April Munchkins 2013- enjoying our wonderful babies!

At one point it says that if you are not finding out gender you shouldn't buy everything in yellow and green as many babies complexions do not suit these colors. WTF?!!

Uh oh...my baby is screwed if their complexion isn't "right" for yellow then!! :rofl: what a ridiculous thing to say!!! And funny I also read a book recently (actually part of one of dh's books!) which was really dismissive of using cloth nappies, and got annoyed too!

Ukgirl, thanks for the info on tesco cloth nappies, will definitely have a little look at that! Sounds like a bargain!

Lily I am loving all those little bits and pieces :cloud9: they are so adorable!!!! But I am VERY jealous that you are now officially on maternity!! Today is the last day of my hols before the new term...and I really could do with many more lie ins!

Afm, off to my 28 week midwife appointment :)
Good luck with your appointment!!! I have to schedule mine for next week too!

No maternity for me (unfortunately :p) as I was freelancing, I just stopped working after completing all my projects and responsibilities.
Just a quick one as I have a busy day but just had to say, doggy lover remember you Sao you were jelouse of people's tickers! Well I'm jealous of yours lol haha! A whole 4 weeks ahead!!! Lol x
I forget who asked about reading...?

But I got a new book for Christmas that I had been waiting on called "The Secret Keeper" by Kate Morton. I've read her other three books and they were all quite good. This one was no exception. With being a student still I don't get much time to read for fun anymore, and when I do have time the last thing I want to do is read more! But I really do love her books so it was worth it. :haha:

Guy Gavriel Kay has a new book coming out in April which I'm also *very* excited for. That will be perfect timing for being at home with LO.

RE: Yellow clothes and skin colour... I've heard a few people make the comment actually that yellow in particular can be a bad colour choice depending on the baby's skin tone. If your LO has jaundice (which most babies do for a little bit at least) wearing yellow clothing will make them look even yellow-er. I've tried to opt for greens and oranges, or white backgrounds with various colours on them for that reason. But I don't think there's anything wrong with buying yellow clothing! Jaundice usually doesn't last long, and babies look so adorable in yellow! We have a yellow/brown giraffe sleeper set with matching hat, and I'm pretty sure that will be one of LO's first outfits.... it's so damn cute!
I did actually dress Connie in a lot of yellow andbshe had pure white hair at birth. It wasnt too bad but it did make her look pinker than usual lol x
Maybe its just me... but I will NOT be matching my babys skin tone to the color of his outfits :haha:. He will wear them and look damn cute in them :winkwink:

SOme of you mentioned being tired and having more cravings... I have noticed over the holidays that i'm not really more tired, but I could nap during the day if I had time. Its weird, because I don't feel like I HAVE to nap (like in the first trimester), but given the chance to lay down, I will pass out. :shrug:
I have also been eating like crazy for the past two weeks :dohh:. I still force myself to eat at least oine serving of fruit and veggies a day, but it seems that all I want to have is sweets :blush:. I am hoping that being back at work for normal hours, will regulate my food intake lol :haha:

Lily, I have my appointment next week as well. Looks like we are now going to be moving closer to the end. I think that after next appointment, I have to go every 2 weeks (instead of 4). Oh and super cute things you bought lily!!! I especially love the sling!

Kristabelle, I have the "what to expect when expecting" book and it is ok. I feel like it just gives an overview of whats going on and I get much more information from you girls :shrug:.
hermaphrodite comment: Pretty much sounds like something I would say to a pregnant woman. Sorry, ladies. :haha: But as far as people being insensitive or not wanting to talk about it... I always think you never know what they're going through. I don't remember the story of nimbec's oh's friend's partner exactly, so this may not be relevant to her. But I can't help thinking that when people are weird about babies maybe they've been TTC for 5 years and haven't been successful. Or maybe they just had a miscarriage and it's still raw. ? My best friend is really weird at the moment. I don't think she's been ttc considering she still smokes like a chimney but I almost think she's really frustrated about not being in a place in life where she's comfortable ttc, if that makes any sense. She hasn't bothered to talk to me since October when I drove 1000 miles to go to her wedding and be her photographer (which was like a $2000 wedding gift) AND I gave her the most expensive gift on her registry. I didn't even get a thank you card for any of that! And she's supposed to be my *best friend.* :shrug:

