April Munchkins 2013- enjoying our wonderful babies!

2 minutes later she looked at me and said: Sorry but I want want to talk about babies anymore. Then she turned around and walked away. :growlmad:
I wasnt the one that needed to talk about babies, they started it! Again, I understand her point but the fact that she said it really upset me and I don't even know her :nope:. Stupid hormones makes me so sensitive.

Yeah I have had this too. People who say pregnant women only talk about babies. SO NOT TRUE!! More like people only talk to us about babies!! And then you respond to their battery of questions/judgements and its US who are blamed for talking about babies all the time!!

Reminds me of when people attack me for not eating meat and then when I explain my reasons they make comments about how "we" are always trying to force our beliefs on people?! WTF? YOU attacked ME first and I don't give two sh*ts what YOU eat!! :growlmad:

Ugh, you just can't win with stupid people.

And Doggy all you should take away from your convo with that woman is happiness that she is not your OBGYN! :haha:
some people try to scrape up a conversation by saying shitty things, some girl up the school keeps telling how I'm massive and how I'm having a massive baby, I like her though she's lovely so I let it go over my head. I did however have to tell someone off the other day, I told everyone on facebook Benson's name and someone wrote, and Hedges, it would have been okay but he constantly takes the piss so I pm'ed him and told him he wasn't funny and he stopped.
As for some people not wanting to talk about babies, I used to hate talking about it because it scared me when I thought back to Lucas's birth but there is no need for anyone to be rude about it. That lady was very rude IMO.

I'm not bothering with any diets until I've had the baby, there's no point for me lol. I've gone from a size 8 to a 12 though. I had to go buy new jeans today :(
I totally agree ladies people say re STUPIEST things grrrrrr!!!!! They can be so insensitive!! Well remember I told u all about the girl who never responded to any messages that is a partner of one of my oh's friends well she continues to amaze me! We had people over for drinks the other eve and Sarah one of my friends brought her newborn baby over (2weeks old) so girls where sat in living room boys getting pissed in dining room. 5 girls all apart from one pregnant lol so the convo was baby orientated for a while. Well she didn't interact at all, didn't even look at the new baby, ask baby's mum any questions then after about an hour stood up sai she had enough of baby talk and joined the boys :0 !! They were least impressed lol I wouldn't have minded but we where talking about schools teachers and life the world an the universe as you do!! So then when I saw One if them yesterday they asked what the problem was, was baby planed etc, she has clearly not bonded (24wks) so I'm relieved its not jut me being sensitive!!!

Any how I'm shattered - off for a snooze on the sofa!

Hope you're all ok!

My consultant app is tomorrow so hoping to get answers about which week thy plan to do c sect - fx!!

Oh and I have a lovely belated Xmas present ....thrush!! Great!!
Candy, congrats on Eggplant!!

Nimbec, what is her problem? I don't feel the need to talk pregnancy and babies all the time either but since she (and everyone there was pregnant), why not?!? Even if just to complain?! The baby was planned though right?? She sure seems to act like it wasnt :nope:

Doggylover, I love your response: yes either boy or girl! Thats the answer my doc gave me when I asked about HB at 12 weeks lol. I can't believe that lady was so rude!
Readytomum that sounds like a great healthy lifestyle game/plan. I wouldn't ever be able to stick to it :blush: I have zero willpower to do something like that! But I know what you mean about feeling you need to make an effort to eat more healthily.Christmas has been a baaaad time for my eating habits!!

Steph I cannot believe someone would say, even as a joke, that they basically don't like one of their kids!! Who does that?! Some people are so weird :wacko:

I am guilty of only wanting to talk about my baby...but I never do. When I'm with family of course we talk about it all the time,but with my friends I make a big effort not too. I think most people would be that way when pregnant, but other people are just more aware of any time we do mention our babies, and see that as us 'always' taking about it. Stupid.

