April Munchkins 2013- enjoying our wonderful babies!

Sorry you are being taken advantage of at work Maybesoon. When you get back from mat leave I bet they are all going to be MUCH nicer to you! Don't know what they've got til its gone... wish I knew something about the rash, but I am not sure. Yes, maybe heat rash like mommabrown suggested?

Glad your court day went well UKgirl! And what a weirdo with the phone and laptop that he won't even use to communicate with Connie :shrug: Its like, "let me just invent more ways to ignore you". Jerk.

Bet baby is growing Doggylover, that makes sense with both the crampy feelings and less movement. I wonder if my bub is having a spurt atm too. I did my glucose test today and was waiting for her to go crazy after I drank my gross drink, but not much more movement than usual. But her hb was fine when the MW did the doppler. Find out my results tomorrow. My granny had diabetes so it makes me nervous. But my MW says family history is only really relevant when its a direct relative like a parent or something, so hopefully all will be fine!

I checked out some baby-related DVD's from the library today. I got the Happiest Baby on the Block one, which I read most of the book of. And also got the follow up to The Business of Being Born. Going to make DH watch them this weekend. He is going skiing with brother the weekend after and abandoning me, so this weekend he will be watching baby DVDs to make up for it. :haha:

Oh and the Maca. I took Maca when I was TTC as well (along with Evening Primrose oil, and Royal Jelly with Bee Pollen) and I am so Maca-ed out. I didn't really like the taste of it. I remember I stopped taking it the day I found out I was pg based on info I had read on some holistic websites. Its one of those things that is just not tested, so there's no real data on whether you should or shouldn't take it during pregnancy. I was so sick of it I was glad to stop taking it. Plus there is NO WAY I would have been able to stomach it once my MS set in. :sick: I would have had to switch to the capsule form or something.
Exactly Kristabelle what a knob hey!!

Maybesoon I read that if you get more than 4 cramps in an hour you should see your doctor. I had a rash at 21 weeks and the midwife told me to go to the gp too. xxx

Im on my phone so will reply properly later... will be checking out bones too!! Xx
Thanks Candy! I've now had a total of 4 now since about 1:30 so I'm going to try not to worry unless I start having them more frequently... But this rash is driving me nuts. I took some benedryl & it didn't help a bit so I will most likely end up calling my doc before the end of this horrible day..... If the clock doesn't move a little faster for me to be off work & may not have a job tomorrow!!!
Hi everybody! It's been so long since I've been on here & I just wanted to say hi. So glad to see how well so many of you are doing with your LOs. Wishing everyone well as we're coming around to our final stretch. Look forward to reading some great birth stories!!
Today was just crap. Had cervix scan and I'm down to 2.3cm (2.5 is considered short) so now I'm scared shitless. They hooked me up to the monitor to see if if I was having contractions and thankfully there were none. My next appt was next Friday but they changed it to Monday bc they don't want me going that long without getting checked bc I've been shortening the last few weeks pretty consistently. I am due for my p17 shot tomorrow and dr said I could just be getting to the point in pregnancy being further along that my cervix starts to weaken a bit the day before my shot and then restrengthens as soon as I get the injection... hoping that is the case Monday and things are looking stable if not better. Needless to say from now on if I'm not at work I'm laying on the couch or in bed.

Just feeling kind of hopeless I won't make it to term. Again. Was hoping to make it to 37 at least this time and now I'm praying for at least 35 like DS. Even 30 seems so far away right now. I just feel kind of numb.
Awww, SweetPea that is total crap! I really hope the shot works and you make it all the way to 37 weeks! Definitely stay on the couch/bed. Hope you can relax and not worry too much, although I am sure that is really hard to do :( Thinking of you and Scarlett x
MrsGreen way to scare me! Birth stories makes it all sound so close and real! I Hope you and your lo are keeping well :)

Sweetpea so sorry to hear that your drs appointment wasn't good news. Fingers crossed that your dr is right on the money, and once you get your shot your cervix will strengthen up again. Still a worrying time, so yep, get on that sofa and do not move lady.

