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~~April Flowers 2014 ~~ 96 moms ~~ 31 Team Blue~~ 16 Team Pink

I was so excited to pass into the 7-week mark, I tried to stay up until midnight last night to see the fruit on my signature change.. I couldn't make it though :blush:

I made my first baby purchase today, I know it's risky being so early but I had a great coupon. I bought a 3-pack of yellow onesies that have ducklings on them. The purchase really made it feel real! Sometimes on the days I'm not feeling ill, it slips my mind that I'm carrying a little one.

Has anyone else's emotions been running high? I've been crying from small happy thoughts all day. I remembered this song from the movie "Beaches" called 'Baby Mine' and it makes me so excited...that it makes me tear up :happydance:

I can't wait to start seeing everyone's first scans.. I will have to live vicariously though you as my first appt. isn't until Sept. 4th!

first trimester joys!
Well I got My :bfp: a week ago tomorrow and its my second bambino I'm due on the 2nd f April if I could be added to the group :flower:

so far I'm not having much sickness but my back is killing me.. I'm not looking forward to my cousin finding out she always past remarks first time round and scared me half to death with stories.. I just know she's gonna flip seeing as DS will only be turning 1 at the time of #2 arriving :crib:
Sorry I have been MIA this weekend. I had quite a bit to do. I have updated the front page for all of the new lovely April mommies. Congratulations to all.

3 more days until my scan and 2 more days until 7 weeks. :happydance:
Congratulations to all the new additions!

Sunenihs - I know what you mean about making it to 7 weeks, 3 more days for me. And how exciting, your first purchase! I caved and did some online purchasing because everything was free and you only had to pay the shipping. I got a nursing pillow and blanket.

Snowywarren - Wow, Congrats, that's really close in age, they will be close growing up. :)

Momofone - You're one day ahead of me! I get my scan in 4 days and will be 7 weeks in 3 days. So exciting!
I was so excited to pass into the 7-week mark, I tried to stay up until midnight last night to see the fruit on my signature change.. I couldn't make it though :blush:

I made my first baby purchase today, I know it's risky being so early but I had a great coupon. I bought a 3-pack of yellow onesies that have ducklings on them. The purchase really made it feel real! Sometimes on the days I'm not feeling ill, it slips my mind that I'm carrying a little one.

Has anyone else's emotions been running high? I've been crying from small happy thoughts all day. I remembered this song from the movie "Beaches" called 'Baby Mine' and it makes me so excited...that it makes me tear up :happydance:

I can't wait to start seeing everyone's first scans.. I will have to live vicariously though you as my first appt. isn't until Sept. 4th!

first trimester joys!

I am right there with you with the emotions! My poor hubby doesn't know what to do with himself...doesn't take much these days for me to start crying! And I typically don't cry and now its the smallest thing...sigh...I'll take it though if it means baby is growing like they should be :)
Congratulations to all the new additions!

Sunenihs - I know what you mean about making it to 7 weeks, 3 more days for me. And how exciting, your first purchase! I caved and did some online purchasing because everything was free and you only had to pay the shipping. I got a nursing pillow and blanket.

That sounds like a great deal! I'm going to try to make my own nursing pillow. My sister received one at her baby shower, though I'm sure I could have her, she told me they are fairly expensive. I just got a sewing machine last year, and though I haven't used it much, I can't imagine a nursing pillow would be too hard to learn!
Welcome new flowers.

Only 5 days to my scan

The only thing that keeps me reminded that I'm expecting is constant nausea. I get it when I'm Hungery but as soon as I eat I wanna throw up x
I love coming on here to see all the updates from everyone....our little cohort is growing! Congrats to all the new BFPs :happydance:
6w3d for me and, yep, ms has got me. Actually, it was after-lunch sickness. Ughh... Baby must have been evesdropping when I called this morning to make my first appt. Long wait til next Thurs.... :haha:
I have relentless nausea too ladies. It's a great reminder that bubs is strong and growing, but damn it gets to me sometimes. At night I can't move at all because if I do I'm up vomiting. Hey good news is it's almost over, with my two previous children it ended at 12 weeks. :thumbup:
Does anyone have any thoughts or personal experience in using a midwife vs. OB/GYN? I'm somewhat skeptical of a midwife, but I hear nothing but good things. Any insight or advice would be great! Thanks!
yep they will be VERY close growing up..
I've not got the ms this time (10 weeks with DS though) instead I got really bad back pains :(
Can I join? It'll be baby number two and will be due April 8th. No morning sickness so far but very tired and constantly peeing as well xx
I just found out a friend at work is due one day after me! I'm so crazy excited :) :)
Just found out I'm pregnant at the weekend, I am due 20th April and this wil be my 3rd.

