Anyone with PCOS?

Ran out of OPKs. Oops!

Fertility friend has this crazy idea that I have ovulated but I disagree. These are my OPKs and my chart is in my sig.

Usually my post O temp is above 36. Then again I usually take my temp at 7am but haven't got two weeks due to being on holiday. I decided due to the PCOS that it probably didn't make any difference if I woke up to temp or not cause I probably won't O anyways. Again, oops.

How's everyone else doing? Any news?


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Hmm, I don't really know how to determine if FF lied or not lol this cycle has been so awful for me, that I find myself questioning the accuracy of it all.

Clapper, 9dpo is still early! Have you tested any more?

Afm, I haven't contacted my dr yet, I've been having a pity party the last few days lol. The migraine and cramping suggest AF along with the fact my temp just keeps dropping. Totally didn't O this cycle. Grr.
Hmm, I don't really know how to determine if FF lied or not lol this cycle has been so awful for me, that I find myself questioning the accuracy of it all.

Clapper, 9dpo is still early! Have you tested any more?

Afm, I haven't contacted my dr yet, I've been having a pity party the last few days lol. The migraine and cramping suggest AF along with the fact my temp just keeps dropping. Totally didn't O this cycle. Grr.

Well mines changed cause my temps higher today. Reckon I'll O today if I'm going to
Kmpreston- your chart looks like you might have O'd. Hope your temps stay up!

kelligal- I am sorry you have been feeling down :( I understand it is a crazy roller coaster of emotions. Keep your head up!

AFM 12dpo and still all BFN :( I had a pitty party myself on Friday. Complete melt down but then the weekend DH and I did a lot of things together. It was nice spending time together and being productive :) We installed a new storm/screen door in the front of our house! :happydance:
Yeah.. This roller coaster just keeps on going. My chart is a mess this cycle! What did the Clomid do (or not do)!! My temp just spiked this morning, and the CM dept is nuts!

Clapper- Aww, it may still be too early, keep your chin up! I am glad you and DH got to have a nice weekend :) I love productive weekends! Yay for new storm door! You must get bad summer storms?
kelligal- Hopefully you are just O'ing late!! Not knowing what is going on is the worst. What is the plan for your next cycle?

I hope it is too early.. but I am very doubtful unfortunately. I live in Massachusetts. The storm door is more for winters. The winters can be brutal up here- especially this year. The top of the door pulls down so it is screen at the top. Where are you from (if you don't mind me asking)!
Think I could be this late? Geez.. DH and I haven't BD for like a week lol I haven't been in the mood. Guess we should just in case.

You did Clomid this round right?

AHH gotcha, Yikes, I've heard ya'll get brutal winters.. My sis in law lives in Philly and she says winters are awful!

I live in New Mexico, but I am literally on the border of Texas.. The town is pretty much an extension of Texas lol.
I have heard stories of women o'ing super late on clomid in the CD30 range and you had a clear temp shift... who knows!

It must be hot down there! I have never been to Texas but would love to! Our winter is finally over and the snow is melting :happydance: I love snow because I ski but man am I ready for summer! I always wanted to get pregnant in like Sept/October so I wouldn't have to experience heat and pregnancy but now I would do anything to just get pregnant! Funny how things change...
I have heard stories of women o'ing super late on clomid in the CD30 range and you had a clear temp shift... who knows!

It must be hot down there! I have never been to Texas but would love to! Our winter is finally over and the snow is melting :happydance: I love snow because I ski but man am I ready for summer! I always wanted to get pregnant in like Sept/October so I wouldn't have to experience heat and pregnancy but now I would do anything to just get pregnant! Funny how things change...

I went on holiday during my last pregnancy (I was 15 weeks and went again at 25 weeks). We live in the UK so our summers never result in much :haha: first holiday was ok but my feet didn't half swell up! Second holiday was pretty much the same, except I was a million times more hormonal and kept bursting out crying at the pool - poor DH didn't know what to do!

It all seems so insignificant now, you really do forget the horrors of pregnancy and labour lol.

I can only imagine the heat in Texas!!! We're lucky if we're getting 10 degrees Celsius here at the moment so summer can't come fast enough!
Hb- 10C is in our mix here too, we are a range from ~6C-22C... depends on the day! haha what are your summers like? How are you getting along this cycle? what day are you on?

Kelligal- any sign of AF yet?

kmpreston- did you get more opks or are you just "winging" it?

AFM 13dpo, still negatives going in for bloods tomorrow if AF doesn't show. In a way I kind of hope she just shows in the morning since all of the tests are negative so I don't have to go in for the bloods and can start the next cycle. I am pretty emotional today.. partially hormones, partially disappointment. I was so excited that everything in this cycle went so well... minus the positive test at the end. Baby dust to you ladies!
Texas IS hot lol. They have some of the most amazing summer storms though, and usually mild winters. (Like less than 2" of snow). We've been in the 75-85 range for the last month now, and just going to stay and get warmer.

