Anyone with PCOS?

Kelligal- I am really sorry to hear about all of your bad luck lately, I hope things turn around for you. I have struggled with depression as well and its not easy to get through but you will. I know it sounds cliche but when I say it to myself its not aggravating like when I hear it from someone else, everything happens for a reason. Might not know or understand the reason now, but maybe someday. You are one step closer to your BFP and every day is that much closer but you just don't know how long that journey is. Keep your chin up and try to focus on the positive things. Plan things that make you happy whether its a craft project, gym routine, going out with girl friends or a weekend a way. Having something to look forward to is always helpful!
Thanks.. I just feel so useless as a person. I am trying to stay positive, and trying to keep myself busy with things but man it's rough.

Thanks for listening ya'll. sometimes I feel so alone in everything.
KelliGal - you are definitely not alone with the depression from TTC. It was getting to the point for me that I didn't even want to bd with my husband if I wasnt ovulating because what was the point. Friends that were pregnant or having babies I wanted nothing to do with. I ended up giving myself a stern talking to lol that I just didn't want to be that person. I'm like u a happy laughing person and instead I was turning into an angry and resentful person, and I was going to lose people I cared about. I know it's hard but keeping yourself busy is best. :) if you ever need to vent email please do!

lots of hugs your way
Onions-I’m sorry they seem to have you going in circles. Maybe after your husband’s SA comes back they will move forward in the process. (When my husband’s SA came back and his results were like Super Sperm I couldn’t help but think “Lucky SOB”-which doesn’t make sense cause really that would just make it harder on me having to do IUI and such but still, it puts all the “blame” on me!) Hope they do something more for you soon, it definitely sucks doing the same thing over and over like they are expecting different results…didn’t Einstein say that was the definition of insanity?

Clapper-That’s exciting! Hope that this is your cycle for a BFP!!!

Kelligal- I definitely feel your pain, I am a super optimistic person, depressed is probably one of the last words someone would use to describe me but this whole process can be emotionally and mentally crippling. There have been a lot of changes going on with my work too that have made me feel less secure on that front too, plus I got wait listed for my college program recently, and then all this TTC nonsense….I felt like I was failing at everything, including being a failure as a woman. It’s heart-wrenching to feel like I am disappointing my husband, I’ve even wondered if he regrets marrying me, like he got a dud. It doesn’t help when everyone around you is getting pregnant-I mean seriously, 6 good friends have had babies in the last year and it’s been almost two years TTC and not even one BFP. I just try to remember that I am taking the proper steps and now I have a FS who knows what to do and I just try to have faith that it will happen. Also try to remind myself that at least I am getting some positive results (good SA, good HSG, good size follicles) even if I haven’t got a BFP yet. You’re absolutely not alone in your struggle or in your feelings and I hope knowing that helps. Just try not to beat yourself up to much or feel guilty even though it’s hard. You are not useless and you are a strong woman who is trying hard and not giving up and you can be proud of that.

As for me, I did an OPK and I did get a positive…but it was positive for like 4 days in a row with a questionable 5th day positive (lighter than control but not much). I don’t know…I had this happen on my third cycle of clomid in February and obviously did not get pregnant so I am nervous that the length of + OPK is indicative that my LH surges are not enough to cause the follicle to release an egg and it keeps trying but eventually the LH decreases without a successful ovulation? I’ve read that lengthy LH surges can mean your body tries multiple surges…I just don’t know if the surges succeeded. My FS did not order any bloodwork to check if I ovulated and if I do not get a BFP this time I would like to ask if we can look into this next time to see if I need a trigger shot or something. It’s just annoying to know my follicles are maturing so well but that they may not be releasing. I def had cramping around CD12 but it was bilateral and I read that may just mean follicle maturation but the actual release of the egg should only be one sided pain so who knows at this point?!!? I’m CD20 now so I have a couple weeks left to wait and wonder. I’ve tried doing BBT but sometimes I wake up like 30-60 minutes before my alarm and roll over and go back to sleep and I don’t know if this is effecting my temps because I’m not really noticing a pattern. :shrug: Here's hoping for some good news soon! Thanks for everyone who listens and supports!
:dust: Baby dust to all you beautiful ladies!
Wow, thank you all so much. Reading that I am NOT alone, oddly makes me feel better. I know I am not useless, I know I am a good person that should keep going, it was just the strangest feeling i've never had before.

I do wonder, I was on Metformin, and when my Period all of a sudden showed up and stayed for 2 weeks I quit cold turkey.. Could that have caused some of the depression? I took Inositol today and am feeling like my mood is better regulated.

How is everyone else?
so I don't ever get a true positive on an opk not sure why but my doc doesn't seem concerned:shrug:. the darker opk is before work the next one is about 14 hours later (obviously fading) does this mean I don't actually ovulate? opk testing is so confusing to me. I was hoping with the metformin I would just stop testing but this month I wanted to see if it worked at all.


