April Munchkins 2013- enjoying our wonderful babies!

Hahaha, doggylover. My dogs are too big to get into tight places so they're pretty useless for cleaning up after dd. :dohh: It's AWESOME when someone with a little dog comes to visit, though! :haha: They can get into all the tight corners and under chairs. Too bad little dogs and I generally don't get along. I can't deal with snippyness and peeing everywhere. I'm sure there are plenty of little dogs who do neither but that's been my experience with every one I've been around or fostered and it's made me decide to stick with the big guys.

You need to spend some time with a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. Not snippy, or yappy or hyper, just happen to be small :) People tell me all the time that they hate dogs or hate little dogs but that they love my dog :haha: She would have you charmed in no time!

I feel really bad that I started a debate about this whole sterilizing thing. I really was just wondering if I needed a sterilizer really :shrug: Sorry!
I must admit, I sterilised till Paige was 12months! But that was my choice, my sil stopped at about 9 months! Your health care provider could say something different to mine! Which has happened to me, my doc said no peanuts during pregnancy, others said its fine, my doc said lay lo on back, another said on her side, some say sterilise till 12 months, some say 6! It just depends on you as a mother and what you feel is best for your child! I washed and sterilised all of Paige's bottles and dummies, as I have 3cats and toxoplasmosis is common with cats! But like littlespy said, kids lick also rats and you can't protect them from everything no matter hard you try! I don't want to hide my children away as some parents do, when an illness comes about because it does build immunities! But everyone is different and do things differently!
I'm stopping now, I have never heard of not sterilizing bottles before a year and I've bottle fed 2 babies from at least 3 months on, so that is what I will continue to do. Sterilizing milk bottles and building up immunity are two separate things, not sterilizing bottles can cause food poisoning, you can't be immune to food poisoning. Like you said you choose not to and that works for you but I choose to follow the 12 month rule and that is what I am happy with. I only spoke against you because I don't want anyones babies to get sick. Everyone is free to do what ever they like and that is not something I will judge on. I've just never heard of not sanitising a babies bottle before a year as I already said so the idea of it scared the shit out of me lol.

Doggylover you didn't offend me at all I was playing with Connie and Lucas and read your post quickly. I agree that using hand gel every time you touch your kid is silly! xx

kristabelle - Definitely ask your Health care provider at your next appointment and ask for other oppinions from other mums. I read online that in America they don't sanitize for as long as people in the UK do. So that could be where the disagreement comes from. Get the microwave sterilizer if you want to, it is very good to have, and you can take it with you places. I dont think that I over do it with killing the germs I just don't like to clean up vomit and be stuck at home with a baby who has a fever lol. Of course my child like everyone elses shall lick the floor and put everything in his mouth, that is how babies learn but anything that touches milk will be steralized for the first year because that is what I have always been told to do and it is the basic guidelines for bottle feeding when I was FFing Connie and Lucas xx
kristabelle dont feel bad :hugs: there are different guidelines for different places and everyone is different sometimes certain things spark a debate, I appreciate littlespy's point of view I just have to disagree as mine is different. I don't think badly of her for anything though. It's the same when people talk about co-sleeping, spanking, the CIO method, everyone has different advice and no one wants to think their way is wrong or whatever.
Sorry for typos I have no idea why I wrote rats lol and also I don't want anyone thinking I'm saying they hide there children away fromillness coz that's not what I'm saying but I do know someone who does that! They never take there children out I there is a chance he will come into contact with an Ill person, once we met for coffee, and Paige's nose was a bit stuffy and she freaked out and left! I don't see her very much any more lol x
haha kealz I had a friend like that too I don't see her anymore either! I had mine in norway where we take our kids out in the rain and snow and they have constant colds for winter lol. My house is not dirty but it's not over done either, trust me I would never get it completely clean with my older running around, so I'm sure Benson will pick up germs along the way plus all those baby groups we shall be off too with all those slobbered over toys he'll be getting his germ fix dont worry :haha:
Hi ladies! I really appreciate reading the different point of views and love this thread as we are all so honest but not judgemental! Hmmm well I have a tiny chuihuaua as you know and no doubt he will be the baby's best friend so I will sterilise as much as poss but not go overboard with worrying about the dog being in contact - obviously I wouldn't leave them unattended or let him lick the baby as a new born lol it will be interesting to see how he reacts to the baby! I will sterilise for as long as I think at the time I guess every bodies situation is different!