I love snow, if I could go somewhere, snowboard, then go back to where it's warm LOL. I am a beach/warm climate kind of girl!
I always thought that too, with 110+ degree summers, being pregnant wouldn't be fun, but at this point I don't care, I would do it!

HB- I would love to visit the UK in the summer, DH has been hinting he wants a summer trip there lol. How are you going in your cycle?

Clapper- Crap! that sucks about the BFN :( Good idea going to get lab work done though, just to see what's up.

AFM- No AF, not really much of anything honestly. I have a busy week ahead of me at work, so that is keeping my mind of TTC and what my body is/isn't doing.
Clapper - our summers are definitely warmer than our winters, but it varies - we had snow in May lady year :haha: I think the warmest it usually reaches is around 25C, but it can be warmer down in the south of England!! Right now it's 16C and 4pm which is impressive. Don't give up just yet, fingers crossed it may just be too early!

Kelligal - that sounds amazing, I'm definitely a warmer climate person too! I've only been to the US once and that was in Feb this year on our honeymoon. We went to Vegas and although it was Feb the temp was just nice, especially compared to Newark where our first flight was into - it was minus 5 there!! The UK is very different to the US. We live in Glasgow which is the biggest city in Scotland, but it's also very different to England. Scotland has a lot of green land, hills and lochs :haha: we live in the suburbs and I love it, we're seconds away from farm land but still near enough to the city centre. And we don't all run about in kilts and eat haggis :haha: we got asked that a lot on our honeymoon.

So far I'm CD13 with no sign of anything happening. I did have a temp rise but I have the flu so that wasn't unexpected!! DH has finished work early and is on his way to look after me :blush:
Clapper - our summers are definitely warmer than our winters, but it varies - we had snow in May lady year :haha: I think the warmest it usually reaches is around 25C, but it can be warmer down in the south of England!! Right now it's 16C and 4pm which is impressive. Don't give up just yet, fingers crossed it may just be too early!

Kelligal - that sounds amazing, I'm definitely a warmer climate person too! I've only been to the US once and that was in Feb this year on our honeymoon. We went to Vegas and although it was Feb the temp was just nice, especially compared to Newark where our first flight was into - it was minus 5 there!! The UK is very different to the US. We live in Glasgow which is the biggest city in Scotland, but it's also very different to England. Scotland has a lot of green land, hills and lochs :haha: we live in the suburbs and I love it, we're seconds away from farm land but still near enough to the city centre. And we don't all run about in kilts and eat haggis :haha: we got asked that a lot on our honeymoon.

So far I'm CD13 with no sign of anything happening. I did have a temp rise but I have the flu so that wasn't unexpected!! DH has finished work early and is on his way to look after me :blush:

Yeah Vegas is great in the winter too. We used to live about an hour away from there and winters were great! I can't live anywhere there is much snow though. Just not my thing. LOL Oh HB. That sounds beautiful!! Haha people ask funny things! Is summer the best time to visit?

Aww that sucks, the flu is the worst! Good your DH is coming to take care of you! :)
Hi, new to the site but not new to ttc...been off bc for about 20mos but really started trying about 15mos ago. I got diagnosed with PCOS at age 18 (I am 29 now) which did not concern me at the time. But then the weight gain started despite trying to eat healthy and working out. Frustration got the best of me and I gave up and sadly 50 pounds later I finally plateaued and weight loss since has been an uphill battle and so has getting pregnant. The PCOS has made me anovulatory. I am trying to lose weight, it's slow going and I have to be very strict but pound by pound it's coming off. (Currently lost 5 of the 50 pounds I'd like to lose)
Just got on board with a FS in March and about to start my first cycle with Femara tomorrow (days 3-7).
My ob/gyn tried me on clomid 50mg in Nov but no U/S that month. Tried 100mg in Dec and U/S showed only 15mm follicle at day 15 so was not hopeful for ovulation that month. 100mg again in Jan and got a 21 mm follicle but after a torturous 2 week wait got a BFN at day 31 and day 35 AF showed up. I tried an OPK and got a positive for 4 days in a row but no true confirmation of whether or not I really did ovulate. :shrug: (PCOS and OPK's don't play too well together I've heard) My DH and I were disappointed but I was trying to stay optimistic since I did respond to the clomid but my ob/gyn seemed less than willing to keep dealing with me (at least that's how it felt) and sent me to an FS.
Which I am actually grateful for b/c he seems to be more attentive and thorough ordering bw and an HSG, and also started me on metformin for about 3 weeks. Metformin has been shown to restore ovulation in women with PCOS on it's own but my FS is combining it with the Femara which also stimulates ovulation but with less side effects than clomid (and at least slightly better success rates I guess).
I won't lie, metformin is brutal :sick: the stomach pain, nausea, abdominal bloating and gas, along with the "sort of" diarrhea (I say sort of because it's not consistent throughout the day and once or twice shortly after the pill). I worked my way up from 500mg once a day to 1000mg twice a day and it wasn't easy nor pretty but 3rd day of the full dose doesn't feel as bad, but my advice is seriously avoid carbs, simple or complex, eat very little carb with a lot of protein (at least for now it seems).
Anyway, I am excited to see the result of the metformin with the femara, really hoping it works. I have an U/S next Wednesday the 29th and my HSG on the 27th.
Hoping the HSG has a good result, really nervous and hoping it does not show any tubal problems as that could mean IVF is the only option :nope: Please keep your fingers crossed for me ladies that they don't find any more problems and that the pills will give us our first little miracle!
Good luck to everyone! Hoping we all get BFP's!
Hb- 10C is in our mix here too, we are a range from ~6C-22C... depends on the day! haha what are your summers like? How are you getting along this cycle? what day are you on?