Afm, you experienced mommas we right (as always!) about baby's movements. Last night was back to normal with lots of thumping around. Phew!
maybesoon -- Breastmilk contains antibodies that support the baby's immune system. Formula doesn't. So that's kind of that. But there are all kinds of compounding variables involved! :thumbup:

lily -- SO weird that when I logged into my low supply support group last night -- someone had bumped up a thread from last April asking about maca during pregnancy! :wacko: How can I have never heard of or read about something in 1.5 years of research and then suddenly read about it twice in one day? Bizarre! Do you have a thought on taking it during pregnancy? The consensus of the thread (not based on science I'm super comfortable with, really, with me knowing so little about it at this point) was that maca is eaten as a food in some cultures, so it's likely fine to be taken in moderate amounts (amounts that someone would eat) during pregnancy. I don't think I will during pregnancy, just because I'm basing my preggo galactogogues on information mostly from Making More Milk and webinars/seminars/articles/interviews by those authors (who are both IBCLCs). But it's food for thought if everything I try after has little to no affect on my supply. :thumbup:

Oof, no time to catch up more. :nope:

That's a weird coincidence, I'm not in any other forums so I don't know if it a trend or anything. I 'm very pro maca because it really helped us conceive, and not only that, it regulated my DH's sleep pattern, and protected him from colds etc. He used to get really sick every winter and as long as he was talking it he was healthy and strong.
I don't take it regularly, I add it in a fruit smoothie every time I crave it. In dire contrast with many people, (dh included) I love the taste and smell of maca, and I crave it. Yesterday morning I had a big spoonful in my smoothie.
Maybe the craving is because I'm carrying a boy? IDK really but I really like it and having so many good qualities makes me confident to keep taking some. :winkwink:

I will order a book about breastfeeding and raw foods, although I'm not a vegan anymore or a raw foodist, I still enjoy many vegan days, and many raw meals and the supplements/super foods, they really energize me. In that book there is a big chapter on galactagogues and I will make sure to share with you :thumbup:
I will check out making more milk I love learning new stuff!

Candy: I love BONES, one of the best tv series out there I watched all the episodes up until the point Dr Brennan ("bones") wanted to have a baby, season 6 if I'm not mistaken.
Hang in there with the court and stuff! And omg a laptop for a 6 year old? Crazyyy...:wacko:

Sorry about the work related probs hun, here is a hug:hugs:

SweetPea darling I hope things go well, and the cervix stops getting shorter, get rest stay in bed if you can and many many hugs :hugs:, I hope you get your shot and it helps. I know many women with that problem and they have full term babies, try not to worry.

AFM: double digits are getting me nervous... I feel I'm running out of time and I 'm not well prepared. I'm thinking of taking that ticker off the siggy lol
I ordered our stroller: Inglesina espresso it is! After watching video after video and looking into strollers I put my money on this one!
maybesoon how are things today? did you go to the gp? xx

MrsGreen hello!! Good to see you again. How are things going? can not wait to hear all our birth stories in April either!! eeek!!

Sweetpea - I hope the doctor is right about the cervix only softening between injections. I'll have my fingers crossed for you for your next appointment, rest up xxx

So glad to hear LO is back to kicking away doggylover! xx

lily - Thanks hun, I am feeling much more relaxed today but all the stress has set off my IBS I think. Tummy pains today (not bump pains). I can not wait to check out Bones and see what all the fuss is about, Aaron is having a games night on friday so I'll check it out then xx
Lily, you should definitely watch the next series of Bones online, the one were Brennan is pregnant and has the baby, it's just as great as the others :) and the new series started here last night, and also as great as always!!

:wacko: I came into school today with the intention of using my free periods to order my nappy wraps. I have loads of links saved on my ipad, so of course don't have it here and have managed to spend half an hour getting into a muddle and actually ordering NOTHING! Not helped by the fact that the website I tried to order off deleted everything from my shopping basket anytime you clicked anything!
Finaly ordered ONE wrap and a wet bag lol.