So excited but nervous too. Tempted to book an early scan as just can't wait till 12 weeks!

No real symptoms yet but I'm sure they will come lol
Hello! I can't keep up with this thread :) how is everyone feeling? I see some have managed to get scans already.

Im feeling surprisingly good but very stressed by life in general, feeling quite teary about the future but Im sure its hormones.

Found a local place that does 5-8 week scans for £35, we saw them for a later scan before and didn't like them at all at its so much cheaper. I wouldn't bother if i wasn't feeling so healthy :/ never happy!
Hey ladies sorry I haven't been able to post for a few days its been rough other than the exciting news of being 6wks today my grandfather lost his life last night at 69 I was VERY VERY close to him i was the first grandchild he had colon cancer since last May and they did a 19hr surgery called a hot chemo treatment last month he's been in the ICU trying to recover for 4 weeks now and last night he went to be an angel... This morning I'm trying to relax and not get so worked up. I took the day off from work and this is going to be very hard to explain to them.

- I hope you ladies are doing great and the pregnancies are goin great!! I haven't been sick just really tired and headaches. This little bean is my blessing in disguise <3
My sil is really making me upset. She is mad that I am pregnant and she isn't. I FULLY understand infertility as I went through 2 1/2 years of trying with meds for #2. However, when someone was pregnant I smiled and would go home and scream and cry. She refuses to look at me, she won't say hi or bye, we all went swimming with mil and sil and she got out of the pool when I got in and back in when I got out. She refused to come into my MIL's house because I was there. I would understand her frustration more if she actually saw someone. She REFUSES to see a dr, absolutely refuses even though it has been 3 years. She said she will NEVER take meds to help get pregnant even if a doc offers it, she even said clomid was awful and no one should ever use it because it is poison. I am just upset that something so wonderful is being treated with such disregard. She forbid my MIL to talk about the baby. I'm just a little hormonal and upset now.

momofone sorry for v delayed response but I only just read this and I know totally how had this situation is.

My step sister is 11 years older than me and has been trying for years to conceive including 4 rounds of failed IVF. She gets really upset when people around her fall pregnant. I didn't want to tell anybody our news til 12 weeks to make sure all was going smoothly but my mom convinced me that it would be better if she knew before everybody else so she could adjust to the news.

Anyway when I told her I was expecting a few weeks ago she burst out crying. Then when she got over the initial shock she made a comment that really made me mad "oh well around 60-70% of pregnancies in in miscarriages anyway".......I was stunned!
Seriously wtf!!! That is not what you say to a pregnant lady!

I feel like I have to tiptoe around her incase she gets upset but it makes it hard for me to feel I can enjoy being pregnant!
Anyway how is everybody doing? I have some pretty bad nausea going on right now and a kinda weird stretchy/tight feeling in my abdomen. Hoping its just bean settling in! Starting to feel more positive today as I hit 7 weeks so it feels like a landmark, over half way through first tri!!!!
Hey ladies sorry I haven't been able to post for a few days its been rough other than the exciting news of being 6wks today my grandfather lost his life last night at 69 I was VERY VERY close to him i was the first grandchild he had colon cancer since last May and they did a 19hr surgery called a hot chemo treatment last month he's been in the ICU trying to recover for 4 weeks now and last night he went to be an angel... This morning I'm trying to relax and not get so worked up. I took the day off from work and this is going to be very hard to explain to them.

- I hope you ladies are doing great and the pregnancies are goin great!! I haven't been sick just really tired and headaches. This little bean is my blessing in disguise <3

Just read this whilst on lunch break and almost cried had to hold back tears. Thoughts are with you xx
Hey ladies sorry I haven't been able to post for a few days its been rough other than the exciting news of being 6wks today my grandfather lost his life last night at 69 I was VERY VERY close to him i was the first grandchild he had colon cancer since last May and they did a 19hr surgery called a hot chemo treatment last month he's been in the ICU trying to recover for 4 weeks now and last night he went to be an angel... This morning I'm trying to relax and not get so worked up. I took the day off from work and this is going to be very hard to explain to them.

- I hope you ladies are doing great and the pregnancies are goin great!! I haven't been sick just really tired and headaches. This little bean is my blessing in disguise <3

Just read this whilst on lunch break and almost cried had to hold back tears. Thoughts are with you xx

Thank you <3

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