April 2012 mums and babies


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Jun 27, 2009
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I've not posted on here for ages but when i was pregnant was a regular.

My Lo is is 24 weeks and just wanted to catch up with the other April mummies.

How is everyone coping? Do we have any crawlers? Any teeth? etc.

Samuel is a very laid back baby, is now waking once in the night roughly 4am but goes to bed around 7pm and up for the day anytime after 7am. He has 3 naps a day.
He loves standing up and will stand against the sofa for ages if i let him, he can sit up and will balance himself with his hands if he needs to. Not in the slightest bit interested in rolling over, he has once rolled front to back but not tried to do it again. He loves our dog and if i spy on the pair of them Sam holds his hand out for the dog to lick! Think they are going to be good friends in years to come.

As for me, I've found motherhood harder than i thought it would be, it's mainly the loneliness of being at home all day. I'm returning to work at the end of January working part time, 3 days a week.


My little man is 24 weeks this week! He sits unaided now - though I surround him with cushions as he tends to lauch himself if he wants a certain toy! Lol!
He rolled about 5 times when he was 4m but hasn't done it since and doesn't even try to!
He has loved standing up since about 5 weeks old!!! And he loves sitting and bouncing up and down on our knees!
No sign of any teeth yet!

I'd like to say he sleeps through the night, he technically does as we don't need to get up to feed him but he's been waking for his dummy a lot recently!

I found the first 3 months soo hard but now I feel like I understans his needs a lot better and have relaxed a lot which has made us both happier.

Oh, and I still haven't got the courage to go to a baby group yet!

Hello my LO is 24 weeks tomorrow! those first 3 months really were a killer weren't they much harder than I'd ever thought.....

My LO has 2 teeth rolled one way at 10 weeks and the other at 17 and really doesn't seem to be bothered to ever do it again grr. sitting with support only - certainly nowhere near standing or crawling - except one time when he did get his bottom up in the air during tummy time and scooted forwards on his face which I found very funny but he did not!

Think pets may turn out to be a god send for distraction as LO has just started noticing our cat properly and is now desperate to try and stroke her - cat seems less sure of the situation but seemed happy enough the few times he has got to her.

We started solids 3 weeks ago and he's loving it. LO has reflux and am desperate to try and get him off his meds and am hoping weaning starts this off.

I have been to a couple of baby groups but after the disaster that was the first 3 months I've become a slave to his nap schedule as if he has a good day with regular naps (likes to be in complete dark in his cot) then he's happy and cheerful and touching a lot of wood here we have a good night. However as I go by his cues rather than rigid times means I miss pretty much everything as it seems to clash with his naps... As a result it is lonelier and I eat a lot of crap (and yet he gets fresh food made into homemade puree everyday hmm may need to stop using this as an excuse!)

BTW rubberducky I smile every time I see your avatar as we had that jumper and loved it!
Forgot to say that i'm weaning him as well, we are also about 3 weeks in and i have one greedy boy. I've not found anything he doesn't like yet!

I've been to 2 groups at the local surestart centre but not been for a long while, the play and stay was bit old for him, lots of toddlers running around and he was overwhelmed. Have noticed a lack of 'baby' groups in my area. The groups always run over a nap time and of course too much going on to sleep so i end up with a cranky baby so stopped going.

Hiya. My son is 5.5 months. We started weaning as well so he has one meal a day. He sleeps through the night now so only 4 bottles of 6 ounces a day. He has 5 teeth. My LO is very close to cruising and crawling but for now he rolls to his destinations :haha: . He can sit unaided. He started babbling about a week ago so he's always "talking". I find it lonely being home all the time too and LO doesn't like to be home- he LOVES to be outside and see people. :flower:

I've got an April baby :happydance: She is 21 weeks old. She can sit unaided for short spells and has to touch or grab everything she sees :haha: She also 'talks' a lot now and weirdly sounds German lately - does this raspy thing in her throat :haha: Has not rolled over yet and shows no interest in doing so. Hates tummy time!

Like you ladies I certainly found the first few months hard and agree on the 'loneliness' factor. I confess that I haven't tried any baby groups yet but do plan to.

We have been blessed with a very good sleeper. She has STTN consistently since about 8 weeks old. Generally now sleeps from around 9.30pm until 8/8.30am. She naps at good intervals during the day but often just for around half hour so tends to have 4 or 5 little naps a day x
LO is 23 weeks today!

We have a tooth! Top left,grumpy as heck while it was coming through!
He's been rolling since 16 weeks and is very nearly sat unaided,
We have just started weaning,the only thing he likes is banana lol xx
Hi Labour buddy!

God I still remember our post on BnB while we we desperate to be admitted to the labour ward ;)

My Stanley is 24 weeks old today. He is starting to roll over but often gets stuck half way! He is amazing, I love making him laugh its the best sound in the world.

We are starting weaning now and its going well so far. No teeth as yet but a whole lot of drool.

He is waking up once between 3-4am for a feed but apart from that sleeps from 7-7.

Hope this photo below works!

Hi all,

I also have an April baby she was born April 10th sorry I've totally lost count of the weeks.