Kirstabelle, this girl actually followed up by saying "I'm really lovely to women in work"...but yeah, I'm still glad she's not my doctor as weirdly I can't imagine saying things like "your baby may be a hermaphrodite" go down to well among others!

Ukgirl well done on telling that guy on fb to stop his stupid comments. Some people are so thoughtless with their comments. Weirdly, until you just mentioned it I never would have connected benson to hedges lol!! And congrats on eggplant!

Nimbec, that is so sad about that girl you know - sad because she clearly hasn't bonded with her baby, and she is probably gonna struggle so much with labour and those first few weeks/months. It's not normal for someone to ignore a newborn, even if you aren't pregnant, you would automatically make some comments, or have a wee look (I'd be one of the crazies insisting I got to cuddle!) so it's so strange that she wasn't interested. My pregnant friend seems to have bonded a lot more with her baby now, but before when she hadn't she was much the same as this girl. I would be worried someone like that would end up with pretty severe PND when baby comes...

Afm, my SIL bought us a gro bag for 3-6months in the sale today which was so sweet of her, and my mum washed some of my nephews newborn cardigans so I now have those ready for my LO too :)
Steph/Doggylover: It really is a great game, and because it's a game it's so much easier to stick to! There's pride and bragging rights attached to the winner, not to mention a free homecooked meal (or whatever prize you decide to set for yourselves!) It's pretty hard to get a perfect score every week, especially playing the full proper game, but it's still an amazing change.

Today is my V-day!!! Hurrah for 6 months! :happydance:
Congrats on v day!! :happydance:

I think I could probably convince my SIL to play the game with me, but as she isn't currently pregnant I might wait until the start of summer and we can both start on even footing! Then I'll kick her ass ;)
Congrats on v day!! :happydance:

I think I could probably convince my SIL to play the game with me, but as she isn't currently pregnant I might wait until the start of summer and we can both start on even footing! Then I'll kick her ass ;)

That's the spirit! :haha:

Also, as requested, I finished up my little art project this morning so my canvases are all set to be hung once we get that far. The background yellow is the same yellow as we painted the dresser. I think it turned out pretty good since painting is so *not* my forte. I'd much rather have a pencil in hand!


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OMG I'm so sorry to rant on here but I'm so angry I have to get it out!! MY ex husband is coming here on friday to see the kids on fri, sat and monday, he just messaged my dad behind my back, without asking me first, if my dad was working on sunday so he could have that day too!!!! I'm soooooo pissed off.
Then earlier too he was having his skype chat and he puts his friend on the phonecam to talk to them!!! WTF!!!!

OMG This week is going to suck duck eggs!! sorry sorry sorry lol
Readytomum those pieces of art look amazing! I am super impressed! They will look so cute in your nursery, I can't wait until I get to see a finished picture of your nursery, it's going to be so gorgeous!

Ukgirl, yet another example of how your ex is a dickhead...but just think after Monday he'll be away back to Norway and you won't have to suffer his visit again for a while.
nope doggylover he's sticking around for court on wednesday next week. He's a total knob!

sorry again for the rant!

Has anyone seen maybesoon lately? xx
:growlmad: oh that's not good at all. Knowing he's nearby will probably make you feel uneasy the whole time until he's gone.

Nope, Maybesoon hasn't been on in a while now you mention it. I'm sure a lot of people are busy with family trips and holidays over Christmas.
yup that's true doggylover. I'm sure she'll pop on soon. x
ReadytoMum, cute art for the nursery.

Like Dogglover, I am excited to see the finished project... for all of you ladies :thumbup:

UKGirl, sorry about the ex drama... But I guess it is good that he is not around as much (compared to him living closer). I guess just try your hardest to deal with it the best you can :hugs:

I was thinking of Maybesoon as well but figured the holidays just got to busy.
Mommabrown had her appointment with the specialist yesterday right?? I hope everything is OK.
Kirstabelle, this girl actually followed up by saying "I'm really lovely to women in work"...but yeah, I'm still glad she's not my doctor as weirdly I can't imagine saying things like "your baby may be a hermaphrodite" go down to well among others!

