**April Bunnies 2015**

I think my biggest complaint these days is feeling moody mostly due to being hot. I walk around with a paper (well, plastic) fan and a small battery powered fan lol. Just can't handle heat at all. Cramping a little but nothing too serious. Doesn't feel like baby's dropped any so I think it'll still be a while.

It is hot! I'm in Australia too and my goodness winter is definitely welcomed lol. So uncomfortable heavily pregnant in hot humid weather :wacko:
Excited for 3 weeks left!
With all the walking I've been doing the last two days I am in pain today! Crampiness is in full swing this morning. The pain by my pelvis/groin is horrible when I move and I am feeling slight more pressure lower down. I also noticed the movements while still high up were closer to my belly button area than my (boobs). I still think baby is pretty high up but I'm wondering if all the walking is helping him or her start to drop. I've had a lot of extra discharge (white/yellowish) since yesterday too- I only say a lot because I never really had any this pregnancy at all! I had some after my ob checked my cervix but not a lot.
Christina those are good signs! My first never moved down at all but this one started at 37 weeks too. Keep up the walking if your hips & all can handle it; going in to labor with a baby & body that aren't prepared is so not fun! :P

I woke up a little after 4 again and can't fall back asleep--less than 5 hours of sleep. :dohh: I really hope I can get a couple better nights' sleep before my labor starts! Oh well, time to get a jump on Easter prep I guess! :P
I hope I can help my body become a bit more prepared. In the beginning I did a decent amount of walking but then I got lazy and sat on the couch rather than get up and do something. At my last appt. my cervix was still closed so I am hoping that I can make some progress. I've had a gut feeling I would have the baby early but I think all the "signs" of that were my body just practicing. Now my fear is I am going to be overdue and I am going to be one cranky person for everyone around if that happens :haha: Plus, I really want an April baby. Not that I have anything against May... my birthday is in May but still :haha:

I've been up for an hour and a half. So far I managed to get all 4 loads of laundry that were piled in the laundry room folded and put in the basket, another load of laundry in the washing machine and once that is done I think there is about 2 more loads to do. Though the basket is kind of heavy so I may have to toss clothes down the stairs in order to do it without waking my husband up. He has been carrying the baskets up and down for me because I have this fear that I am going to fall down the stairs while carrying it (and I can't lift them high enough anymore to get them up the stairs with my bump in the way!)

Going to finish my senior paper and presentation and prep for my digital interview to record it later this afternoon. I'll probably also prep the zucchini for the zucchini bake we are making with the ham today in a while also.

I guess the good thing about being up early these days is... I get a ton of stuff done before my husband gets up. Heck the dog is even still sleeping! lol
Christina I'm glad it's not just me!! My DD has about 5 loads of laundry that need done, that's a good idea!! :haha: :)
Rebecca: hope baby holly engages soon and your labor can start once and for all! It makes sense that the contractions would stop to let you rest. I've heard that contractions tend to slow down a bit once fully dilated but they pick up after. It happened with me but unfortunately they recommended augmentation. At least I'm glad it was only that stage that got augmented.

Maggz: I think we won't be as hot when we aren't pregnant anymore! Hopefully only a couple more weeks of unbearable heat to go :)

Dini: I'm so sorry about what your cat did! I think I might have had a nervous breakdown if it were me. Did you contact your mw about your bp?

Bean: :hugs: I also hope they let you go home today!

Christina: sounds like you had a productive day, hope you get some rest soon! I understand needing to work. I am mostly the same. Dying to go back to work but I feel I need to finish grad school first. I won't be able to do school & work with 2 young ones at home (or daycare). Happy 37 weeks by the way!

Tara: I hope your intuition is right and you go into labor soon!

Sharnw: unfortunately winter is far away here :haha:

Most of the time I feel fine. Last night I cramped a lot on and off but it all stopped. A few weeks ago baby was brim but appears to have gone back up again. Then this morning after all the cramping last night it feels like maybe he's low again. Spent the morning on my feet pretty much. Got dd a potty lol and some clothes in a bigger size. I need to do stuff for our house but won't have time today. Still have errands to run tomorrow and maybe I'll do more house stuff on Tuesday.

