Hi, new to the site but not new to ttc...been off bc for about 20mos but really started trying about 15mos ago. I got diagnosed with PCOS at age 18 (I am 29 now) which did not concern me at the time. But then the weight gain started despite trying to eat healthy and working out. Frustration got the best of me and I gave up and sadly 50 pounds later I finally plateaued and weight loss since has been an uphill battle and so has getting pregnant. The PCOS has made me anovulatory. I am trying to lose weight, it's slow going and I have to be very strict but pound by pound it's coming off. (Currently lost 5 of the 50 pounds I'd like to lose)
Just got on board with a FS in March and about to start my first cycle with Femara tomorrow (days 3-7).
My ob/gyn tried me on clomid 50mg in Nov but no U/S that month. Tried 100mg in Dec and U/S showed only 15mm follicle at day 15 so was not hopeful for ovulation that month. 100mg again in Jan and got a 21 mm follicle but after a torturous 2 week wait got a BFN at day 31 and day 35 AF showed up. I tried an OPK and got a positive for 4 days in a row but no true confirmation of whether or not I really did ovulate.

(PCOS and OPK's don't play too well together I've heard) My DH and I were disappointed but I was trying to stay optimistic since I did respond to the clomid but my ob/gyn seemed less than willing to keep dealing with me (at least that's how it felt) and sent me to an FS.
Which I am actually grateful for b/c he seems to be more attentive and thorough ordering bw and an HSG, and also started me on metformin for about 3 weeks. Metformin has been shown to restore ovulation in women with PCOS on it's own but my FS is combining it with the Femara which also stimulates ovulation but with less side effects than clomid (and at least slightly better success rates I guess).
I won't lie, metformin is brutal

the stomach pain, nausea, abdominal bloating and gas, along with the "sort of" diarrhea (I say sort of because it's not consistent throughout the day and once or twice shortly after the pill). I worked my way up from 500mg once a day to 1000mg twice a day and it wasn't easy nor pretty but 3rd day of the full dose doesn't feel as bad, but my advice is seriously avoid carbs, simple or complex, eat very little carb with a lot of protein (at least for now it seems).
Anyway, I am excited to see the result of the metformin with the femara, really hoping it works. I have an U/S next Wednesday the 29th and my HSG on the 27th.
Hoping the HSG has a good result, really nervous and hoping it does not show any tubal problems as that could mean IVF is the only option

Please keep your fingers crossed for me ladies that they don't find any more problems and that the pills will give us our first little miracle!
Good luck to everyone! Hoping we all get BFP's!