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~~April Flowers 2014 ~~ 96 moms ~~ 31 Team Blue~~ 16 Team Pink

Hey ladies sorry I haven't been able to post for a few days its been rough other than the exciting news of being 6wks today my grandfather lost his life last night at 69 I was VERY VERY close to him i was the first grandchild he had colon cancer since last May and they did a 19hr surgery called a hot chemo treatment last month he's been in the ICU trying to recover for 4 weeks now and last night he went to be an angel... This morning I'm trying to relax and not get so worked up. I took the day off from work and this is going to be very hard to explain to them.

- I hope you ladies are doing great and the pregnancies are goin great!! I haven't been sick just really tired and headaches. This little bean is my blessing in disguise <3

:hugs::hugs::hugs: I am so very sorry for your loss. I lost my only grandpa 2 1/2 years ago and it was one of the most difficult things to get through. The only comfort is knowing he's not in any more pain and can be at peace and watch over you and your little one as they grow. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
Hey ladies sorry I haven't been able to post for a few days its been rough other than the exciting news of being 6wks today my grandfather lost his life last night at 69 I was VERY VERY close to him i was the first grandchild he had colon cancer since last May and they did a 19hr surgery called a hot chemo treatment last month he's been in the ICU trying to recover for 4 weeks now and last night he went to be an angel... This morning I'm trying to relax and not get so worked up. I took the day off from work and this is going to be very hard to explain to them.

- I hope you ladies are doing great and the pregnancies are goin great!! I haven't been sick just really tired and headaches. This little bean is my blessing in disguise <3

Sorry to hear of your loss at this time. Thinking of you and your bean xx
WorkingonBaby2: so sorry for your loss.

Snufflepop: That situation sucks! I can't imagine how hard it is to have fertility issues but dang... at least pretend to be happy for you! Sorry you have to deal with that.

Feeling kinda nauseous today. Hoping it doesn't last bc I have to volunteer at my ODS school for 4 hours. I'm totally jealous of everyone's growing boobs. I'm still 32A. :shrug: However, my nipples are loud and proud all the time! And they hurt.

By the end of the day, I'm rocking a mean bloat belly. Seriously I look 5 months pregnant by 7 o'clock. Hubs saw me last night and said "Woah, Beer Gut!" :dohh:
Hey guys! I found out last week I'm expecting a little Easter Baby! Well, one day after! This will be my second, I have an 18 month old daughter! :)

April 21 for me! :)
Congratulations new april mommies!!!!! I have added you all to the front page.

Workingonbaby2- I am so sorry to hear about your loss. I lost my grandfather 4 years ago and it was awful a year later I lost my father. I completely feel your pain. :hugs:

TNMomma- I have gained 4 pounds already and definitely look pregnant. I'll be in maternity clothes by ten weeks lol. I guess it's normal with it being #3. My mom keeps saying it's twins hahaha.
Hey ladies sorry I haven't been able to post for a few days its been rough other than the exciting news of being 6wks today my grandfather lost his life last night at 69 I was VERY VERY close to him i was the first grandchild he had colon cancer since last May and they did a 19hr surgery called a hot chemo treatment last month he's been in the ICU trying to recover for 4 weeks now and last night he went to be an angel... This morning I'm trying to relax and not get so worked up. I took the day off from work and this is going to be very hard to explain to them.

- I hope you ladies are doing great and the pregnancies are goin great!! I haven't been sick just really tired and headaches. This little bean is my blessing in disguise <3

So sorry to read this x x
Is anyone experiencing any morning sickness yet? If so when did it start? I had it really bad with my first and it started at 5 1/2 weeks. So this week I am trying to eat and drink as many green vegetables as I can and workout everyday. Just I case the morning sickness and extreme tiredness kicks in next week! :)
I was sick at 6 weeks first time and this time its still a no show so who knows maybe different second time round
Is anyone experiencing any morning sickness yet? If so when did it start? I had it really bad with my first and it started at 5 1/2 weeks. So this week I am trying to eat and drink as many green vegetables as I can and workout everyday. Just I case the morning sickness and extreme tiredness kicks in next week! :)

With DS it was about 10wks this one 6wks :-(
Workinonbaby2.... I'm so sorry to hear your sad news. Hugs to you.

I'm still not having many symptoms, I was 6 weeks when the morning sickness started with my DD but I'm now over 6 weeks and nothing :) not complaining at this point :)
I'm feeling really bloated tho..... Arghhhhh! I'm gonna be a big fatty again!!!! X
I had sickness starting around 8 weeks with both of my daughters. This time it hit me at 5 weeks and has gotten progressively worse. I am 7 weeks tomorrow and today has been the worst day so far. Hoping it settles soon.
Hi everyone! I'd love to join this group. I'm pregnant with number 1 with an EDD of April 11!

So far I've just felt tired, had some cramping, super smelling ability, and sore boobs. Glad to not have ms!
With me it was 6-7 weeks when symptoms started with ds, started at 3 weeks with this one though I didn't think it was possible. Only been sick once was never sick with ds.
Girls I'm soooo bloated nothing fits. :cry:
So tempted to hunt my maternity jeans out I don't remember feeling this big at the end with DS
I have a quick question how did ye all get you april flowers signature?

As for bloated yep looks like I didnt go back to my normal size after DS so waking around with him now and been he's young it looks like I'm fat :(

Tomorrow maternity jeans me thinks most my trackies are tight around my lower tummy
[QUOTEOur lovely Reno has made our signature! Just remove the *

[*URL="https://babyandbump.momtastic.com/pregnancy-groups/1940143-april-flowers-2014-24-mums-so-far-4.html"][*IMG]https://freedomni.co.uk/flowers.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [/QUOTE]
After our ultrasound today, we are officially due on April 7th, rather than the 5th! I do dread being in first tri for two more days though :haha:

Nausea and fatigue are hitting really hard this week. Nausea is becoming more manageable, like maybe I'm getting more used to it?
Hope everyone is having a great week!!
Soo not been on here in a few days! Thought I'd update you all!

Went to the EPU on Sunday as I had a bit of red blood and had pain in my left side and was concerned about ectopic. EPU were great, took my bloods and my HCG was high at 12,000 which they said was good and didn't think it was ectopic but agreed to give me scan next day to see how things are and to rule it out.

Had my scan and saw the gestational sac and the little fetal pole and she said everything looks good! The found in my left side was because I had a pregnancy cyst on my left ovary but it will clear itself up.

I am going back in 2 weeks for a check up scan :)
Brenn09- I have moved your dates to the 7th. So glad your scan went well.

LauraLoo- I am so glad you were able to see bub and the sac. that is great news!!

GlassPeony- I have added you the front page! Congrats on your :bfp:

Apple_20- I am super bloated too. I am going to invest in a few pairs of pants this weekend. I gave all of my maternity clothes to a friend after having my last and she sold my clothes to a consignment store. :growlmad: so I guess I need to go buy it all again.

AFM- My scan is tomorrow!!!! :happydance: I am 7 weeks today!!!!! My DD #2 will be one on Sunday. We purchased her presents and the decorations yesterday. She is attached to this Tinker Bell doll of her sisters, so that is the theme we chose for her. I had AWFUL morning sickness yesterday. I had to get off the phone at work several times. I am sure everyone is starting to be aware lol.

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