Clapper-Glad to hear that you have 3 follicles on your ultrasound! Hope they continue to grow and you get a BFP this month and that next month your vacation will be a family vacation!
Onions-Happy to have you on board! I know its incredibly frustrating and you dont have to filter yourself here. Were all here b/c were TTC, I hope you dont feel so alone with all of us here for you. I just recently started on here and I know it has been a big help to my morale to be on here
it definitely helped that feeling of being alone in this process. Im sorry to hear that your doctors have been so resistant to help b/c of your weight. Im 29 and ttc for almost 2 years
I am overweight but I also have PCOS, which kind of goes hand in hand with having weight problems b/c of the hormonal imbalance, etc. So my doctors didnt let my weight stop me from proceeding with treatment
of course it has been brought up and I am working on it, but they did not hold off further treatment and evaluation because of it. Have they diagnosed you with PCOS? Maybe you should look around for a different specialist to see if you can find another one if your area? I hope you get the help youre looking for with a specialist and that you find some support and comfort on here!
Swimmy-I hear ya on the BFN! I knew I wasnt pregnant but I had to take a test before my specialist would start the pills and have to do so every month and theres always that fleeting hope that youre wrong about not being pregnant and even though you expect the BFN it still sucks when it actually appears! If you need to get an HSG, try not to stress too much and relax, I think being relaxed helps too
its really over quick. My FS told me to take Tylenol 500mg (or similar) about 30-45 min before the test (which I did) and to have some on hand for after but I didnt even need it and ended up not taking anything else after the test.
Hb-sorry to hear you were so sick! Thats awful, hope you enjoy your holiday
sometimes relaxing and not thinking about it is the best thing!
As for me, I had an ultrasound done on 05/02/15 (CD10 for me), first cycle on Femara 5mg days 3-7. I had a slightly enlarged follicle on my right ovary which they said was normal b/c day 10 can br tricky to find follicles or so I was told-they didnt measure b/c they wanted to check the left ovary first and they never went back to it b/c they found 2 big ones on good ol lefty! 16mm each!
Which apparently is a very healthy size for day 10! Now just do the OPK daily and watching and waiting for the LH surge. Would be so nice to see a BFP this month but right now I am just happy I had a clear HSG and my body seems to be responding so well to the metformin and femara
gives me hope even if it doesnt happen this month
but please happen!!!!
Baby dust to everyone!