**April Bunnies 2015**

Well I am still in pain today but not as bad as yesterday! That makes me happy. I've gotten most of the upstairs clean. I have to tackle the kitchen next-- I hate cleaning the kitchen. But I guess I'd rather do that than put laundry away. I'm going to make my husband clean the bathrooms. It's times like these I wish we only had 1 instead of 3 lol.

My dog seemed quite worried earlier. I got down on my hands and knees to clean under the tables. She jumped off the couch and had her head down touching the baby bump. She then proceeded to follow me, at my feet, everywhere I went until I sat on the couch! Now she's curled up by my legs.

I read other posts but am on my phone so I'll post more later when I'm on my computer.
Bean: oops I meant to comment on your dh getting the bathtub but I lost my train if thought. It's so awesome! So thoughtful:)

Tara: aww I'm glad you're getting to go walk. I hope you enjoy your walk today too. Hopefully it'll bring labor closer!

Christina: you're doing great to be cleaning right now. I wish I had the energy for serious cleaning but I don't right now lol. Your dog is so sweet!

I'm getting worried about dd. I don't want her to get stressed due to the upcoming changes. I'm afraid of going into labor/being in pain around her as she tends to get worried if I yell out after hitting my toe on furniture. the other day I almost slipped in the shower and screamed...dh called to make sure I was ok and I told him that I was. But then I could hear dd calling me too. Dh told me she looked very worried and kept asking him about me. She gets stressed and clingy on hospital appointment days where I'm sometimes gone for a few hours. I don't know how she'll cope with the few days that I'll be at the hospital. Thinking about her being worried is breaking my heart. She loves all the people who look after her so I'm not worried that she'll be alone. But she would be looking for dh and I too :(
Hi ladies sorry I haven't posted much in here been using the Facebook page more but have still been checking in on here.

Eidson - sorry your wife is having a tough time of it fair play to her for still working though! There is no way I could have carried on working even another couple of weeks and I have another week to et to where she is yet!

Bean - I am pleased that you are getting some things in the house to make life easier for you. I hope baby boy is settling in well and you are managing with DD as well.

Christina - maybe your dog knows something you don't know??fould be interesting to see what happens the next few days for you!

I am tired - the weather is beautiful here and we have been able to get loads of stuff done around he house as OH has been on annual leave which has been great. He is on nights now for the next couple of nights and then off again so fingers crossed nothing happens the next couple of days lol! I feel so heavy at the moment - the baby feels really low and I have been feeling a bit dizzy and very tired. I will go to bed early and hopefully that will make a difference. DS has been a nightmare to try and get to sleep that last 4 nights. He had his first night away from us ever when we went to the wedding and since then separation anxiety seems to have kicked in big time. I think it is getting better as he slept through last night and I managed to settle him enough to get an extra hour in bed when he woke at 6.30am this morning. He also went for his nap with a minimum of fuss. I am standing outside his bedroom door waiting for him to go to sleep as we speak so fingers crossed we are over the worst of it and he will be relatively settled for when the baby comes. It has been such nice weather here - it is very similar to when I went into labour with DS which is making it feel all the more real that I will have a baby soon! I wonder what it is!x
Christina, how sweet of your dog! I wish I could do the cleaning you are doing!

Perplexed, your poor dd, hopefully the excitement of it will help some when you go. It must be hard for her not understanding exactly what is going on.

Stripey, good to see you!

My BP was up at my appt today so I'm doing a 24 hour urine and getting some labs tomorrow then going back Friday again. She is going to check me then and if I'm at a dilated she wants to do a sweep. I'm supposed to be resting a lot and laying on my left side and drinking tons of water. She said they don't induce unless there is large amounts of protein in my and as of now I've had none at all. However I haven't felt well all day, if it's worse tomorrow I'm going to call. I just want him to hurry up so I can feel better!
Stripeycat: I hope your ds is settled by the time new baby arrives! I know I stress too when dd goes through phases of clingyness but hopefully they'll pass.

Dini: I'm sorry you aren't feeling well. I hope all goes well with your urine and bloods.

39 weeks today...all I feel is that I'm very vocal with frustrations.
Perplexed I felt the same way as you about leaving dd. It was really hard, especially with what she's been through. She was absolutely fine with my parents. The first time she came to the hospital she sat on the bed with me and just kept saying hi, it was so cute. But she happily went home again. Since I've come home she has been more clingy and is very unhappy when I go somewhere without her. But overall she has done well and I'm sure your dd will too.

Eidson sorry for what your wife is going through. I can't believe she is still working on top of everything! I hope your little guy makes an appearance soon!