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Hey ladies! :hi: I would love to join you all. It really sucks all of us are dealing with this horrible syndrome! :( Hopefully we can all help each other get through it :)

So about myself:
My name is Michelle and I am turning 23 in a couple of weeks. My H is 25 and we've been together for five years. My mother has PCOS and had to try 4 years for me with the help of clomid. I was diagnosed at 11 and put on the bcp. On the pill everything was managed very well for me. I went off the pill on nov 1st of last year. It welcomed the return of my irregular cycles, acne, and 20lbs in three month (im only 5'1"). Lucky me! :haha: I started bbt charting and opk testing obsessively right away and noticed a had a very short lp. We started trying the second cycle off the pill. We were shocked and overjoyed that I got pregnant the first cycle we tried. But we were devastated when I suffered a cp. I went to my obgyn and addressed all of my concerns. After asking about progesterone she decided to give me a script for my luteal phases because I was afraid that a possible lpd caused my cp. But she did nothing else to address my PCOS and brushed it off because it hasn't been a year yet.
So here I am another cycle waiting to ovulate. Will it be cycle day 24 or 44 this time, who knows? Just crossing my fingers for a healthy baby soon. :)
Kelligal- Hope you are feeling better today!

Namecominsoon- four days doesn't mean you didn't ovulate, some women get them for days and other don't get them at all... especially with PCOS. So confusing. Until I started Clomid they were never clear for me. Are you temping too? (sorry can't remember if you already said this)

Swimmy- women with PCOS often have several LH surges (almost positive OPKs) because you'll gear up to O but then don't. Its so frustrating! Temping might help it be more conclusive :)

BabeAwait- Welcome! I am also 23 as of April, we can probably relate a lot! My mom was never diagnosed with PCOS but it took her 12 years to have be... so I am assuming she probably did too. Are you staying with the OBGYN or moving to a RE?

How is everyone else?

AFM- 4dpo (maybe 5dpo) and feel completely normal. My boobs aren't even sore. Last month (first month on clomid) my boobs were at least a little sensitive right now. But I feel nothing. Little bit of a headache and hungry but I don't know if I would call it a symptom. I am thinking that I will at least be a little distracted this month because I am so excited about going on vacation. I am also kind of scared that if I am pregnant this month, I will miscarry on vacation and not know it or it will be terrible. I know I am thinking too far ahead, one step at a time!
Clapper I am sticking with the obgyn for now. I think if we still aren't pregnant by the year mark I'll see an RE. Yay for being in the tww! Vacations are so exciting, are you going someplace warm? :)

Swimmy Sorry your opks are confusing. I'm not sure how to help because I have the opposite problem. I have gotten LH surges with positive tests and then failed to O. I always have caught O with positive tests though. How often are you testing? Do you do a urine hold before testing?
BabeAwait- Glad you have a plan in place :) yes! TWW is awesome because it means ovulation happened and that is a start at least! lol Trying to stay positive and take the little wins. I'm going to Alaska, so... not warm but should be amazing. After the winter we have had Alaska will even feel warm! :haha:

Where is everyone at in their cycle?
Clapper With ttc it feels like we're always waiting. Waiting to O, for the tww to end, for af to end, to finally get that bfp. Hopefully we won't be all out of patience by the time our LOs finally get here :haha:
Alaska is BEAUTIFUL! I went there on a cruise as a child. We got to do all sorts of fun activities throughout Alaska. I'm sure you will love it :)

I'm thinking of maybe going back to my obgyn to see if she'll give me metformin or something to treat my pcos. It kind of bothers me she didn't really address it.
From what you were all saying with depression over ttc. I can feel that arriving as I reach the one year mark. I do not exaggerate when I say everyone around me seems to be pregnant

11 women from my work are currently on mat leave. One goes off next week and another one in the summer. Two have recently come back. That's 14 babies born in my work place since I started ttc.

Three of my friends are all due in September which is when I would have been due if I didn't have a chemical. Another just announced she's due in November. And one of my friends recently had her baby girl. There are countless other people with babies or who are pregnant on my Facebook. I feel like I'm the only one!!

Which I know is ridiculous. Because at least two of my friends have taken over a year to conceive. So I'm not alone. It's just very hard to think of anything other than how unfair it is that they all get their babies!!'
I'm back ladies :happydance:

Had a wonderful holiday with lots of R&R - definitely needed. I was feeling that depression you are talking about, I had it terrible before I had LO and ended up with pre-natal depression so am desperate not to go down that road!

I'm now on CD42 (AF never arrived so I don't think I o'd so early after all!) but don't think I o'd at all tbh. We done plenty of bd just in case, but I got a BFN this morning. It's hubby's 30th birthday tomorrow so I was hoping to surprise him. Oh well, on to the next!

Have a great holiday clapper - hopefully you'll feel as laid back as I do now when you return!