Kelligal- any sign of AF yet?

kmpreston- did you get more opks or are you just "winging" it?

AFM 13dpo, still negatives going in for bloods tomorrow if AF doesn't show. In a way I kind of hope she just shows in the morning since all of the tests are negative so I don't have to go in for the bloods and can start the next cycle. I am pretty emotional today.. partially hormones, partially disappointment. I was so excited that everything in this cycle went so well... minus the positive test at the end. Baby dust to you ladies!

At least your cycle is going well.
Winging it without any OPKs. Thought yesterday was the day but temps back down now. cM has improved tho so maybe soon. Gonna start progesterone on day 28 if still nothing
Welcome namecominsoon! Glad you are on board with an FS. Metformin has done wonders for me! It made my cycle regular for 5 months and made my hormones shift as they were supposed to but I wasn't truly ovulation unfortunately. Even though the side effects of the met really stink (no pun intended!) they do get better in time. There were many sleepless nights while I was getting adjusted. You will learn what you can and cannot eat but will eventually be able to eat those things again. For me it was lean meats like chicken and fish, vegetables, and a little fruit. No granola bars or bread for sure! Things will get better, keep your head up! good luck on this upcoming cycle!

kmpreston- your chart looks good today! fingers crossed! :thumbup:

kelligal- How are things going, has AF showed her face yet?

Hb- Any sign of O!?

AFM went for bloods yesterday and the nurse called me back to tell me she "wasn't going to make me a happy birthday girl" as much as I knew this wasn't the cycle, I still had a little glimmer of hope and was pretty upset. But Ive picked myself back up and onto the next clomid cycle... as soon as AF shows her face that is!
Welcome namecominsoon! Glad you are on board with an FS. Metformin has done wonders for me! It made my cycle regular for 5 months and made my hormones shift as they were supposed to but I wasn't truly ovulation unfortunately. Even though the side effects of the met really stink (no pun intended!) they do get better in time. There were many sleepless nights while I was getting adjusted. You will learn what you can and cannot eat but will eventually be able to eat those things again. For me it was lean meats like chicken and fish, vegetables, and a little fruit. No granola bars or bread for sure! Things will get better, keep your head up! good luck on this upcoming cycle!

kmpreston- your chart looks good today! fingers crossed! :thumbup:

kelligal- How are things going, has AF showed her face yet?

Hb- Any sign of O!?

AFM went for bloods yesterday and the nurse called me back to tell me she "wasn't going to make me a happy birthday girl" as much as I knew this wasn't the cycle, I still had a little glimmer of hope and was pretty upset. But Ive picked myself back up and onto the next clomid cycle... as soon as AF shows her face that is!

I've got EWCM! Not had that since November! Yay! fingers crossed this is really ovulation and that we manage to catch this time! God it's late!!
Welcome namecominsoon :flower:

Clapper - don't give up yet!! I find PCOS messes everything up lol. And happy birthday!! Do you have any nice plans?

Kmpreston - that's brilliant!! Fingers crossed for u.

Nothing happening with me but I'm not overly surprised. I was at the docs today for my fever though and I have a stomach ulcer caused by stress. Maybe I need to chill out a bit and let it be :dohh:
kmpreston- YAY!! your chart looks great too! fingers crossed and lots of baby dust!!

Hb- that sounds terrible! Get lots of rest, wishing you a fast recovery :(

So today is officially CD 1... taking it as a fresh start and praying we catch an egg this time. My birthday was pretty good. DH and I went and got a new puppy! He thinks it would be a good distraction, I am thinking just a different stress lol but at least I am finishing my class this week and have a few weeks off before the next one starts and vacation! :happydance: The puppy is adorable and gets along with our other dog well but the cats aren't too thrilled yet haha

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