She doesn't roll or crawl and I don't think she will anytime soon, she can almost sit unaided but topples over after about 5 seconds lol. She has been a great sleeper from the beginning and sleeps through and I am soooo grateful of that.

The first 8 weeks where harder than I ever imagined possible but since then things have been pretty good, I was super lucky and had a great Nct group so am out most days (today we went to ladies day at the driving range even though I don't play golf but it was a good laugh) and I do lots of music, swimming, massage classes etc.

My LO is also absolutely loving the cats and She can watch them for ages.

We are not weaning yet, will probably wait until 6 months and do BLW.
My LO just turned 24 weeks today. She's been sitting up on her own for about a month now, and she's trying really hard to crawl. She likes to stand and jump, but can't do it without being held onto very, very securely! She just go her second tooth in yesterday (Thank goodness!). We get smiles and giggles and lots of babbling every day. She rolled over at about 2 months and hasn't stopped since...Not sure if I'm forgetting anything...Haha.

She's been a pretty difficult baby...mostly just with teething, but a lot of the time she doesn't like sleeping either. She hates naps and if she could talk I'm pretty sure she'd tell me they were for wimps. Haha. She will reach for anything she can get her hands on and loves animals as they are soft...if we're not careful she'll grab a handful of fur from the cats though...

I find being a Mom pretty rough, but then again I don't get any help from my OH...so I may as well be a single Mom. It gets pretty lonely, and frustrating, but I wouldn't trade it for the world.
Hello. :flower:

My lo is 5 months old and i think 23 weeks on Friday - lost count of weeks now lol.

He is a very good baby really. Loves his food, now down to 5 bottles a day from 6. Starting weaning him at 4 months on hv advice and my own judgement. He loves porridge with fruit, baby rice with fruit, fromage frais, sweet potato, carrots, parsnips, peas, roast chicken, brocolli so far. He is just now starting to have lumpier foods and seems to like these. I put a little of my porridge oats in his baby porridge and he scoffs it down lol. And i am now not blending his foods quite so much.
He doesn't have any teeth yet. He doesn't care much about rolling lol, i try to get him to roll and he looks at me as if to say 'yeah whatever mum'. He can now sit unaided but i have cushions around him from where he suddenly goes to the side or back. He supports himself with his hands.
He loves his jumperoo and jumps with little tippitoes which is so cute.
He adores books, i read him a bedtime story every night and he loves looking at the pictures and seems to be listening and taking it all in.
He sleeps usually from around 8.30pm all the way thru until around 6.00am, the odd night he might wake earlier or sometimes later which is nice.
He is a big boy just been weighed at 18lbs and feeds every 3 hrs during the day. He wears 6-9 mth clothes.
Hey ladies :)

My LO was 24 weeks yesterday. She's rolling about once a day, definitely finding it easier every day.. trying to crawl but no such luck yet.

We've got 4 teeth coming in right now so that has been rough, and still waiting on the first one to cut through! I think her bottom two will cut through at about the same time and the top two will follow shortly after.

Not weaning yet, we'll be waiting until 6 months or maybe a bit later. We're pretty set on BLW but it scares me for some reason.

My LO also loves our dogs.. she just watches them and smiles and laughs. :) She's really started to grab them as well and my little dog is not a fan but he tolerates it well.
My little man is April 2.

He has been sitting unaided for a month- he doesn't use his hands for support, but can steady himself if he goes off balance. He has been rolling for a few weeks, but doesn't tend to roll away, just over! He can't crawl, but weve had some bum lift, face in floor attempts since he was 20 weeks. He tries to pull himself up to sit and stand, but hasn't quite got the strength. He loves standing, bouncing and his walker! He chases my parents dogs and cats in his walker.

He responds to his name 3/10 times, because everything else is so much more
Important than mummy! He has been squealing, saying 'mmmmmmm' and a few other noises for a while, but no other syllable sounds ( dada /baba).

No teeth yet, but teething like mad. He isn't a great sleeper, but hey ho! We are baby led weaning so he has had a few bits of steamed broccoli, and peach but its not everyday thing.

He loves his two big dogs and is always trying to talk to them and grab handfuls on their fur. The first time he reached out it was to grab the German shepherds tail.
Hi! My Lilli was born April 21. She will be 5 months on Friday.
She has her 2 bottom teeth that came in at 13 and 14 weeks. And we can now see the lumps of 2 top teeth.

She rolls everywhere, assisted sitter and can almost keep herself up. She likes for me to hold her hands and let her stand and bounce and "walk" on the floor.

She likes to eat any type of food she see's anyone else eating but we're just sorta playing with it, not really weaning as of yet.

She is a TERRIBLE sleeper but that only started that at 4 months and I'm hoping she sleeps well again soon!!
I feel like my LO is way behind all of yours now :( I don't want to compare really, but she's just turned 23 weeks.

She doesn't sit up unsupported (well, she does for a few seconds, but only if I place her so her centre of gravity is correct and if she falls sideways/backwards she can't self-right, if she goes forwards she sort of stays bent over until we rescue her)

She doesn't roll consistently yet. She's done it quite a while back, but doesn't do it any more.