All the walking today really made my pelvis hurt lol. But I don't feel like there are any signs really.
Tara don't know what the shakes are about unfortunately! Are you getting some today?

Dini I would be livid!!! I would probably have thrown the cat out already, but then again I'm not a cat person lol. However, my dog got a sock out of the rock n play sleeper and chewed the string out of it - it's a sock my grandma knitted for the baby and had a string around the ankle. I didn't catch him do it so I couldn't get mad at him. At least he didn't chew up the sock itself but I just didn't even think he'd think of reaching in there and getting it! :growlmad:
I'm glad you got the smell out though, but how can you make sure she doesn't do it again?

Perplexed I sure hope not but it's only gonna get hotter here... I think I need my hair cut lol it's too long to deal with.

DH and I went to the beach last night to get some maternity photos, they turned out pretty good although DH is not the most experienced photographer! We definitely got some good ones and a bunch of people offered to take our picture together even though we had a tripod and were planning on using that. There was even a photographer there waiting for her clients that offered - and she's gonna email me the picture!
I'll post some in the fb group once I've edited them.

Nothing new here, being a bum today and I NEED to get econ and math homework done... my least favorite subjects! I don't wanna start either one. Ugh. In honor of Easter I made chocolate cake but DH is working and it's not like the dog can enjoy it with me... So I'm being a sad little spinster and eating too much of it by myself.

Happy Easter everyone, it would be fun to get an actual Easter Bunny in our group - although it doesn't look like it!
Well we took Lola to the dog park again today. I thought that walk was going to kill me. My poor hips from the hills! Good grief. I need to remember that while I want to walk every day I should ensure that if one day has hills the next day doesn't. :haha:

The ham and zucchini bake are in the oven for dinner. We timed it out pretty well because we will be done before church tonight but at this point I am so exhausted that all I want to do is throw my pj's back on and eat Easter dinner on the recliner downstairs while watching a movie. I can't picture myself wanting to actually go back out again right now.

I also completed my digital interview. Some of the questions needed to be recorded using the webcam and some were miniature essay questions. Some on insurance (since I'd have to use my own car), some on salary (i'd actually be making a decent amount more than we'd need!!), some on training (it is actually M-F 8-5pm in Omaha which is about an hour and a half away so I'd have to stay there for 2 weeks. Luckily my husband can work remotely and stay with the baby in the hotel and we can come home Friday-Sunday and go back Or stay there Friday-Sunday and visit the zoo and stuff) Here's to hoping I get to move on with the process because having a job even before I graduate would be wonderful!
Tara I have no idea either about the shaking. How are you feeling now? Also I doing that up early thing, last night got 4 hours of sleep. Also hoping for some better sleep soon!

Christina you have been a busy girl!

Well my cat did it again. Can't remember if i mentioned it last night or not. DH busted her but was too late so now I had to clean two cushions. She is locked in the back of the house now along with all the others because that is where the litter box is and I hate it because I miss the others :-(. I'm going to try putting waterproof mattress pads on the couch and cover it with blankets and see if we can break her of it and in the mean time start looking for a new home for her. She's part of the family and we love her so much so I can't just put her out, I'm praying we can break her of it because I can't deal with it! She also woke me up multiple times howling trying to get back into the living room last night.

As far as my BP, it stayed okay today, highest was 139/89 and I felt okay so i didn't call. I probably should have yesterday or last night when I felt so sick but at least it was okay today. I'd like to avoid an induction but since I'm symptomatic, it makes the most sense instead of taking meds at this stage so I guess we will see. Maybe it will stay down for a few days.

