Anyone's baby reacted to neocate?

Let it be

Well-Known Member
Aug 10, 2009
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My twin girls were diagnosed (without any tests I might add) as cows milk protein intolerant at 5 weeks old and put onto neocate. They are now 10 weeks and although they seem a bit more settled they have both now flared up with a terrible rash on their faces and necks. One twin constantly has Grammy eyes and both had really wet poopy nappies. They are both still sick after every bottle more than on the original milk.

Last week they tested them for the cmp and I'm awaiting the results. They were also diagnosed with reflux and put on baby gaviscon, renatindine and domperidome, but none of these seem to have made any difference, if anything the sick up has been worse with these meds.

I just wondered if they were reacting to the neocate and if anyone had experienced this? X x
My little girl reacted to neocate. In the end at 6 months she was took completely off milk.
Her allergies were/are lactose cows milk protein, soya, oats and rice x
My daughter also had the same medicines as yours and they also made no difference at all. It does get better and easier but for me we just had to let her grow out of it (around 14 months)
Wow how did you find out she was allergic to all of those? I'm hoping it isn't as many as that but I guess we will just have to cross that bridge as we come yo it.

Thank you for replying, at least I know I'm not imagining them reacting to the neocate x x
How long have they been on neocate for? As izzys dietician said it can take up to 4 weeks for the old milk to leave the system.
Also it could just be severe reflux causing it not the neocate. My daughters reflux was that bad it caused her to have fits.
They have been on it for five weeks now and they seem to get worse daily. Some days they do have good days but on a whole they are few and far between.

Can reflux cause a nasty sore rash? The paediatrician said it was eczema but it's not like any eczema that I've ever seen and it's funny that both girls have it in exactly the same place only all over their face. I just want to get to the bottom of it, it's so frustrating and awful seeing them upset and in pain. We are supposed to be going abroad on holiday in less than 4 weeks now and I'm actually starting to dread it. X x
I would ask to be referred to a dietician, I know how hard it can be when doctors don't believe you xx
Thanks bethhx

I have a go appointment this week to start the process to be referred to a dietician but have been told the referral will take at least 3 months to cone through so the girls will be nearly 6 months by then and ready to wean x x
My DD is allergic to milk, wheat, apples, bananas and pears... and question mark against quite a few others.

All her blood tests were negative but all the drs/dieticians/ HVs agree she is reacting - it's called a non IGE allergy. She also had terrible reflux as a baby and still suffers now.

But she has also reacted to antibiotics / ibuprofen and a baby bath...

So I wouldn't assume it is the milk - is there anything else (Colief) you are using that might cause the ezcema - as you said, strange they both have it and in the same place... are you using fabric softener on their clothes for example???

It's bloody frustrating and we're still fighting off reactions today but it does get better. xx

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