Then again, it's possible that both of those are slower due to cloth nappies being larger than disposable so she's more rounded in the bottom area!

No teeth

She is very strong on her legs though and can push herself upright from laying down if you just hold her arms. She babbles a lot and is blowing raspberries (tongue out) a lot too

We started BLW this week and so far she LOVES banana and has had a play with pepper (red and yellow), broccoli, potato, baby sweetcorn, green beans and carrot.

As for me, I'm loving everything to do with parenting. The only bits I've struggled with mainly is night time wakings when they're more often than every 3 hours or longer than 30 mins! Loving breastfeeding and we get out and about a lot so definitely not lonely :) This is what I was made for!
My LO was 5 months on sunday.

She can sit unaided now - has done for just over a month.
Isn't bothered with rolling over anymore but she's done it a few times.
She LOVES to stand up, and can do it while holding onto the sofa etc.

Lots and lots of babbling. She never stops talking and laughing.
No teeth yet.
Not weaned yet, we're waiting to do BLW after 6 months.

We go to 4 baby groups a week and she loves it :)

All in all, a brilliant 5 months so far! I couldn't love it more.

Edit - Siuan, I was having a conversation with my cloth bum mums and they said that cloth nappies are actually better than disposables when learning to sit, as they are more supportive around the bottom and back/hips.
So don't worry, she'll get there.
I feel like my LO is way behind all of yours now :( I don't want to compare really, but she's just turned 23 weeks.

She doesn't sit up unsupported (well, she does for a few seconds, but only if I place her so her centre of gravity is correct and if she falls sideways/backwards she can't self-right, if she goes forwards she sort of stays bent over until we rescue her)

She doesn't roll consistently yet. She's done it quite a while back, but doesn't do it any more.

Then again, it's possible that both of those are slower due to cloth nappies being larger than disposable so she's more rounded in the bottom area!

No teeth

She is very strong on her legs though and can push herself upright from laying down if you just hold her arms. She babbles a lot and is blowing raspberries (tongue out) a lot too

We started BLW this week and so far she LOVES banana and has had a play with pepper (red and yellow), broccoli, potato, baby sweetcorn, green beans and carrot.

As for me, I'm loving everything to do with parenting. The only bits I've struggled with mainly is night time wakings when they're more often than every 3 hours or longer than 30 mins! Loving breastfeeding and we get out and about a lot so definitely not lonely :) This is what I was made for!

Hey don't worry hun, that's exactly what my LO was like with sitting. It's literally been this week he has got it and can sit on his own. He used to go right over forwards and he still wobbles abit and leans to the sides after a while. He just suddenly started doing it. Also no teeth here yet either, he's not bothered about rolling either so don't worry. Your LO is doing great. :flower:
Hi everyone!

Nice to hear you're all doing well!

LO is 5 months today, we have 2 bottom front teeth...came through really quickly a week or so ago. soooo cute!!

We have been trying some foods (porridge, fruit) and it has gone ok, she's not consistent yet but we've also just changed to 4 bottles a day instead of 5 so routine is new.

She's a lovely (if sometimes whingey) smiley, laughing cutebag!! She rolls all over the place, learnt B to T at 3 months and not long after learnt T to B. Looks like we'll have a crawler soon, though no interest in standing whatsoever. She tries to sit up at any opportunity but still wobbles sideways a bit.

And she prefers tummy sleeping at the moment. which is mega cute, if not a little nerve-wracking!

Keep up the good work, ladies x
I feel like my LO is way behind all of yours now :( I don't want to compare really, but she's just turned 23 weeks.

She doesn't sit up unsupported (well, she does for a few seconds, but only if I place her so her centre of gravity is correct and if she falls sideways/backwards she can't self-right, if she goes forwards she sort of stays bent over until we rescue her)

She doesn't roll consistently yet. She's done it quite a while back, but doesn't do it any more.

Then again, it's possible that both of those are slower due to cloth nappies being larger than disposable so she's more rounded

I thought that about my little man and his big cloth bum. At first it did look like it took more effort to roll in cloth than when he is nekkid. Once he got it though, it didn't matter whether he was nekkid or in cloth. When he tries to pull himself up (on things other than me!) I love that he has a big fluffy cloth bootie to fall back on.
LO was born April 25 :)

She can roll both ways though she seems to have forgotten how to go front to back once she discovered how to go back to to front!
She is trying soooo hard to crawl and really frustrated because she wants to be able to move!
Had teeth buds at 10-11 weeks...just one fang poking through right now though
She can't sit up unaided yet, but getting close!

We'll be starting BLW in a month once she hits 6 months. She's very interested in everything and always sits on my lap at mealtimes and is constantly grabbing for my plate, cup, food, cutlery etc. I think it's going to be a lot of fun watching her discover food!

She's not an easy baby...bad sleeper, bad gas, finicky and tempermental, hates other people holding her, hates being put down...etc and so on.
She's either miserable or wildly happy, not much in between with her. I love her to bits, but I'm also convinced she's trying to kill me :wacko:

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