How is everyone else doing?
BabeAwait- It definitely feels like all we do is wait!!! I was thinking that yesterday.... and I am so not a patient person when it comes to waiting for something, more of a go getter.. but that doesn't work in this case unfortunately. Oh! Glad you had fun when you went to Alaska. Honestly, at this point I think I would be happy going anywhere/doing anything away from work and home! haha Did the obgyn test you for insulin resistance?

kmpreston- I understand how you feel. Last night two of my friends announced they are pregnant and then another two friends delivered last night. (The ones that deliver I am not close with anymore but still felt a little disappointed... especially where they were 'accidents')

Hb- Glad you had a great time!!! and had plenty of bd ;) That stinks you didn't O :/ That would have been a great surprise for his birthday, but maybe for the next holiday! Did you test? Hopefully AF arrives so you can move on :)

AFM- 9 or 10DPO today. And my boobs aren't even sore. Nope, not even a little.. kind of strange. Only had a little bit of cramping, moody (not that unusual... sorry hubby!) and hungry. SO HUNGRY. I will probably test tomorrow, maybe... I feel out though. If I am out I am going to ask for an HSG this cycle because I am definitely ovulating with the clomid (multiple eggs) and DH SA is good so I'm kind of at a loss.
Clapper - just enjoy being away!! That's what I done, DH and I have been pretty stressed and we're now doing great and feel so much more like ourselves. It sounds silly but sometimes escaping really is what you need!

The 'accidents' are the worst. A girl I used to know was like that and consistently having abortions. It's so unfair on us ladies who would give one of our limbs Ito be able to fall gp at the drop of a hat!!

Ohhhh maybe feeling different is a good thing!! Don't count yourself out yet but definitely let us know if you test!!

I did test this morning, I so wanted to be able to surprise DH tomorrow. But on the plus side, I'm having a surprise party for him next weekend so at least I'll be able to have a few champagnes!! Although knowing my luck that will be the day AF starts. I have a white dress .... :haha:
Hb Starting when wearing a white dress :haha: Of course it always happens at the worst time! Sorry you're not sure about ovulation. FX you still catch the eggie!

Clapper Yes all of us TTCers deserve vacations! No my doc didn't test for anything :growlmad: I'm quite sour about it now lol. If I don't get a bfp in a couple weeks I'm going to go back and demand treatment or I'll find a different dr. FX your different symptoms are a good thing!

Kmpression I feel your pain! Everyone around me is pregnant. Two of the worst are my best friend and sil. My bff got pregnant the first time her and her new bf dtd and had been dating less then a month, it happened at my most depressed stage of begging my H to stop wtt. The day we were going to tell my in laws about our mc my niece walks in with a big sister shirt and my sil announces she's pg, another crushing blow. I wonder why it always happens to us TTCers? We will all get our turns some day I promise :hugs: the sooner the better!

Tomorrow morning my O will be confirmed! :) I'm excited for the tww but not looking forward to taking my progesterone suppositories lol.
So this cycle I took soy ISO days 1, 2 and 3 before I ran out and tesco have stopped selling it!

Yesterday I got a huge amount of EWCM
Today I have had three very strong positive opks (top was last night)

It's cd18.

My average O date is 25 and last cycle it was 24.

The soy has brought it forward by a week and by the looks of it it's a good one!
Fingers crossed!! Now....where's my hubster!


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Yay kmpreston! :happydance: Glad to hear taking it is working out for you. Stinks they stopped selling it though. That always seems to happen to me lol.

I am 7dpo today (since it's after midnight now). I am very excited to have a possible test date next Saturday! Fx AF doesn't show first
hope you don't mind me posting here

Hi ladies wanted to post and wish you all the best of luck. Also wanted to spread a little hope your way. I have conceived twice with pcos. I was diagnosed in 2010 with scans and a laproscopy, cysts on both sides. Looked like a bag of marbles on both pictures of my ovaries :( Finally we answer to the pai. we started trying to conceive my lb in Jan 2011. After 12 long months of constant stressful planning, trying to predict my o'. (I ovulated 9times that year, quite alot) we stopped trying And that is when I conceived my lb. My longest cycle was 60 I never learnt my ave o date as I wasn't using opk's. I experienced o pain from either side or both every cycle even When I didn't o. It was very painful.

This time ttc we decided to go with the relaxed approach. After just 3 months I very luckily conceived my lucky precious little girl.

It can happen for us ladies. Baby dust to all.x
Kmpreston - did u manage to get more soy? I tried it when I was first TTC but haven't taken any since! Hope you manage to catch the egg this month!!

Babeawait - that all sounds very positive!! FX for a BFP!

CD46 here now. I hope AF starts in the next few days! Hubby knows something is going on and had guessed he's having a surprise party. I've told him he's paranoid but he sooooo knows. I kind of want to just tell him so he can help me with the prep instead of me sneaking about :haha:

Mummy2_1 - that's brilliant! That's similar to what happened when I conceived my LO, I was TTC for 2 years and the one month we took a break was the month we conceived!

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