I am so cross. A teenage boy just WALLOPED into me in the school corridor, full frontal on the bump/boobs of course. He didn't even apologise. :huh: He was actually heading to my class, and I devoured him afterwards. I actually yelled the phrase "I AM SIX AND A HALF MONTHS PREGNANT AND YOU THINK IT'S OK TO THROW YOURSELF INTO ME AND WALK OFF?" not that it matters who he banged into, he still should have apologised to anyone, which I made clear, but because he got me right on the bump I am so, so angry. And he didn't even seem to care.

Sweet pea I hope everything's ok an that you can carry lo to full term, just try and relax if you can, I know its hard with other Los around! Thinking of you!
Glad bubs is on the move again doggylover, it is worrying when they are not as active as usual! My lo was very active yesterday morning, and is usually very active at night and morning but last night and this morning he hasn't really been so I think it's another growth spurt again! This weekend I'm making it my mission to get all of Paige's baby bits out of the loft to see what we have got, and also sil is bringing bits over including Moses basket on Wednesday so I can go through it all and make a list of what I need! I hate borrowing stuff from people because there is always a risk thy will ask for it back, and hats what happened! A friend of Stephens lent us a bumbo, and now asked for it back coz his sil in having a baby, the thing was, I actually bought one and he said oh I've got one you can have, so I returned it! Wish I never did now! Not really sure what to so about baby carriers and slings, I didn't use one too much with Paige, but it might be easier this time round, does anyone know much about the babasling? C
Oh gosh hope you and bump are both ok!!!! Some kids have no respect!!!!
Hi all just a quicki from me - I'm sorry I haven't been around its been a real roller coaster since my consultant appt a week yesterday! In short I'm being passed from pillar to post and through diff consultants for their opinions and now to top it off my spinal consultant is involved as I have a fractured spine (spondylolisthesis) and I was fine but now can hardly get about :( he also informed me that cos of damage I can't have a natural birth so regardless if what the cardiologists say it will be a c section - at least 1 decision made! But...he wants to give me a caudal epidural next Wednesday a bit like the one I get in labour but you can still feel everything it's a super pain reliever BUT it has steroids in it grrrr so now waiting for obstetric consultant to call incase it's not safe to have.....it's all so confusing :( anyway I promise I will read through everything this afternoon!

Candy great news on court and new solicitor sounds much better!!

Doggylover I'm having the same bubs has been very active and is now very quiet grrr very worrying but I'm guessing normal!

Sweet pea fx the injection keeps you going as long as poss ((hugs))

Maybesoon sorry work is a nightmare :( when do u finish? I've had a few days of cramps a few weeks ago it was just stretching - my bump grew a few days after! Hehe cheeky babies!

So sorry if I've forgotten anyone I'm trying to catch up!!

I've been busy on eBay too bargain hunting! Also ie had an email from Huggies saying they will no longer be doing nappies from the spring - very interesting!
Today was just crap. Had cervix scan and I'm down to 2.3cm (2.5 is considered short) so now I'm scared shitless. They hooked me up to the monitor to see if if I was having contractions and thankfully there were none. My next appt was next Friday but they changed it to Monday bc they don't want me going that long without getting checked bc I've been shortening the last few weeks pretty consistently. I am due for my p17 shot tomorrow and dr said I could just be getting to the point in pregnancy being further along that my cervix starts to weaken a bit the day before my shot and then restrengthens as soon as I get the injection... hoping that is the case Monday and things are looking stable if not better. Needless to say from now on if I'm not at work I'm laying on the couch or in bed.

Just feeling kind of hopeless I won't make it to term. Again. Was hoping to make it to 37 at least this time and now I'm praying for at least 35 like DS. Even 30 seems so far away right now. I just feel kind of numb.

SweetPea i wanted to let you know i had this problem with oldest DS (he is the only one i had this problem with too)from 24 weeks on..I ened up having cerclage done and put in hospital on bed rest till my 36th week. Dr said from then on anything that happened by law baby was considered full term and he would be ok. A week later i was in full blown labor and had him. I pray for you and baby that all will be ok...i know how frightening it can be. :hugs:
Finaly ordered ONE wrap and a wet bag lol.