I've just devoured 2 dairy milk bars ooooops!!! Bit goo for bubs I guess in my defence I ate a whole punnet if strawberries first LOL
Yep, this will be my house :haha: I used to babysit an 8 month old who used to love to feed her dog from the high chair. Once she got full/bored of eating her food she would drop it off the edge of the tray cackling all the time at how excited the dog would get. :haha:

I actually came back on to post this. Look how cuuuute these things are:

Of course they are sold out :growlmad: I want 'em!

My nephew does that little trick of throwing food down for the dogs. Funny...the first time :haha: and those hair clips are really cute! Why is it everything good is always sold out? Just happened to me as well with something. So annoying :growlmad:

Hahaha, doggylover. My dogs are too big to get into tight places so they're pretty useless for cleaning up after dd. :dohh: It's AWESOME when someone with a little dog comes to visit, though! :haha: They can get into all the tight corners and under chairs. Too bad little dogs and I generally don't get along. I can't deal with snippyness and peeing everywhere. I'm sure there are plenty of little dogs who do neither but that's been my experience with every one I've been around or fostered and it's made me decide to stick with the big guys.

We have all Labradors, so not so tiny (especially the one who weighs 40kg!) but they do a great job of flattening themselves for the smallest crumb! And I agree about little dogs being snippy, definitely not a fan of any dog that doesn't come above knee level to be honest! :haha: (sorry Nimbec!! I'm sure your little chihuahua is very sweet though - I've seen the picture of him on your Facebook all cuddled up in a corner of your house and he did look angelic!)

As for chocolate consumption....I am still coming down with boxes of Christmas chocolates. I'm doing my best to work through them at a steady pace though :mrgreen: not aided by getting another box today!

So I just finished ordering all my cloth nappy wraps. I'm hopeful they will be the only ones I ever need before moving on to all in 2 or pockets. So far I've spent about £200-250 on cloth nappies which makes my feel a little faint as it seems like so much, but I calculated (in the steam on the shower door, good place to think!) how much I might spend on disposables in a year, and felt reassured afterwards! Nobody I know IRL gets my desire to cloth nappy as they have only ever used disposables, so I'm hoping I'm able to do this and it end up a massive mess!

Just watching some bbc3 show about teenagers with a baby and said to dh "this is what we'll be like..." And that's not a compliment on our future parenting skills :rofl:
haha kealz I had a friend like that too I don't see her anymore either! I had mine in norway where we take our kids out in the rain and snow and they have constant colds for winter lol. My house is not dirty but it's not over done either, trust me I would never get it completely clean with my older running around, so I'm sure Benson will pick up germs along the way plus all those baby groups we shall be off too with all those slobbered over toys he'll be getting his germ fix dont worry :haha:

Is it weird that the thought of other kids slobber near my baby grosses me out, but dog slobber doesn't?! :huh: :haha::haha: I am way too in love with my dogs, it's not normal!
I feel the same way about my dog's "germs" as well. I think when they are family you don't really think of them as the germ-ridden beasts others might :haha:

All my xmas chocs are gone now, thank goodness. Well, there are a few left that I don't like. So those are my DH's now. If you think that has stopped me eating sweets though... I had a green smoothie this am followed by two gingersnap cookies. Mmmmm... I think that evens out, much like your choc and strawberries combo Nimbec!

I have still done no laundry today. But I did go to UPS to return a clip on high chair thing that I got without realizing my table has a lip on it and so won't work. Now I think I will just get a normal high chair. I just hate clutter so much and don't want tons of plastic baby paraphernalia all over my house. I know some is inevitable. But our apartment just isn't that big and I swear some of the baby stuff is just really ugly no matter what color they make it. But I have accepted the swing and high chair as necessary plastic evils. :haha: I did get a folding high chair that will cram in the closet. And I have almost finished the giraffe wall in the nursery. Will deffo be done with it in a couple of hours. :happydance: And then I can paint the crib and bookcase! Which means soon I can get the sheets on the crib. That will be SO exciting! Even though she won't be sleeping in there for a while, but whatever, it will be very satisfying for that room to not look like a dumping ground for baby gear I haven't organized yet!