So basically acknowledging that she was consciously NOT being lovely to you! :dohh: Geez, some people!

Sorry about your stupid ex UKgirl. How annoying. Good riddance to him after Wednesday!

Hope everything went well for Mommabrown. FX for an error in the initial scan or something.

Good luck on your diet game Ready to Mum and your paintings are adorable!

I was just reading that this week the amount of amniotic fluid has started dropping to make more space. Definitely makes sense as I am definitely seeing my belly move more than I was. I'm sure its also because she's getting much bigger and stronger. One website compared her current size to a small pot roast, :haha: made me laugh. My little pot roast. :cloud9:

Anybody else reading anything interesting? I just got a few books for xmas, some that were on my list and some that ppl gave to me that they liked. I got the What to Expect The First Year book and have read the first couple of chapters and thinking about not reading much more. I'm finding it REALLY opinionated. And about weird things. At one point it says that if you are not finding out gender you shouldn't buy everything in yellow and green as many babies complexions do not suit these colors. WTF?!! Really ladies, have you ever looked at someone's beautiful newborn baby and said/thought "oh wow that outfit so does not go with his/her complexion" :haha: It also had the most ridiculously under-researched/dismissive "section" on cloth diapering that I had to put it down for a little while. For a book that is supposedly so well-reviewed and liked by other parents I am pretty surprised.
Thanks ladies. Im sure I will be okay. :)

At the moment Im reading Miranda hart's new book. I love her soooooo much her booknhas me giggling as much as her tv show does. She is amazing.
I don't bother much with parenting books they are seriously crap. You cant get everything you need to know about kids in one book. After having two kids I would say experience was my best tool. Learning as I went along and picking up bits of advice from other parents which sound insane but actually work.

P.s Tesco have begun to sell cloth nappies online they have the original terry nappies with liners and a few sets of Bambino nappies... well done Tesco!! You can buy a complete set of starter terry toweling napies and covers for £30! Amazaballs!

Im not sure if my fluid has been increasing much. Im not growing as much or as quickly now. I think hes just building muscle and laying down fat in there now. I keep having to remember to drink though.

Is anyone else extremely tired lately? And is anyone else getting more cravings? Or midnight cravings?

I made Aaron go get me some crispy shredded beef from the chinese tonight and then around 5am I was craving chocolate so Ive just had a dime bar and milk with a possible need for more milk haha. Connie wants me to say that Ibdone it with her because she made me share my chocolate with her lol. She should be asleep but I think she knows Im going in for more milk now! xx
Good morning everyone!

Candy omg, your ex is a pain, hugs!
I agree about parenting books: they are not the best guides. I much more trust instinct and common sense. What to expect series is a little ridiculous.

I'm back to sleepy mode lately like in 1st tri, but no serious cravings. In fact the baby has climbed so high under my ribs there is no room for a proper meal. I can eat half of what I used to, or else I suffer. So I tend to have more meals in smaller quantities.

The piles are killing me... Although I don't have any constipation I have piles again and they are horrible and bloody. Glamorous huh?

I want to show you all the stuff I got for my bambino, so damn cute!!! Only I have to take pics and I have only enough energy to change sides in bed right now lol... So it might take a while!

I'm glad to tell you that my work is officially over, no loose ends, no more unexpected calls from clients and colleagues! From now on it is bambino time only! Must get on with the nursery!!!
Thank goodness for the internet I can show you my purchases from stock pics haha!

Swaddling bag:
This one is a bit of a splurge as it was 20 euro, but it is sooo soft and cute!

The baby boy set with the froggie

The carry sling

Pack of 2 bodysuits

The white hat
The mittens

The bib on the right

And a few more that I can't find on line :)

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