I am so cross. A teenage boy just WALLOPED into me in the school corridor, full frontal on the bump/boobs of course. He didn't even apologise. :huh: He was actually heading to my class, and I devoured him afterwards. I actually yelled the phrase "I AM SIX AND A HALF MONTHS PREGNANT AND YOU THINK IT'S OK TO THROW YOURSELF INTO ME AND WALK OFF?" not that it matters who he banged into, he still should have apologised to anyone, which I made clear, but because he got me right on the bump I am so, so angry. And he didn't even seem to care.


Omg this is horrible, hope you are ok hun. What a nasty rude boy...:growlmad:
What a little pecker head that kid is Doggylover! I swear!

Maybesoon...get your hinny to the DR! Contractions and a rash! Better safe than sorry!

Afm, i am off to do my awful 2 hour GTT this morning...i am a tad bit cranky as i have had to fast and i am used to waking up and eating a bowl of cereal! I will check back in with you ladies later! Hope you all have a great day!
Good luck on your GTT this morning Mommabrown. I have mine at noon but I didn't have to fast (thank god).

Nimbec, sorry to hear about all the medical issues your dealing with! Good luck with your eBay hunt though, deals are always fun.

Doggylover, teenage boys are stupid!!! I'm sure LO is fine but still :growlmad:

Sweetpea, we have all fingers crossed for you!!! I'm hoping that shot will help and all will be good! I know we all joke that we are ready for LO to get here, but I know we all want then safe :hugs:

Kealz I agree! Borrowing things is a pain! I always worry that I may break it and I don't want to be responsible for that. I would rather just get my own and not worry.

Lily, yay for picking a stroller! It's such a good feeling to have that done IMO.
maybesoon: Hope the rash goes away quickly!! I was getting one on my arm for a little while a few months ago and it was suuuuper itchy. Thankfully it went away within a week and it hasn't been back!

doggylover: Sorry to hear about your collision! I can't believe the kid didn't appologize. :dohh: I'm not suprised that he had no reaction to the pregnant part, because I don't think teenage boys have any idea whatsoever what that really entails, but I would be incredibly ashamed to be his parents and know that his manners are so terrible!

Sweetpea: Hopefully the shot does the trick, and like your doctor suggested, it might be just be because you're due for the next one. Keep us posted hon!

Kealz: That really sucks about the bumbo! I know around here at least that since they made the safety recall to add the strap its really easy to get bumbo's second hand because people freaked out and started trying to get rid of them. Nevermind the fact that they're perfectly safe if you use them how you're supposed to. :dohh: It always amazes me how many ridiculous warnings they need to put on kids toys which should be completely COMMMON SENSE, but because some idiot has done it, they have to warn against it.

AFM, my pre-natal yoga class starts tonight! I'm really looking forward to it, but I'm a bit nervous too. Not really sure what to expect and I'm a terrible introvert, so although I'm looking forward to meeting some other mom's to be (in person!) I also really hate having to talk to people I don't know. I think I might go to Walmart this morning and pick up a new yoga outfit to get myself all set mentally.
Sweetpea, I'm keeping my fingers crossed that the shot works & you have no more problems.

doggylover... I'd have exploded on that little shit. Kids are just not very respectful these days for the most part.

Mommabrown.... Best of luck on with your glucose test! I'm doing mine on Friday... But luckily for me the doc said I didn't have to fast...

Thanks ladies..... I still have the rash but it doesn't seem to be as bad today. I spoke to the doctor on call yesterday evening & there were pretty sure it was just stretching or braxton hicks as I had no bleeding (thank God) & Mason is kicking & moving around pretty regular! He did tell me that if they continued, I started to bleed at all, they got more frequent or happened more than 4 times in an hour to go straight to the hospital. Luckily I layed down & proped my feet up & they stopped. I haven't had any today yet & Mason is reassuring me that he's here with every kick!

Hope everyone has a great day! Sorry if I missed anyone. I have the worst pregnancy brain right now. I can't seem to get anything done without stopping & forgetting what I was doing before starting something new....

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