April Munchkins 2013- enjoying our wonderful babies!

lmao!!! Mason & I play that same game throughout the day while I'm at work!!!
I agree with your list and will add: Supernatural! I can't watch it right before bed (cause I'm a wuss) but its awesome!

We were just about to give this one a shot last night before I decided I'd rather start Downton Abbey. Hubby has seen all of DA up to date but I had never seen any of them. I figure I better watch them all over the next 3 months so that I know what people are talking about when they comment on the name we've chosen (which, coincidentally, are the names of 2 characters on DA... Though I think the exposure in DA may have helped sway my hubby over to the name Violet! :haha:).
Lol omg I love supernatural! Candy you think your bad with tv, here's my list;
Supernatural, arrow, ncis, once upon a time, true blood, haven, teen wolf, desperate housewives, friends (no matter how many times I see it still awesome) family guy, American dad, and so many more! We have to record them all and are usually a couple of weeks behind to cath up on them lol but that's our ideal evening! Lol!!! As for abuse from baby, my little man feels like he is trying to push his way out too! Whilst ppushing on my bladder to help him get further down lol!!! He has been head down since 22weeks now! Just to think not long now till we get to meet our little ones!!! So excited! X
I should have added The Good Wife to my list. lol .. I'm slightly ashamed at all the paranormal stuff I watch. I am really interested in health care and nursing so I watch a lot of live surgery and documentaries. I watched one by the OU where they dissected some dead people and showed us how the body works that was cool. Aaron thinks I sound like a murderer hahahaha. I just get fascinated with how amazing the body is and the effect of medicines on the body, like how someone can be so ill and can still be fixed. That's amazing lol.
Gosh I have a huge amount of catching upto do on tv series!! I haven't seen any of them :( lucky me ....so where do u start ladies?!

Glad to hear all ok maybesoon!

I'm being kicked down low - baby is breech according to last scan and Midwiffe appt ...I agree otherwise I have a boxer on my hands lol!! Although he must do star jumps as he gets me all over hehe!!

Just waiting for confirmation but looks like all will go ahead with mini op for back next week. The anaesthetist has said it is such tiny amounts of steroid that leak out it will not damage bubs phew!!! I am having it as I'm in agony and literally can't walk about. I have numb feet and shooting pain in my left bum cheek which then makes leg give way - happy days! People think I'm a drunk preg woman as I literally nearly fall to the ground ooooops!!!!

Hope everyone is ok! So sorry about all your work troubles it must be awful!!!! ((Hugs))
awww nimbec I meant to type to you earlier but I was on my phone and couldn't read your post. It sounds awful for you right now! I had the epidural with Connie it is instantly amazaballs, you will feel so much better when you have had that. It sounds awful that you are walking around with a fractured back! :hugs: I really hope the mini op helps you feel more comfortable and don't worry about bubs being breech there's loads of time for LO to turn :) xxxx
nimbec I'm so sorry about the pain you are in. I truly hope it works!!! I have total sympathy in the back pain area as I had to have back surgery at 23 & was told less than 6 months later I would have to have a second (which I have avoided thank goodness for a totally amazing chiropractor)!!! Nothing like having disc problems to push on your nerves & make it where you can't feel crap but numbness!!! I can remember going to my back doctor & him sticking a needle in my calf on my right leg & I didn't feel a thing!!! My back hurts daily, but not bad enough to matter & as long as I can walk & I'm not in total pain I'm holding off on the surgery as long as possible. I can't imagine being this pregnant & having the issues with my back & legs I had before I had surgery! I don't know how you are managing! Much stronger person than I am!!!

kealz I read a post the other day where someone stated that their pregnancy was dragging by. I am the total opposite. I feel like mine has flown & I'm freaking out that I won't have enough time to get everything done before Mason arives!!! I thought when I first found out I was pregnant & after wanting it for so long that it would take an eternity.
Hi ladies,

I just got back from my GTT and I have to say... It wasn't and at all. The drink tasted like flat soda but not bad. I now have all my appointments scheduled for the rest of the pregnancy!! It seems like I will be spending lots of time there from now on ahahah. But on a positive note, my L&D is paid for in full already! Yay! I just had to meet my annual deductible and the rest is covered by my insurance 100%! Thank god! Made my last payment today and should be smooth sailing from here on out! Phew!!