Got a short walk in today with DH's cousins and it felt good. A little pain and pressure but nothing big and it was so nice out. I want to get this little guy out!!
You know I thought about the shaking, and it might be because I'm eating too much sugar at night. :blush: My diet has been horrendous lately, I'm such an emotional eater and I'm definitely feeling aaaall the feelings right now. :haha:

Dini, I'm so sorry about your cat. That is the last thing you need right now. I sympathize! I'm glad your BP isn't too bad. At least you're full term. Maybe you'll get lucky like I did and your water will break or your labor start before they have a need / chance to induce. Of course I ended up on Pitocin anyway but hopefully your cervix isn't a big jerk like mine was. :haha:

I have a circulation problem in my right arm now. When I wake up in the morning the blood is pooled in my arm & hand and my hand is super puffy. My hand stays puffy and achy and my fingers have pins & needles all day. If I hold a pen or something for more than a minute my hand turns into this claw of pain. My doctor said it's nothing to worry about but I'm getting nervous that it could leave permanent damage. :(

K I'm done whining. :) No bunnies so far today, eh? I wonder how much will have changed by this time next week!
Tara :haha: about the shaking if it's because of sugar! I hope it's just that at least :)

Christina good for you on the walk :thumbup:

Dini oh no!!!! That's just horrible... isn't that the new furniture that you had on layaway earlier this year? (side note: are we already so far into the year that we're saying "earlier this year"?! Ahh!!)
Tara - I get the shakes when my blood sugar goes from very high to very low. Lots of women struggle to process sugar at the end of pregnancy so it may well be that!

Yesterday for about 2 hours I had very intense back ache and then the sort of BH tightenings that make me sit up and pay attention. I am happy it fizzled out! I am getting a lot of creamy cm now after having none at all for most of this pregnancy. Maybe my body has some vague idea of what to do :rofl:
Well Amelie it is your third time doing it so maybe your body's catching on lol ;)

Look at my ticker!!! 10 days!!! Which means tomorrow will be single digits!!! I don't even know what emoji I should use for this!

I think once I hit week 39 I'll be a bit more 'ooooh I might have a baby'. I was in hospital being induced at 39w with DD1 and 39+5 with DD2.

We are collecting the moses basket and stand from my brother today, so baby will have somewhere to sleep. My week is quite busy so I think week 38 will fly by. I am going food shopping on Tuesday (that is an all day event to recover from when you take two small children!) And then Wednesday we have an all day playdate here with my friend, her 4 year old and 6 month old baby, Thursday is hair cut and colour day and Friday is routine midwife appt at GD clinic.

Today we are going to my nephew's 1st birthday party and a belated easter egg hunt.
Dini: I'm glad your bp is lower now!

Tara: I've been eating a lot of sugar too. Definitely feel I'm an emotional eater as well. I hope the puffiness in your hand is only water retention that'll go away after the birth. My right leg swells a lot at time and the swelling pits, sometimes looks like there are craters on it, but today there's barely anything. Only thing I did different is drink more water than normal.

Amelie: I'm sure your body knows what's going on ;) just that you're relaxed about it so it feels like nothing's happening. I love busy days! Enjoy them :)

Maggz: yay for single digits tomorrow! I've started single digits today...but it doesn't feel like we're in single digits. It feels like there's a long way to go.

As for me, back to having no signs. Even the engagement like pains I had yesterday went away. I've proceeded to make plans for every day of the week now so I don't sit around and wonder.

Dh said someone at his gym asked when the baby's coming and he said due date is the 14th. He says based on my aches and pains it must be sooner and expects I'll give birth before my next appointment on Sunday. I really doubt it though!
Hi all!!

39 weeks today!

This time next week I should have had my baby, yikes I am scared now lol

Away to catch up x
I've realized I only felt baby a few times today...so I called L&D and going in. I'd rather be wrong and feel stupid rather than worry. I've had severe rib pains today maybe that took my attention away from baby.
I woke up REALLY sore this morning! It hurts to sit, stand, lay, ... heck it hurts to move. My entire bump feels extremely heavy with pressure lower and the pain in my pelvic area is horrible. I am also feeling the pain around into my lower back a lot today. Oh and my boobs... really freaking hurt! Baby is on a roll with the roller coaster movements so at least he or she is fine but I feel like I am just going to break. We have no tylenol left in the house (well I have my tylenol w/ codeine that my OB prescribed me but I hate taking that).

I've only been up for 2hrs. It may be a long day... #-o
Hope all is ok perplexed xxx

Christina heavy pressure is very uncomfortable and sore I been feeling a lot of pressure today to !

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