And I'm sure people get sick of me talking about my kids but... They're kind of my passion in life right now! I spend all of my free time with my daughter and I absolutely loathe my job. So, I really don't have all that much else I like to talk about, honestly. :haha:

readytomum -- I'm also resolving to stop my stupid "I'm pregnant" eating habits. I never got back into eating very well since being pregnant with Maisie. Before her, I was in the best shape of my life! :dohh: And it's not like it's the kids' fault, it's me using pregnancy as an excuse. And then I used breastfeeding as an excuse (didn't want to cut calories & risk the pitiful supply I had!). At least I've gained way less so far this time. I gained 40 pounds with her. :blush: I'd LOVE to lose the 9 pounds I've gained so far over the next 3 months. I think I can. I think I can.

ukgirl -- Ugh, sorry about your ex. Yes, I'm more tired at this point than I've been so far this pregnancy. Hope all of 3rd tri isn't like this for me!

kirstabelle -- I never bothered with What to Expect as I've heard stupid stuff about it. With Maisie I read "The Mother of all Pregnancy Books" and "The Mother of All Baby Books" and would recommend both. :thumbup: Definitely read the baby book BEFORE baby arrives. :haha: And actually, yes, I did look at my daughter and notice outfits that didn't go with her complexion! :blush: Most pastels (not just yellow/green) looked pretty freaking terrible on her, especially the first week since she was jaundiced (but not really orange, just very dark). :haha: Brighter colors still complement her skin tone better, IMO. But I wouldn't bother with that in a book because who cares, really? :shrug:

Also, if anyone is worried about milk supply issues or just wants to be uber-prepared, I HIGHLY recommend "The Breastfeeding Mother's Guide to Making More Milk." Authors are West and Morasco (sp?). :thumbup:

lily28 -- congrats on being done with work! :happydance: I'll tell you, I'm not sure I'm going to make it at my job to my due date like I planned. I. hate. this. job! More and more every day!

So, we got a great offer (I think.. details yet to be sorted) to live in my grandmother's house (it's currently vacant as she's lived with my aunt for almost 10 years now) while I go back to school full time! I'm in full-on sell the house mode now. Plan to get the house on the market in March, have the baby in April and move late April/early May. AND QUIT MY EFFING JOB during my 12 weeks of maternity leave. :wohoo: A little nervous as it involves moving back to a city I don't love (not that I love this one) and haven't lived in for over 10 years. As much as I don't like our town and our current house, it's home for me at this point. I've been in this city for 11 years this August in our house for 6 years this August. Feels very strange to think about living somewhere else. But going back to school to do what I want to do and not having to work full-time and being able to stay home with the girls most of the time would be AMAZING! It's exactly what I want to do, even if the entire situation won't be ideal.
littlespy that is great about living in your grandmothers house while you go back to school!! It sounds like the perfect plan! I think once you have settled in you will be fine with living back in your old city. I agree about the pastel colours not agreeing with skin tone but also like you say, who cares, people will be too busy ahhhhhing over the baby so much to even care.

I'm glad I'm not alone with feeling absolutely drained and hungry 24/7 lol. I'm glad for the Christmas break so I can chill out a bit! I used to wake up in the night when I was pregnant with the other 2 craving milk and foods, I wondered when this one would start and it seems like it's starting now lol.

I can't remember the names of the baby books I read, but then again the books I read were 7 years ago so hopefully books have come forward since then and more information is available. Like I said though most of the stuff I learned was through experience and good advice of other mums in playgroups lol.