Baby was def on a sugar high these past 2 hours (from the GTT lol). He was kicking so high that I think the sugar may have given him a growth spurt ahaha
Thats great news Steph! must be a load of your mind knowing it's all paid for up front :) Glad the sugar GD test went well and it had no ill effect on you! xx
Wow...I'm amazed by the list of TV shows you ladies follow! :wacko: I'm overwhelmed just thinking about how you manage to keep up with them all!

We don't have TV, but there are two shows that I like to watch. DH downloads Big Bang Theory, which we both love. And then we watch Merlin on DVD. And even with just the two of them I'm still way behind! Part of that though is that we watch the shows together, and we're rarely home together long enough to do so. :dohh:
Great News Steph!!! I'm sure it's a total relief to have all that in order!
Ahh! I just impulsively ordered Violet's crib! :blush:

I checked on it again and freaked out because the price of the 2 finishes other than the one we want had gone up by $30 overnight! I decided to go ahead and order it now so that I wasn't kicking myself in a month when the price had gone all the way back to retail (which is $60 more than I paid for it :wacko:).

Going to be a tight month now because I was planning to wait until our tax return comes (probably the middle of February assuming I get on the ball with filing the second I get my W-2s at the end of this month) to buy it. :dohh:
Wow on TV shows I watch they are:
Criminal Minds
Property Brothers (HGTV)
Love it or List it (also HGTV)
Once upon a time
Big Bang theory
Sons of Anarchy!!
and i can't wait to see the new series coming out The Following

My GTT was alright...i still think it was stupid to make me fast because once i got done drinking it I was dizzy...but other than that it went by fine. Steph I wish mine was like a flat soda...it was gritty and very very sweet. Three holes and 2 hours later i was ready to get some grub!

Nimbec I am so sorry you are going through all this while pregnant. At least you will know when your lo will be here.

Steph oh i hate the whole new year rolling around because now i have to start fresh with my deductible! But hopefully it is paid off before she gets her. I have found that our maternity insurance is worth the money we pay!
Ahh! I just impulsively ordered Violet's crib! :blush:

I checked on it again and freaked out because the price of the 2 finishes other than the one we want had gone up by $30 overnight! I decided to go ahead and order it now so that I wasn't kicking myself in a month when the price had gone all the way back to retail (which is $60 more than I paid for it :wacko:).

Going to be a tight month now because I was planning to wait until our tax return comes (probably the middle of February assuming I get on the ball with filing the second I get my W-2s at the end of this month) to buy it. :dohh:

I know how you feel. I got Emmaleigh's crib when they were bringing in the new season line up of cribs at the Burlington Coat Factory for a 1/3 of the price and couldn't pass it up. We don't really have much else she needs and really need to get on the ball...I hate having to watch my money especially with so many cute little girl things out there.
Doing a cheeky update from work!

Maybe - glad that all is well! Good thing to talk to Dr, now you know what to look for and when to be concerned :) And screw those idiots at your work... now is not the time to be piling more stuff on you!

Kealz - I HATE borrowing stuff! I am always paranoid about the person needing it back or it somehow getting ruined etc... too much stress! Glad to hear you are getting stuff ready - it's always exciting to start doing that. Rediscovering all of DS's tiny bits made me all emotional LOL.

Readytomum - Have fun with yoga! It seems so relaxing but knowing me I would stretch and my waters would go! Hrmhp.

Nimbec - so sorry to hear about your back troubles... my back is already sore enough I cannot even imagine how aggravating it must be for you with the fracture and everything else! :hugs: At least now you know what to expect re: delivery!

Doggy - I would have knocked that kid out! I know you can't being at school and everything but dang if he wouldn't have gotten daggers from me the next few weeks haha! Also sorry to hear about the shopping (or lack of) disaster. The best laid plans always somehow work out like that :p Also sorry to hear it is dragging for you, although that may not be a bad thing hehe! Speaking of blooming... my MIL told me I was getting 'the pregnant face' - gee thanks!

lily - it all starts moving fast when you hit the double digits, eh? Have to say the thought of maca right now is just urghhh... glad you are enjoying it though! And yay for stroller!

uk - hopefully the IBS calms down for you. Between that and the ribs I would just want to stay in bed all day long! :hugs: Also glad to hear that your new solicitor is taking everything seriously! She sounds like a pitbull lawyer which is exactly what you need. Also, don't even get me started on Gordon Ramsey... no clue why but jesus that man is sexy! Total opposite of my usual but honestly I think the attitude makes him hotter hehe!

