April Munchkins 2013- enjoying our wonderful babies!

Kealz That is annoying about borrowing stuff and then needing to give it back. We've borrowed a lot from my SIL, but much of it is for use in the first 6-9 months, and since she isn't pregnant again (yet!) I think we'll be ok. And then next time we'll buy our own versions of those things if needed I suppose. Annoying that you returned the bumbo! I saw your pic on FB of Paige in it when she was little and now, and whoa she has grown!

Maybesoon Glad you phoned the Dr, and even more glad to hear that all is well. It's so frightening - when I got the cramps over Christmas I thought I was headed into labour! (Not that I'm onw to over react...!) so it's definitely best to get that reassurance, from the Dr and from Mr Mason himself!!

Readytomum enjoy yoga tonight! My aunt SWEARS by pregnancy yoga, so I'm looking forward to hearing how you get on. And yeah, I did think about phoning the kid's mum, as she doesn't take any crap for him and would possibly murder him for being so rude to me...but then I couldn't be bothered :dohh: Oh pregnancy, how lazy you've made me! (I blame pregnancy, I've always been lazy!)

Nimbec as you say at least the c-section decision is made, and you will have a set date when LO is arriving (and not have to hang around in limbo!) and be prepared. Why does your Dr want to give you that epidural next week? Just to test it out, or because you are in a lot of pain now? Sorry you're having trouble sorting stuff, hope you are looking after yourself though! I had heard that about Huggies, it's weird isn't it? I would put them as the second biggest brand (after Pampers) but I've heard a LOT of people say they aren't very good. I think people are buying so much supermarket own brand stuff it's hit them hard. Apparently Asda own brand nappies are pretty great.

Lily Don't worry about running out of time - since I hit 99 days time seems to be DRAGGING, so you'll definitely get everything done! Must have a look at the stroller you ordered...

Thanks ladies, LO is definitely OK in there after our rude attack earlier, and is kicking away as I type. I wouldn't even mind if the kid had taken me out, but been apologetic for it, it was his attitude that made me so cross rather than what happened.

People keep telling me i'm "blooming". I have now come to think of that as another way of people saying "OH MY GOD LOOK HOW MASSIVE YOU'RE GETTING YOU WHALE!" :haha:
Kealz: That really sucks about the bumbo! I know around here at least that since they made the safety recall to add the strap its really easy to get bumbo's second hand because people freaked out and started trying to get rid of them. Nevermind the fact that they're perfectly safe if you use them how you're supposed to. :dohh: It always amazes me how many ridiculous warnings they need to put on kids toys which should be completely COMMMON SENSE, but because some idiot has done it, they have to warn against it.

LOL! Like the recall a couple of days ago on the Fisher Price Rock and Play (or... Rock and Sleep.. or.. one of those rocking sleeping cradley play things. :haha:) that just said... hey guys... you need to CLEAN these things every once in a while, okay? :dohh::dohh::dohh: Are you SERIOUS?! I completely understand the stance of FP in issuing the "recall" because it covers their ass to tell people they need to clean it and how to clean it but for real. It's amazing to me that people have so little accountability that when they let their child's sleeping area become so gross it MOLDS and causes their baby respiratory issues they try to blame the manufacturer/designer instead of themselves! So unbelievable. I need to sue the people who built my house 100 years ago because man, that thing is DIRTY now! :haha:

Ha, and no, I did not get the strap for our Bumbo. :dohh: Nor do I intend to. I am *all* about safety for my children (which is why I supervise them and don't use the Bumbo on elevated surfaces or in the bath). Completely ridiculous. It's a baby seat, not a babysitter. I can see how that may be confusing to some people. :wacko:
Momma glad I'm not the only Bones freak here! It is my favourite TV series without a doubt - I love David Boreanaz, and the relationship between the two of them in the show is so great!

