~~April Flowers 2014 ~~ 96 moms ~~ 31 Team Blue~~ 16 Team Pink

How far along? 18 weeks today!!
Morning Sickness? Just a little between 10-12wks other that nope.
How are you feeling/any ailments? I've been feeling pretty good besides minor headaches here and there and fatigue I guess that comes with chasing after a 3 year old too lol
Next scan? Friday Nov. 8!! 3days to go!
Team/Gender NOV.8th we will know!
Most recent baby purchase? Diapers!! lol
Next baby purchase? car seat w/ stroller clothes and bed set
Most excited about? at the moment finding out what we're having :)
Most anxious about? for the kicks to get stronger
Anything else? I'm excited all around I'm ready to find out what we're having. Ready to start buying some things other than diapers lol. I'm mostly ready for april to roll around we're ready to meet the new little one!!
Havent been on this thread in a while! Heres my update -

How far along? 17+6
Morning Sickness? Went at 14 weeks thankfully!
How are you feeling/any ailments? Feel quite good at the min, trying to get lots done while I feel good!
Next scan? 20th november so i'll be 20 weeks exactly
Team/Gender Not sure yet!
Most recent baby purchase? Pram! Went with the graco evo which I loved and as a bonus it was in the sale at mothercare
Next baby purchse? Probably clothes when we know gender
Most excited about? Feeling movements now pretty much every otherday which is lovely
Most anxious about? Callum had to go to neo natal for a few days due to low blood sugar and low temp, I'm a bit worried about it happening again
Anything else? Can't wait for my 20 week scan, 15 more days to go! Xx
I've gained 2 lbs, which I've been so so excited about! I gained a TON with my son and didn't lose a lot of it so I started out heavier this pregnancy so I'm trying to keep off as much weight as I can.
How far along? 15 weeks today!:happydance:
Morning Sickness? Thankfully, not anymore! I never actually threw up, but I felt like I was going to every day, all day, up until 11 weeks!
How are you feeling/any ailments? I feel great, other than getting tired pretty easily.:sleep:
Next scan? November 21st, I'll be 17+2, hoping for an accurate gender read!
Team/Gender Doctor gave an early guess of boy, we'll hopefully see for sure on the 21st! :shrug:
Most recent baby purchase? None yet!
Next baby purchase? Probably a gender specific outfit, after our scan
Most excited about? Finding out if baby looks healthy, and confirming gender. Also feeling consistent, strong movements
Most anxious about? Just that the baby comes out healthy, and full term! I'm also a little concerned about how my 4 year old will adjust to the baby.
Anything else? I don't want to wish this pregnancy away, but I am looking forward to being a bit further along. I love the late second trimester, when you're not too big and uncomfortable, but you have a good sized bump and can feel the baby move regularly.:thumbup:
How far along? 18+4
Morning Sickness? Completely gone for about 10 days or so! It was very severe until 10 weeks, then only when hungry until about 16 weeks!
How are you feeling/any ailments? TIRED! Mild hip pain- sometimes my hip will just give out when I stand up! :dohh: Doesn't hurt very much, though!
Next scan? Nov 11th- 6 days :happydance:
Team/Sex: Unknown- will find out on Monday!
Most recent baby purchase? Diapers! Stocking up on various sizes and brands!
Next baby purchase? Decor for nursery, some minor purchases but not much until after the baby shower in early Feb!
Most excited about? Finding out the sex, but equally as excited about all the movement I've been feeling the last three days or so! Only minor, periodic movement until this weekend!
Most anxious about? Hoping the baby is healthy!
Anything else? I can't wait until OH feels the baby move for the first time!
Could I be added? :flower: Due April 30th with baby #3, team yellow.

How far along? 14 + 6
Morning Sickness? About the worst it's ever been (since week 6), blech.
How are you feeling/any ailments? Migraines and constipation
Next scan? Day before Thanksgiving
Team/Gender Team Yellow, if I can last!
Most recent baby purchase? Baby stroller--great deal on a gently used Bugaboo
Next baby purchse? New carseat. Otherwise, not much. Many friends have volunteered to pass on their baby gear, and we have furniture from previous kids.
Most excited about? Feeling better.
Most anxious about? Getting back to work (currently on medical leave)
Anything else? Could I get a good night's sleep please?
Welcome MonyMony! I hear you on the sleep thing! I have pillows everywhere to get comfortable. And, of course, baby kicks the pillow under my belly until I change position. I just want to fall asleep without getting told off by the little one, it's distracting. :)
How far along? 19+5
Morning Sickness? Until about 16 weeks but gone now.
How are you feeling/any ailments? Headaches and exhaustion and just getting over tonsillitis and being bitten by a feral cat-not fun without ibuprofen!
Next scan? Friday Nov 8th
Team/Gender Team Yellow
Most recent baby purchase? Building a stash of cloth nappies!
Next baby purchse? Not sure! We have lots of neutral things from DD-pram, bouncer,clothes etc.
Most excited about? OH and my little one being able to feel baby move :cloud9:
Most anxious about? Scan on Friday and having to have a GTT.
Anything else? Would love a full night of sleep, and maybe even a whole weekend!!
I hear you all on sleep....my DS still has a night feed! :wacko: but he skipped it last night (yes!!) which is rare and I woke up feeling wonderful. :)