Things aren't going too badly here. I've had to come into work to print and scan some documents urgently and everyone is freaking out about me being here! Yes I realise I just had major surgery but sometimes you just have to do what you have to do. If I wasn't on a deadline I wouldn't have come. Oh well...
Hey ladies, I have been really MIA on here although I have been following along with posts, I have mainly been posting on the facebook page only.

Anyways, I just wanted to share my post that I posted about my day today on the facebook page! I swear I saw someone's post recently on here that said they are scheduled for induction on Friday!??
So today I took my blood pressure on my grandma's automatic cuff and it was 156/110. I called my doctor right away as I have been having so many headaches and a reading that high is unheard of for me. They had me go up to triage where my readings varied from 160/115-167/99 and the came down to 141/77. Dr was going to induce me TONIGHT, but everything with baby's heart rate and all of my lab work came back fine, so he let me go home after 6 hours of monitoring! I have to go back in Thursday for a check and then he has me scheduled for induction Friday morning at 8am!!
Water broke about three hours ago were at the hospital now! I'll update as I can :)
Yay Eidson that is great news! Water breaking on due date is super rare, must be very good luck. :) Can't wait for your update! :hugs:

Dini I hope you start feeling better, or your little guy decides he's ready to come on out, or preferably both!

I feel like junk today and am not even going to start whining about it lest I am unable to stop. Thank goodness my I'm seeing my BFF in a bit, she will help me get through the day. Induction massage booked for tomorrow morning, so looking forward to that! :thumbup: Although I'd be perfectly willing to skip it if labor were to start sooner. *HINT HINT BABY*

:haha: I swear I wasn't this impatient last time!

ETA I find my whining pretty funny next to the profile pic of me all happy and not pregnant last summer... *sigh*
Yeah apparently it's only about 5% of babies are born on their actual due date. She's laboring well, they gave her some IV meds for now she'll probably get the epidural in about an hour or so. She's on pitocin so the contractions are strong. I hope everyone is doing okay today! He must have known she had to take leave to not be at work and decided to be here today :) Jacob was off the walls excited at 5am so I'm hoping he has a really good day at school!
Oh great news eidson I hope it all goes well and can't wait for update and pics xxx
Stripey Haha I'm just picturing you on your phone standing outside of your son's room.

Bean sucks that you had to go in to work, but you're right! And awesome on the bath tub, I hope the installation will go well and you'll have many wonderful moments in the tub :thumbup:
How are your parents and DH? Does he stay over at your house now?

Tara lol just look at the pic and imagine you'll be just as happy this summer ;) Hope you have a great day with your BFF!

Eidson hope everything goes well!!

I am now starting to hope that I'm dilated enough for them to do a sweep tomorrow at my 39w appointment. I want the baby to come when it's ready, but I also don't want DH to go underway! I wouldn't go as far as to ask for an induction, but I feel like a sweep won't do any harm, right?
The only thing to consider with the sweep is the same issue as you were worried about with EPO. Having one increases the chances of your waters going but no labour - I'd understand why you wanted things to happen before your husband is away though x
Ahh I see Amelie... thanks. Seems like nothing can beat nature:shrug:
Is it bad that my mom has their suitcases set up- to throw clothes into after I call or husband calls to say I'm in labor- before I have my bag or baby's bag ready? Lol. They will be driving from New York to Iowa. I think they are excited. Hahaha
Congrats eidson! Can't wait to hear how she does and see pictures!

Maggz, I don't think it's bad to ask for a sweep as long as you know there is a chance for water to break or it not to do anything. I'm getting one Friday if I've dilated at all.

Tara, you always make me laugh with your comments! Hope he takes the hint!!

For some reason I felt good today, bp was decent too so I went for a walk/hike at a local nature preserve and it felt great. Probably over did it but I just had a burst of energy and we had nice weather, 70 degrees and a break in the rain, just had to do it! Tomorrow I'll probably feel awful again.

I am a bit more crampy since the walk so hopefully it's doing something!
I've been avoiding the net today just because of how uncomfortable I am. I have had sooooooo much pressure and lots of braxton hicks and a steady ache everywhere. I am praying that just for once, I can have one child that comes out into this world a bit earlier than the other two! I had to be induced multiple times for them both and it made the contractions so terrible. I've also been torturing myself by watching a series that is shown on YouTube called 'One Born Every Minute" based in the UK...freaking myself out I guess...haha

I hope everyone is well and healthy and comfortable! (As much as can be at this stage anyways!)
Well lucky maybe this one will come soon! I started watching that, may watch more tomorrow. Doesn't really freak me out but I find it intereatinf how different the U.K. and U.S. so things.

Since I posted last my cramps are coming more often. Still just mild menstrual like cramps and no pattern or anything or tightening I can feel but it's more than I've had before. Also having more pressure. Maybe that walk will at least help me dilate or something!
Jaxson arrived via unplanned c section at 1606 today...his due date :) momma and baby are doing great

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