Haha, I like Bones a lot, but I have a really hard time thinking of David Boreanaz as any character other than Angel. :haha: I guess Angel and Booth aren't all that different except for the vampire thing.

So... speaking of that, does anyone have a suggestion for a series for me to get into? I just finished all of Alias after completely rewatching all of Bones and being caught up with the new season and I'm stuck on something to start next. Needs to be on Netflix.

We tried Lost and I was kind of done with it after the first episode. Just watched the first episode of Downton Abbey last night and I think I'll watch it all but will probably get through it rather quickly.

I've watched these series in their entirity and liked them:
Buffy the Vampire Slayer

And that's probably it, really. It's so hard for me to get into something new.
Not that me not knowing what TV show to watch next is a serious problem or anything. :haha: Maybe the X-Files? Sometimes I just have a hard time getting into that one.
Oh Maybesoon sounds like you're getting taken for granted in a major way at work. Don't be afraid to remind them that , these things are not part of your duties, and you are pregnant and so not taking any unpaid duties on at all.

Sorry, I'm catching up the lazy board-whore way. :haha:

So... I tried this last Friday afternoon when I was called into an office to discuss them throwing more duties on top of my already too-heavy workload. I just burst into tears right there. I told them I was already overwhelmed with work and that I felt it wasn't right for them to just keep adding duties just because someone else doesn't want to do them (my supervisor). They told me any supervisor can change any employee's duties at any time and that I was just going to have to deal with it. :nope: I was on the verge of telling them to shove it when I decided to excuse myself to go to the bathroom to collect myself for a minute. I came back and told them I'd do whatever I had to right now. It's fine because I have 3 more months and the more they pile on me now, the more shit-out-of-luck they're going to be when I'm on maternity leave. And I'm going to let them sit there floundering for 10 weeks (no doubt letting my work pile up to enormous levels) and then I'm going to drop the bomb of a 2 week notice and let them know that I'm not coming back. :) They're digging their own graves by treating me like shit. I'm sure they'll get through it eventually but they're going to have a really rough time for many months because of this and they deserve every bit of it. Thinking about doing that is the only reason I've been able to wake up each morning and convince myself to come to work every day.
doggylover.... I'm sure he is kicking away letting you know he wasn't happy with the intruder in his space!!! Funny how those kicks & jabs can be so reassurning when something like that happens.
LittleSpy... I'm right there with you. Funny thing is they are going to expect me to work from home some while I'm on my measley little 6week leave as there isn't anyone else who can cut checks for bills or PAYCHECKS!!! Well you can bet you asses that I WILL NOT BE DOING ANY WORK FROM HOME! I have decided that I have earned every single minute of my tiny 6 week break with my little man & I'm going to enjoy it.... I laughed pretty hard on Tuesday when I had my doctors appointment because while sitting there in the waiting room I get a text from the other paralegal that stated "Before you come to the office can you stop & get the mail, I forgot my post office key?".... Ok seriously, it is your job to check the mail if I'm not going to be at work on any given morning (not that it ever happens except once a month now since I've been pregnant) but why isn't her mailbox key on the same keychain as her door key to get into the office. So I had to go pick up the mail before going to the office. Seriously, do they think I'm going to be checking the mail for them while I'm on leave??? Not gonna happen.... Yesterday the water bottle ran out on our water cooler. In the past I have ALWAYS been the only one to switch them out. But yesterday, I just took the empty one off & sat it in the middle of the floor of the kitchen area to give them a hint that someone else was going to have to lift that heavy ass bottle up there, I WASN'T DOING IT!!!!