The headaches.....what the hell!!! I didn't have these with my son, maybe on a rare occasion. These are daily, I wake with them, go to sleep with them, they suck. :(
How far along? 17+3

Morning Sickness? Pretty much all gone, thank goodness!

How are you feeling/any ailments? Tired a lot and my back pain has been getting worse and worse. At my next doctor appointment I'm going to be asking for a note to bring to work.. they have me working 8 hour shifts, lifting and bending and such, and if it doesn't let up/they don't let me work at the cash register with a stool so I can sit, I'm seriously considering starting my leave on December 1st. I'm just worried the pain in my back and stress from it is going to effect the baby.

Next scan? Next Tuesday at 18+2 is our anatomy scan! I am SO EXCITED and hoping the baby shows the goods so we find out the gender, haha!

Team/Gender: Not yet but hopefully in 6 days!

Most recent baby purchase? Stuff to make the baby's mobile (which is almost done now as of today) and the track lighting/dimmer we installed in the nursery.

Next baby purchase? On Saturday we're purchasing the crib and the crib mattress, as well as the shelves for the book collection. After that we need the rocker and ottoman and then the little details.

Most excited about? Finding out the gender soon and being able to start calling the baby by their name!

Most anxious about? Just general anxiety that the baby is okay and the pregnancy is going ok. I started out a little overweight so I think it's ok, but I haven't gained any weight at all yet.

Anything else? I am starting to show but I hope my belly rounds out a little more in the coming couple weeks.
How far along? 16+1

Morning Sickness? All gone :) A few food aversions are hanging around though :(

How are you feeling/any ailments? Bad headaches over the past couple of weeks & I'm exhausted. But running around after a 2.5 yr old doesn't help! I'm already needing to sleep surrounded by pillows as well :(

Next scan? 2nd December. Advent can't come quick enough!

Team/Gender: :yellow:

Most recent baby purchase? I feel bad, but we just don't need anything. We kept everything from DS. I won't buy clothes until baby is here so I can but pink or blue!

Next baby purchase? I reeeaaaallly want a nursing chair this time. I'm working in DH :haha:

Most excited about? Feeling daily movement :)

Most anxious about? Failing my GD test & not being allowed a home birth :(

Anything else? This pregnancy is flying by compared to DS's :thumbup:
How far along? 17 weeks + 2 days
Morning Sickness? Thankfully not so much anymore!
How are you feeling/any ailments? Killer migraines, and round ligament pain if I make any movement faster than a slow crawl.
Next scan? Probably 3 - 4 weeks from now.
Team/Gender: Team yellow hopefully... I may cave though and find out early if I keep seeing such cute boy clothes in the stores for once.
Most recent baby purchase? A baby boy vest. Oh god, its so adorable it hurts. :') (Instagram pic for the curious.)
Next baby purchase? Thankfully I kept most everything from my firstborn (cough- hoarder) so we really don't need much. So next big purchase will most likely be paint tarps... lots of paint tarps... you'll soon see why...
Most excited about? OH getting to feel the rolls and kicks from the outside soon! I know I'll regret that once the baby starts really beating up my organs though.
Most anxious about? Having my homebirth (yay!!) in a rented house with ALL CARPETING. (eep!) D: And even the bathroom is the original hardwood... anyone have any old paint tarps up for grabs? haha
Anything else? I almost wish this pregnancy would slow down. We really only want two children so this is very likely my last pregnancy. I can't believe it's nearly half over already. :'c
Hi all!!! I had an OB appt. today and she asked if I wanted to get a scan to see if we could possibly tell the gender....well I'm pretty sure that it is a ..... BOY!!!! I am so beyond excited. My Dr. said she was almost 100% positive. I have an anatomy scan on 12/2. I really wanted my first to be a boy and it is!!!! My boyfriend is so exicted too. It's a wonderful day!!

How far along? 16+4

Morning Sickness? Never really had to much but still get a little nauseous every now and then.

How are you feeling/any ailments? I have been having migraines. I got some medication prescribed but am a little hesitant. Taking a warm bath/shower seems to help a little bit, but wish they would go away!!