Momma - I was in hospital on bedrest from 20 weeks, and then strict bedrest at home for the last stretch til my water broke at 35 weeks with DS... rescue cerclage was done at 21 weeks and taken out at 34 because I started contracting and they didn't want me to tear the stitch through the cervix. It is good to hear a story of you making it to term! I so pray for term but even 35 weeks like last time I would be happy with at this point. I am just glad that they are seeing me Monday now instead of waiting until next Friday to check again... it is too late for a stitch now but I am still not on 'official' bedrest and am still working which I imagine will not be the case if it continues to shorten. The good thing is that at 20 weeks I was less than 1 cm with DS, and right now at 27 weeks this time I am still 2.3 and 2.4 - so hoping to hold out awhile longer!

littlespy - I can't stand the stupid recalls either. It gets to the point you almost expect disposable diaper labels to say 'do not reuse' or something - but on second thought they probably already do say that! I will have to investigate! And I really like your plan for work... so evil (totally deserved, obviously!) and so perfect!!! They should know better than to cross a pregnant woman anyways. I am also slowly counting down to being able to file my taxes... will be nice to get a big chuck of change right before baby is due!

Steph - yay for being fully paid! such a good feeling to go into it knowing it is all paid for and you won't have to worry about any bills afterwards. Glad you tolerated the GTT better than I did. The drink wasn't so bad but the after effects - ugh!

AFM - Had my GTT this morning and failed MISERABLY. Last time I was also diagnosed with GD but didn't fail nearly as bad. (Needs to be under 140, I was 147 with DS, and 185 this time - eep!) I totally saw this coming though so not a huge shock. I know it's nothing to take lightly but it was so bad I almost laughed when I saw the results! Going to ask just to skip the 3 hr this time around and just start monitoring my sugars. The strange thing is I have been testing already this pregnancy with my meter and haven't really had any highs yet... higher than usual for me but nothing that would be considered a high reading.

Anyhow... about an hour after I got my blood drawn (so two hours after drinking the stuff) I almost fainted at work. I have NEVER fainted in my life but my vision went all funny and I got really hot and sweaty. My fasting sugar this AM was 78, one hour after drink it was 185 and when I tested with my meter one hour later (when I had the faint feeling) it was down to 48 - which is the lowest I have ever had, ever... dropped almost 140 pts in one hour! Ate something and felt better after just sitting for a bit. So I called the dr to see if I could just start testing with my meter and skip the 3 hr... it's obvious to me I have it again and after that whole fiasco I'd rather not do it all over again! Haven't heard back yet but I am hoping to get out of the 3 hr... makes me feel ill just thinking about it!

Good luck to everyone else taking it and hopefully I took all the 'FAIL' vibes for this thread LOL!

Scarlett has been head down since about 16 weeks and already doesn't have room to turn because of my bicornuate uterus... so it's good she's head down or I'd be screwed already! Getting the crap thumped out of me alot... seems just as I start thinking she hasn't been as active she goes nuts which is always reassuring. At scan yesterday she was doing a freaking split - one leg down and one up by her face - sounds so comfortable huh?

Also wanted to say thank you to all you girls' comments for me... it helps so much to know that you guys are rooting for baby and I and that I have a place to come put all my worries on the table! You are all fantastic.

Well hopefully I didn't miss anyone after this novel of a post but I can't remember anything else so :hugs: if I missed you!
Littlespy, I think you did the right thing! I hate when I miss a bargain!!