I used to LOVE LOVE LOVE my job. But the last few months it's just gotten horrible. They keep throwing more & more work on me (don't pay me for it) while the other paralegal works only if & when she wants & the majority of the time she is here she's doing personal stuff or on the phone talking/texting her daughters & husband. I ran an employee payroll tally for last year (I'm the office manager & do all the billing so I have access) and I realized she has only made around $3000.00 less than me for the entire year! WTF??? She only works 3 or less days a week & doesn't have 1/4 of the responsibilities I have.... I think knowing that & then having her bring that key in to me yesterday just totally pushed me over my limit.... COME ON APRIL!!!!!!
LittleSpy, I have decided that I will not go to a BF class, since I feel confident in all the knowledge that you have :thumbup:. I read from the link, that you can start taking natural progesterone during pregnancy to enhance the production of milk ducts?!? Is that something you are considering (being self diagnosed, i'm not sure the doc would let you :shrug:)?

I am using it (the natural stuff is over-the-counter), though I started late (at 20 weeks) and I'm only using it once a day instead of twice. I don't think it's helping me. I'll stop when the bottle runs out (which should be by 30 weeks). Progesterone levels naturally drop toward the end of 3rd tri anyway, so I wouldn't want to use it all the way through. But since I haven't had a history of not being able to conceive and haven't had any miscarriages, I wasn't really suspecting lack of progesterone as my problem. :shrug: What helps one person immensely may not help someone else at all. I figured it was worth a shot and I'm glad I've tried it because I won't be left wondering about whether it would have made a difference later and kicking myself.

Right now, alfalfa leaf supplements are making the most difference! :wacko: I upped my dose again this week and my boobs are sore again and, although still not a ton of difference, are bigger than they've ever been in my life. Each time I've increased my dose, I note soreness and growth. There's a definite direct correlation there.

I'm adding goat's rue in a month or two. Goat's rue and alfalfa are reported to stimulate mammory tissue. Goat's rue was the one thing I tried with dd that actually helped my supply but I couldn't afford to keep taking it. I've stocked up on it over the course of this pregnancy! :haha: Some people buy a pack of diapers or a can of formula each month they're pregnant while I buy a 20 day supply of goat's rue each month. :wacko: I just got my shipment of every other herbal supplement I want to try during pregnancy/while breastfeeding. It was a box of 21 bottles (bought multiples of some because they were on sale to get my total up enough for free shipping). Pretty sure my husband thinks I'm nuts. He just said, "Don't let those hippies kill our baby." I explained those hippies are medical professionals (IBCLCs). He said, "Well... then doctor hippies." :haha:

I'm not discussing any of this with my OBs. 5 out of 6 of them are very, very medical and by the book. Like, my OBs prescribed a controversial medication to be used off-label for low supply (Reglan) while I was breastfeeding last time before even suggesting a basic herb like fenugreek! :wacko: I'm hesitant to discuss much with even the 6th. I've kind of given up on medical doctors knowing much about my issues. I may at least see if she'll work with me and order bloodwork and stuff post-partum, and maybe refer me to someone who can u/s my boobs to confirm IGT but I'm not going to talk with her at length about my herbal supplement plans during 3rd tri. I feel like I've gotten good guidance from IBCLCs. :thumbup:
Hello ladies I slept all afternoon while the kids were at school. it was awesome :D I personally dont want a bumbo after the recall even with the straps they look horrible and a few kids fell out of it on the floor and still hurt themselves. Babies kick backwards rather hard when they are excited or upset and those seats just dont cut it in my oppinion.. atleast in a bouncy chair they are just kicking cloth with no danger of tipping or moving much.
The baby bath instructions stated I should not leave my newborn alone in it.... who ever has done that is an utter tard really. I rarely leave my 6 year old alone in the bath let alone a baby. Some people really do jot have common sense. As for washing baby fabrics its so easy to remove covers on most baby stuff and stick them in a quick hot wash.. why would you not do that?

Doggylover people these days are really inconciderate. They are like robots who dont care where they are going as long as they get there. I have to sheild my bump when we go through the school gates and playground. Mums who are in a rush are lethal! Dont get me started onpeople in supermarkets!! I find myself aaying to a few people.. thats ok you bash into me theres only a small valnerable baby in there trying to develop. Stupid sheep!