Next scan? Monday 12/2

Team/Gender: Pretty positive team Blue/Baby Boy!!!!

Most recent baby purchase? I am slacking I honestly have not bought a single thing yet. I have been given some hand me downs. Swing and baby bath!! I have great friends!!

Next baby purchase? Probably going to buy a co sleeper here in the next few weeks. I can't wait to shop on cyber monday!!

Most excited about? Feelin my little man move!! I have been so anxious. Sometimes I wonder if what I'm feeling is baby or gas lol

Most anxious about? Figuring out a name. My honey and I have gone round and round with names (especially boy names) but I know that we will come up with one and I can't wait. I am also anxious for delivery. I am going all natural with a water birth.

Anything else? People at work are starting to notice my bump. I was a little overweight when I got pregnant so I really just look like I have been eating too many sweets (which I have lol) but I am so excited to share the news with my co-workers!!
Hi all!!! I had an OB appt. today and she asked if I wanted to get a scan to see if we could possibly tell the gender....well I'm pretty sure that it is a ..... BOY!!!! I am so beyond excited. My Dr. said she was almost 100% positive. I have an anatomy scan on 12/2. I really wanted my first to be a boy and it is!!!! My boyfriend is so exicted too. It's a wonderful day!!

How far along? 16+4

Morning Sickness? Never really had to much but still get a little nauseous every now and then.

How are you feeling/any ailments? I have been having migraines. I got some medication prescribed but am a little hesitant. Taking a warm bath/shower seems to help a little bit, but wish they would go away!!

Next scan? Monday 12/2

Team/Gender: Pretty positive team Blue/Baby Boy!!!!

Most recent baby purchase? I am slacking I honestly have not bought a single thing yet. I have been given some hand me downs. Swing and baby bath!! I have great friends!!

Next baby purchase? Probably going to buy a co sleeper here in the next few weeks. I can't wait to shop on cyber monday!!

Most excited about? Feelin my little man move!! I have been so anxious. Sometimes I wonder if what I'm feeling is baby or gas lol

Most anxious about? Figuring out a name. My honey and I have gone round and round with names (especially boy names) but I know that we will come up with one and I can't wait. I am also anxious for delivery. I am going all natural with a water birth.

Anything else? People at work are starting to notice my bump. I was a little overweight when I got pregnant so I really just look like I have been eating too many sweets (which I have lol) but I am so excited to share the news with my co-workers!!

WELCOME TO TEAM :blue: !!! :happydance: So many boy mommy's in April.
could i be added? :flower: Due april 30th with baby #3, team yellow.

how far along? 14 + 6
morning sickness? about the worst it's ever been (since week 6), blech.
how are you feeling/any ailments? migraines and constipation
next scan? day before thanksgiving
team/gender team yellow, if i can last!
most recent baby purchase? baby stroller--great deal on a gently used bugaboo
next baby purchse? new carseat. Otherwise, not much. Many friends have volunteered to pass on their baby gear, and we have furniture from previous kids.
most excited about? feeling better.
most anxious about? getting back to work (currently on medical leave)
anything else? could i get a good night's sleep please?

Can I join? I'm due April 21st!

How far along? 16+2

Morning Sickness? All gone now, thank goodness! Still don't really have much of an appetite but I'm always hungry!

How are you feeling/any ailments? Exhausted all the time, and round ligament pain, which stops me in my tracks a lot.

Next scan? December 2nd! Can't wait!


Most recent baby purchase? Nothing, unless you count what I've bought for my DD. We still have loads left from her. Waiting until I find out if it's a boy or a girl so I can buy some cute new clothes.

Next baby purchase? Probably a different baby carrier. I love my moby wrap but I imagine it will be a bit fiddly trying to get a newborn into it, whilst wrangling my toddler.

Most excited about? Feeling my baby move!

Most anxious about? Delivery, I hope it goes a lot smoother compared to DD's

Anything else? I can't believe I'm almost half way done!
Congrats on the little boy, sunshine! :happydance:

Sorry to hear about all the headaches/migraines out there...Tylenol sure doesn't cut it. :nope:
Congrats on the little boy, sunshine! :happydance:

Sorry to hear about all the headaches/migraines out there...Tylenol sure doesn't cut it. :nope:

Thank you!! My Dr. prescribed me fiorecet for the headache today. I am a pharmacy tech. so I know it is ok to take, but still nervous about taking meds while im pregnant. But if I'm as miserable as I was last night I will be taking them!!
Evening Ladies, I was wondering if I could join? I am due April 10th with my first baby, I will be a single mom as the farther has decided he wants nothing to do with us. I find out the sex next Wednesday and I'm really hoping for a boy.

Hope everyone is well!
Sophie x

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