Just wondering who hasn't got their buggy/pram yet?? I'm still struggling over which one to go for!! It's driving me insane!! The latest one which I love is the Graco Evo in red chilli. I'm really fussy with baby stuff it has to be perfect or I wont buy it. So until I can stick to one I can't spend :(

ALSO... I had no idea what a Moby wrap is so I youtube'd it and I have to say... it scared the SHIT out of me!! lol...there's no straps to hold baby in, you just tie it round you.. omg no!! haha.. I would be a wreck. Hats off to the ladies who have mastered the Moby wrap!! I'm going to stick with my carrier though :haha:
Lol at skin tones and clothes, silliest thing ever!!!

Steph82, the sling is from a brand called amazonas if you are interested. I practiced with my teddy bear and it is sooo cool!

, thumbs up for being passionate about your kids! I can't get the whole new taboo thing about kids, like it is not ok to talk about them. Sure there are limits to what one can say but it is understandable to talk about them, personally never had a problem talking with people about theirs.

About food/eating, I think I lost some of "my" weight during the holidays, I wasn't able to eat as much as I would like (crazy right?), I was on my feet all day, and didn't snack at all. My butt has gotten smaller :O. Total weight is the same as 15-20 days ago, so I guess baby is gaining properly.

Yay on staying in your grandmother's home, good luck with selling your place and wish you lots of strength for the move!
I'm happy you will go and study the things you love and be able to spend time with your babies!!! So amazing!
I'm just ecstatic for not having to go out of the apartment unless I want to haha! Slowly realizing how cool it is not to have to work for a while :)

, I don't have a pram yet, but I've almost decided on one (or two: chicco liteway or inglesina espresso). I'm in no rush as I will order the majority of baby stuff from this one store owned by a friend and will get a good discount, most stuff will be here by end of Feb. I will test drive those two once more w/ DH and decide...

lol at the moby /slings, I kinda love them, really depends on your lifestyle if you will use them, to me they seem the easiest solution.
Thats great that you can get a discount lily! I defo need to retest a few prams before I choose.

Im not sure how the Moby wrap is easier though.. I mean you have to wrp it around you like 4 times then tie it in a weird jumper knot :/ it looked really fussy and insecure to me. The carrier I have straps around me in 2 clicks and then I place baby to my chest and in two more clicks he's in and I can bend over if I drop something etc and hold both kids hands across the road with no fear of him flopping out! Lol maybe Im missing something here? Perhaps it was a bad youtube video xx
Little Spy congrats on your likely move! Even though you don't love your old city it will be so different this time. This time you are a different person, you're moving in there with your OH and beautiful daughters and you have a wonderful goal you are working towards. It will be better this time I'm sure!

My linea nigra popped up overnight, how random! I was starting to think I wouldn't get it. Maybe the stretch marks are next...

The moby was one of the first things I got. I got it passed along for free, if I was buying one I would def have gotten the short version. I am so short I have to do extra wraps with it :haha: I think it will be good for the early time though, nice and snug and stretchy like my belly :haha:
ukgirl: We don't have our stroller yet! We're actually planning on going to look at Babies R Us today to check out the one we've been looking at online. Sadly none of the closer stores have it, so it'll be a transit adventure to get there! We're not planning on buying it today though, because we're hoping some of my aunts will go together and get it for our baby shower gift. We just want to make sure that it's the one we really want. And if no one buys it, then we'll go and pick it up afterwards.

I have a moby wrap too! One of my cousins was selling hers, which she never really used because her baby was gigantic. So I got that for $10, and we have a regular forward/backwards facing carrier on the baby registry as well. That way hopefully baby will be happy in one or the other! Plus it's likley that DH and I will have a preference for one or the other ourselves as well.
Readytomum that is my issue with he stroller as well.. I will find one I like but I cant find it in stores near me so I feel weird about buying without trying. I brought a hauck for Lucas when he was a year old it looked amazing online but in real life it sucked it was just really bulky and crap.

It will be amazing if you got a stroller for your shower!