Maybesoon Im glad your gp was happy with everything and that little Mason is kicking away. Today is Benson's turn to be quiet I guess. he kicks so much now I love it... he was doing the jumpy boob trick again this morning haha.

I havent got much going on at all really.. me and Aaron are a bit off as usual after court. He just seems so distant which sucks but he is going to play football saturday with friends so hopefully sometime apart will do us good and get us back on track. xx
hahaha Candy does little Benson jump & land down low in your pelvic area? Sometimes it feels like Mason is using my pelvic region as a trampolene! It's like I can feel his head in my upper ribs then he's landing low in my pelvic region. He will do it over & over & over!
Momma glad I'm not the only Bones freak here! It is my favourite TV series without a doubt - I love David Boreanaz, and the relationship between the two of them in the show is so great!

Haha, I like Bones a lot, but I have a really hard time thinking of David Boreanaz as any character other than Angel. :haha: I guess Angel and Booth aren't all that different except for the vampire thing.

So... speaking of that, does anyone have a suggestion for a series for me to get into? I just finished all of Alias after completely rewatching all of Bones and being caught up with the new season and I'm stuck on something to start next. Needs to be on Netflix.

We tried Lost and I was kind of done with it after the first episode. Just watched the first episode of Downton Abbey last night and I think I'll watch it all but will probably get through it rather quickly.

I've watched these series in their entirity and liked them:
Buffy the Vampire Slayer

And that's probably it, really. It's so hard for me to get into something new.
Not that me not knowing what TV show to watch next is a serious problem or anything. :haha: Maybe the X-Files? Sometimes I just have a hard time getting into that one.

Have you watched Vampire Diary? Or Being Human (I like the US version)? I loved both lol
oh Steph! I love the Vampire Diaries! I read the book series before the tv show came out. Although they really aren't much alike at all I loved the books too!
haha not so much maybesoon but he gets really angry if anything is on my bump and tries to kick it off! he kicks me in the girly bits a lot too! hahaxx
I'm the same way! I think I like simple tacky stuff like that because you don't have to really pay attention to it to know what's going on so you don't have to think while watching! After work sometimes I just need time to not have to process anything!
lol... I noticed Mason does the "get off my house" thing this last weekend. I had my right arm across my tummy & he started kicking like crazy. Then about 30 minutes later I had a bowl of stew I was eating resting on my tummy & he started kicking the bowl. I started laughing really hard & so DH & I started doing things just to see if that's what it really was. Every single time we would place something on my tummy he would kick. We laughed so hard at it!
my faorite shows were/are

Grey's anatomy
Desperate housewives
Sex and the city
Once upon a time
Private Practice
Ghost hunters
Ghost adventures
Paranormal witness
South Park
Family Guy
American dad
Kitchen nightmares
Hells kitchen

anything with sexy man ramsey in really lol x

now I'm thinking I watch too much TV lol x
maybesoon I put water in my belly button the other day to see if he would kick it out but no... He did love my mobile phone and the remote though. We have made it a little game now, he kicks me in one spot so I move my hand to another place then he kicks me there and I move again it's really funny.
I totally agree Maybesoon!! And as for Vampire Diary... I'm in love with Damon!! :haha:. I would totally leave OH for the vampire him :haha:

As for the crotch kicks: I get them!! I swear they are more japs with various body parts and usually mid conversation :dohh:. God forbid he would do it at night when I'm just laying around lol
my faorite shows were/are

Grey's anatomy
Desperate housewives
Sex and the city
Once upon a time
Private Practice
Ghost hunters
Ghost adventures
Paranormal witness
South Park
Family Guy
American dad
Kitchen nightmares
Hells kitchen

anything with sexy man ramsey in really lol x

now I'm thinking I watch too much TV lol x

I agree with your list and will add: Supernatural! I can't watch it right before bed (cause I'm a wuss) but its awesome!

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