Oh and on the way home from UPS I also stopped in at the fancy little chocolate shop and picked three chocs from the case. One had maple syrup goo in it. That was my full disclosure of sweet eating for the day :blush:
LOL as for little dogs being a PITA... I have to agree... and I have one :haha:
Nimbec, I hope yours stays sweet and loving!! My PITA is an old man (who I love like my own child regardless) and mostly just tolerates other but completely loves me lol. I do worry alot, that he will not do well with the baby (since he really doesnt like kids) but I think its something we can get through! I would never EVER consider getting rid of him but I will do everything in my power to keep both safe (separate rooms if I have to). Cody is fine with kids, as long as they leave him alone. He only ever becomes "snippy" (and by that, I mean that he barks but has not actually ever bitten) when kids run up to him and grab him. It will be a learning curve for all of us. I did just have to talk with Rob and explain that Cody IS my first born and "we" will not be throwing him off the balcony if he pees on the dog gate!! :dohh:

As for the sterilizing... I'm happy for all the info and different views! I never even thought about it... period ... (other then adding the sterilizer to the registry)... I always figured the sterilizing cycle on the dishwasher was fine :dohh:
Oh and :rofl: at babies licking the floor :rofl:

Certainly, mine will be the first to lick anything in sight!
Lol doggylover that is a bit odd in a funny way! Me and my brother grew up with 3 dogs.. one being really fluffy I used to love him. He just used to lay there while I rolled all over him haha xx
Haha Doggylover he weighs about 2 pounds wet!! Haha put is not at all nippy or yappy infact we were worrying that he never barks ...until he met a Great Dane and was terrified he soon found his voice lol! I'm a big dog lover too just a small one was more practical plus a I recently found out chi's were purely bred to be companion dogs hence why so friendly unless of course invthe wrong hands!

I'm def a chocoholic I cannot even have it in the house or its gone within an hour!!

Hope everyone is ok!

Oh and Kristabel I have the sola too and LOVE it!!!
Oh and Doggy I feel the same way about embarking on cloth diapering. Especially since I have had some crap criticism about it from people. So I hope it all turns out well! I still haven't washed any of mine. I need to order my newborn rental diapers as well soon. They tell you to order them at least three weeks before you will need them although I'm not sure when to get them to send them to me. Maybe the week before she is due? I definitely need to have them when she gets here as most everything I have is One Size and a dozen size smalls and might not quite fit her right away, but I don't want them to get here too early as the rental is just for two months. Although by the time she is two months old she should be fitting into the size smalls I have for her and at least some of the different kinds of One Size dipes I have for her, even if she is tiny when she's born. I got those dozen size smalls just because DH and I were both small babies, so I don't think we will have a big baby, but who knows :shrug:
wow has anyone else seen this pram???? it's got a battery operated frame!

wow has anyone else seen this pram???? it's got a battery operated frame!


Yes! We saw that on our stroller hunt. It is quite amazing. I don't know why but it reminds me of a bug when it does the fold :haha: It is a bit heavy but if you are just lifting it in and out of a car that's probably no big deal. And its pricey. But it will charge your cell phone!
it's amazing but I wonder how practical it is, the basket didn't seem too great, ts not my thing but it was cool to see something new on the pushchair parade! x
Yeah, I thought the basket was weird as well. For $850 I would want somewhere to put a pint on milk and some shopping! :haha:

I wish they would make more strollers that have that luggage rolling capability. I can do it with the Sola, but only because I'm short and its more of a coincidence than a real design element that they intentionally added. Although it is one of the reasons I bought it. Its such a good feature for people who don't drive. Makes it so much easier to fold and get it up stairs from the subway or onto a bus or whatever. And it means that the stroller can still be full-size and decent weight, but more manageable so that you can have all the features that might not be there with an umbrella stroller. There's my stroller rant! :winkwink:
I feel the same way about my dog's "germs" as well. I think when they are family you don't really think of them as the germ-ridden beasts others might :haha:

Who are these other people thinking my babies are germ ridden beasts?! I'll kick their butts! :haha: in fairness in the last 10 days our youngest dog has rolled in and then eaten a dead fish he found, and washed that down with some cat poop and one of the other dogs vomit :dohh: in terms of cloth, it's great that you can order newborn diapers! That is something I am still not 100% on what I'm going to do. Newborn are so expensive and I will need so many, so I spoke to a few people and they said if I have size 1 little lambs fitteds they are most likely to be ok. I have lots of size 1 fitteds, so I'm oping they'll be ok, especially since I'm expecting a beast! So it's great to be able to order the newborn nappies and then just send them back. I would say maybe get them from around 36/37 weeks, and then plenty of time should she arrive early, and I would imagine by the time she's two months the rest will all fit. Unless she's a little bitty one!

Steph, what's a PITA?

Nimbec :haha: at the thought of a little chihuahua barking at a Great Dane!!!

Ukgirl :shock: that battery powered pram!!! I am 100% sure most of the things on it are totally unnecessary (lights one the front? An LCD temperature display?!) but it's still flipping cool!

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