I cant write much atm Lucas is in a timeout because he isnt allowed to play xbox and gave me lip over it lol.. I got the.. i hate you mummy... haha.
Maybe its just me... but I will NOT be matching my babys skin tone to the color of his outfits :haha:. He will wear them and look damn cute in them :winkwink:

It's not just you on this one! My baby will look awesome in anything OBVIOUSLY ;);) so I shan't fret about skin tone!

Littlespy: the hermaphrodite comment would be ok as a joke! even i have joked about it...but she was being serious. She went on to tell a story about a hermaphrodite baby she helped deliver. Not what you want to hear from a doctor! And that's great news about the house move! Even if it will be an adjustment, like you said, getting to stay home with the girls will make it all worthwhile. And yay about quitting your job!!! That is exciting! And I know it's been the cause of some stress and anxiety because of your supervisors, so next time they piss you off you can't just silently think "I won't have to put up with you for much longer...."!

Ukgirl do you live near to any of the kiddicare stores? I imagine they have loads of prams for trying out! You could make a special day trip to do it! (Sadly, that would be an amazing day out for me! I'm such a loser)

Afm....MY PRAM ARRIVED TODAY! :cloud9::cloud9::cloud9: now I am a total pram pervert, love looking at them, spent hours (and I mean MANY OF THEM!) online researching prams, and to have it finally here makes me want to cry with joy! I finally have my own pram! (Now I just need the baby to go in it....12 weeks and counting...) we spent ages putting it up and playing with it lol! It's a bit tricky to fold, but we knew that it was when we got it, and its just that its a two step rather than a simple fold, so I'm sure we will get used to it quickly. I adore it. I may have given it a little kiss as we packed it away :blush:

Our isofix base also arrived, but is not so much fun.

Oh and in terms of wraps/carriers, I got the Boba 3G as it does from newborn right up.its not the ideal carrier for a newborn according to people who know much more about slings than i do, but I like how sturdy it seems, and if they say it's ok for a brand new baby, I believe them!
And lol Kealz...I still get jealous of other people's tickers, I'm never flipping happy! :haha: I will finally be happy with my ticker when it says 100% and 0 days remaining!
Doggylover, YES ON THE PRAM LOVE!!! :haha: I spent the entire day pushing mine around the house and practicing to fold/ unfold, when I first got it. Everythime I hear someone ask about what to get I want to tell him that mine is the best and there are absolutly no other viable options :rofl:. I'm a loser... I know :dohh:

So now that we are all really close to (or in) the 3rd trimester... I would like to start purcahsing some items for the hospital bag for myself... I know we will need pads (breast and maternity)... cream... PJs... LittleSpy, I think you recommended a nightgown (in case they check your undies)??? I was thinking of getting PJ pants as well. I have heard about all the bleeding and would like come extra protection :blush:. Is that not advisable?
Also: what tops are suitable for nursing? I will have a nursing bra, si what kind of top would be best to wear over that? Any suggestions?
ukgirl -- I haven't gotten a stroller yet. I'm still hemming and hawing over what to do, really. I think we probably will end up getting one that has a bench/stand on part for Maisie, too, but, just like with everything else so far this pregnancy, I'm not in a hurry, really. :shrug: I think it may be something we get after baby is here, actually. I'm a completely different person this pregnancy than I was with my first! :haha: There is a learning curve with the Moby or with any wrap. I've been quite intimidated by wraps in general (and probably wouldn't go with the Moby, personally, if I were to get one... but if someone were to give me one, then sure! :haha:). I'll stick with my mei tais and ssc! I'm too lazy and it's too hot here 9 months of the year for all that wrapping. Plenty of people absolutely love them, though. From what I understand, the Moby is great for newborns but isn't good for bigger babies (like 15lbs+) since the material is stretchy and they'll end up sagging. So, only good for a few months, really.

