to all :)
I am with ya on ellipticals. The ones at the gym seem a lot bigger which is nice for my mile long legs lol.

Yeah that's true, I think I will get in touch with her today and ask for some. No point in waiting for her naturally and maybe not show up!

EEK! I am so excited for you! I hope it's a BFP!!!
Clapper-I just started temping last week. It's not really showing much yet... Hope that you get that BFP!!!!

Workout equipment at home sounds awesome! I've been working on losing some weight, too, since my doctor recommended it. I'm lucky that I'm not as hard a loser as some women with PCOS and it's going well, but I did hit a plateau this week. Good luck with your loss!

I have a new hormonal test being done currently and an ultrasound scheduled. May be starting metformin very soon depending on how my hormone levels look.

KelliGal- I've been wondering about using provera. Haven't completed one cycle in 5 months!
kelligal- good luck, let us know what she says! :)

otterpup- you are very lucky! I have a really hard time loosing, I swear even if I eat salad all day I still stay the same lol Personally, I liked the metformin (once I got rid of the side effects!) because it has helped me be more even tempered. I never realized how much the uneven hormones really effected me. I was terrified at first to take it because I never ever take pills (boy has that changed!!) and all of the nasty side effects I heard about. You just need to remember that its going to help you and that in time this too shall pass and your body will get more used to it. I wish you the best of luck either way!! we have your back :)

HB- how's it going? O in sight?

AFM 9dpo and BFN this morning :( I know it is still early but I am just not feeling it like I was. Desperately hopeful! Hope everyone has a great day!

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