Mommabrown, I was told NOT to fast, so I had breakfast as usual and ate an orange at 10am. They said not to eat anything as soon as I drink the fluid (which I drank at 11am) and then they took the blood exactly 1 hour later. Now I'm worried, that eating the fruit sugar will mess with my results. I totally didn't think of it at the time:dohh:

Also, with the co-pay... I'm not sure how it works... They started collecting last year and I finished the last payment today... I didn't meet my deductible last year, so I had the full amount... But they told me that once I have paid it, I will have no extra charges! Now I'm confused, since it is the new year?!?! But the pregnancy is considered a pre-existing condition?!?! So the doc can't charge me twice for it?!? Is anyone familiar with the rules on this?? I havnt had a copay since the first appointment (where I was "diagnosed")
Sweetpea I think I like that he shouts at people and hes so touh... he's not scared of anyone.. phrooaaarrrr. Sorry to hear about your glucose test that sucks I almost fainted at the bus stop a few weeks back it was so scary. hope you feel better soon xxxx
Littlespy, I think you did the right thing! I hate when I miss a bargain!!

Mommabrown, I was told NOT to fast, so I had breakfast as usual and ate an orange at 10am. They said not to eat anything as soon as I drink the fluid (which I drank at 11am) and then they took the blood exactly 1 hour later. Now I'm worried, that eating the fruit sugar will mess with my results. I totally didn't think of it at the time:dohh:

Also, with the co-pay... I'm not sure how it works... They started collecting last year and I finished the last payment today... I didn't meet my deductible last year, so I had the full amount... But they told me that once I have paid it, I will have no extra charges! Now I'm confused, since it is the new year?!?! But the pregnancy is considered a pre-existing condition?!?! So the doc can't charge me twice for it?!? Is anyone familiar with the rules on this?? I havnt had a copay since the first appointment (where I was "diagnosed")
You have a good point...Our receptionist at the desk didn't really even know our coverage until a few weeks ago when i had questions about how much we were going to have to pay DR after deducible was met. I think i am going to call my insurance company now and see.
Littlespy, I think you did the right thing! I hate when I miss a bargain!!

Mommabrown, I was told NOT to fast, so I had breakfast as usual and ate an orange at 10am. They said not to eat anything as soon as I drink the fluid (which I drank at 11am) and then they took the blood exactly 1 hour later. Now I'm worried, that eating the fruit sugar will mess with my results. I totally didn't think of it at the time:dohh:

Also, with the co-pay... I'm not sure how it works... They started collecting last year and I finished the last payment today... I didn't meet my deductible last year, so I had the full amount... But they told me that once I have paid it, I will have no extra charges! Now I'm confused, since it is the new year?!?! But the pregnancy is considered a pre-existing condition?!?! So the doc can't charge me twice for it?!? Is anyone familiar with the rules on this?? I havnt had a copay since the first appointment (where I was "diagnosed")
You have a good point...Our receptionist at the desk didn't really even know our coverage until a few weeks ago when i had questions about how much we were going to have to pay DR after deducible was met. I think i am going to call my insurance company now and see.

Let me know what you find out please. I know we have different insurance but I'm sure they all must have similar procedures?!?
Littlespy, I think you did the right thing! I hate when I miss a bargain!!

Mommabrown, I was told NOT to fast, so I had breakfast as usual and ate an orange at 10am. They said not to eat anything as soon as I drink the fluid (which I drank at 11am) and then they took the blood exactly 1 hour later. Now I'm worried, that eating the fruit sugar will mess with my results. I totally didn't think of it at the time:dohh:

Also, with the co-pay... I'm not sure how it works... They started collecting last year and I finished the last payment today... I didn't meet my deductible last year, so I had the full amount... But they told me that once I have paid it, I will have no extra charges! Now I'm confused, since it is the new year?!?! But the pregnancy is considered a pre-existing condition?!?! So the doc can't charge me twice for it?!? Is anyone familiar with the rules on this?? I havnt had a copay since the first appointment (where I was "diagnosed")
You have a good point...Our receptionist at the desk didn't really even know our coverage until a few weeks ago when i had questions about how much we were going to have to pay DR after deducible was met. I think i am going to call my insurance company now and see.

Let me know what you find out please. I know we have different insurance but I'm sure they all must have similar procedures?!?

Ok so my insurance is in a plan year( open enrollment is in May-June every year so it starts after that) which is from July 1st,2012-June 31st,2013. After our deductible insurance pays 80% leaving us responsible for 20%. That is my insurance here so that takes a bit of worry off of me...I always thought it restarted at the beginning of the year but i was MAJORLY wrong.

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