On that note, my Ergo should arrive today! :happydance: I hope it's comfortable enough to wear while I'm pregnant. I've seen mixed reviews on that.

kirstabelle -- How funny the line popped up overnight! I'm quite fair and didn't get it last pregnancy so don't expect it this time. I didn't get stretch marks last time, either, but I have one spot this time that looks like it's trying to be one. :shrug: Could just be a mark from me injuring myself and not remembering, though (quite likely, lol).

doggylover -- LOL at a serious hermaphrodite comment. Of course it's the slimmest possibility, but so far from likely! :dohh: And yes, I've alread had to repeat "Just 3 more months, just 3 more months... Maybe just 2.5 more if I really can't take it anymore..." over and over in my head this morning about something my supervisor said to me. :haha: I had a friend who was so excited about her stroller than she took a teddybear for a jog in it around her neighborhood once she got it! :wacko: How embarrassing that would have been if a neighbor had asked to see her baby. :haha:
And you'll only be happy if your ticker says 0 days remaining if the baby has arrived by then! Otherwise you'll be like "Damn you, you lying ticker!" :haha:
steph -- I'd suggest taking a pair or two of pj pants in case you want to walk around somewhere other than your room. At my hospital, we had to go to a "this is how to not kill your baby" class before discharge so I was very glad to have pants for that. And then for the ride home. I just recall spending the majority of my hospital stay in bed and the nurses seriously came to massage my belly and check my underwear every 3-4 hours. And given the state of my hoo-ha, pants would have caused more discomfort for me during those times.

My hospital also provided maternity pads. But, they were uncomfortable for me (so thick!!) so I mostly used 2 ultra-thin long menstruation pads (overlapping each other for more coverage) after the hospital-provided freezer pack pads ran out. :haha: I was glad I brought the ultra-thin pads to the hospital. They were just so much more comfortable for me. The pp bleeding got got much lighter after 5 days or so (just lasted forever) so one ultrathin pad was enough at that point and then after about 3 weeks or so (maybe slightly sooner?), frequently changed pantyliners were enough. I'm sure that all varies person to person and birth to birth, though.

I took breast pads to the hospital but didn't need them. I was at the hosptial for about 30 hours after delivery. My milk "came in" the morning before we left but I don't recall leaking until later. Just a couple pairs should be enough, just in case. The hospital may even have those if you ask for them. ?

I recommend nursing gowns. The hospital is likely going to provide you with a gown to wear while you're there but I was more comfortable in my own.

I didn't wear a bra until it was time to leave the hospital. :haha: But I hate bras. While nursing, I prefer either low cut tops or loose fitting shirts that can easily be pulled up. I prefer my tummy stay covered while I nurse around people, so either a belly band or a nursing tank works for that. Or, you can convert regular camis to loop around your nursing bra clasps so that they become nursing camis for much less $ than nursing camis cost. That reminds me, I need to see if Old Navy has any camisoles on clearance so I can make those!

I think a lot of what you bring to the hospital just depends on what your hospital provides and what you require to be comfortable. I packed way too much last time trying to ensure we'd be comfortable. I'll be taking much less this time after knowing what the hospital provides and what my stay entailed last time. It's really just a blur to me. I hardly even took any pictures! And not a single one with my dSLR! Never even turned on the TV in the room... Barely managed to take one shower. Seriously, just a blur! :shrug:
Lol littlespy, that's so true, if I go overdue I'll be screaming at my ticker and blaming it, telling it it must have counted wrongly!!! I am only slightly ashamed to admit that I put our cat in the pram and attempted to push him! (He was having none of it though and promptly jumped out!) I wanted to take it out into the street,but like you say if a neighbour had have stopped me I would have died of embarrassment!

Steph, I'm glad I'm not the only one who is a serious pram lover! And of course your pram is the best....just like mine is!!! When I see threads in second tri board asking about travel systems I always make sure to post about mine, and look at everyone else's and think "why did you get that? you're wrong!" :rofl:

And I'd also like a little help with the hospital bag packing from some experienced ladies. So far I have...one pair of dark pj bottoms. That'll get me far!
And lol Kealz...I still get jealous of other people's tickers, I'm never flipping happy! :haha: I will finally be happy with my ticker when it says 100% and 0 days remaining!

Not if its said that for a week and a half and you are still pregnant :haha:

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