April Munchkins 2013- enjoying our wonderful babies!

Lily you baby bag is gorgeous!! Most bags I looked at just seemed so expensive for the quality they are (around $100). I'm a bit of a purse snob, so it's hard to make me happy anyways... I also figured I would be using the diaper bag as a purse for at least the first year, so I want to love it.
I ordered a large purse from Tommy Hillfiger, hoping that I could use it as a baby bag but once it came in, I realized that it won't be big enough :growlmad:
Guess I will be looking for another diaper bag after all lol. Since I'm paying for it, OH will have to live with what I like lol... Or go buy his own (which he won't ahaha)

As for nursery update... Yay doggylover for getting things moving! I have OH clearing his stuff out of the room today so I can start decorating and putting Grayson's clothes away! I have already filled two huge boxes with stuff for donation. It's amazing how many things get held onto over the years :dohh:. I still had a VCR in the closet .... Bahahah I don't even own any VHS tapes...:haha:

Thanks! Exactly my thoughts, since it is going to be "our" bag and I'm going to be holding it , it better be something I really like.
You are lucky, in the US there are lovely bags, I've seen some from Vera Bradley I would kill to have, but they are too exp to ship to EU.:nope:
Love this one https://www.zappos.com/vera-bradley...rce=pinterest&utm_campaign=product_page_badge but it is over my budget and they don't ship here.

Lol at the VCR, I got rid of it years ago, DH thinks it is still in storage bahahaa!!:haha:

I'm doing the big clean up this Saturday, nursery will be completely empty and ready to be painted :winkwink:

See, and I feel like the bags you guys have are so much nicer :haha:. My dream bag is a Louis Vuitton for over $1000... Not going to happen lol

So the VCR, along with a camcorder, have made it out of the closet and will be delivered to donations lol. OH did a lovely job organizing all his things out of the room so now I can start getting things ready. I still need to weed through some of my clothes that I can donate. I just have way too many clothes :dohh:
Wow... the weather you ladies have in the UK right now is actually *colder* than what it is here in Toronto! (Canada) It's about 1 degree right now, with a chance of flurries this afternoon. We haven't had any fresh snow in a while, so the stuff we have sitting around is startingt to look pretty dingy. :wacko:

AFM, I'm house bound today. Waiting for Sears to deliver our new recliner. I was told it would be sometime between 8AM-6PM. :dohh: So today is a work from home day. Planning to bake some banana-zuchinni-chocolate chip muffins later today too. Mmmmmm muffins.

I don't remember who was just talking about their dogs not being allowed on the couch...? But I can remember when we first got our German Shepherd I was in grade 11, and she grew up to be such a horse. She was huge. And she had this thing about jumping up onto your bed in the morning and laying ontop of you, and she would bite at your hair like she was trying to clean it the way she did her fur. But she was like 120 lbs at full grown size... so there was nothing you could do about it except wait till she was finished and went away. :haha: It was the oddest senesation in the world...
Readytomum: our 80lb lab (and still growing..!) also likes to jump on the bed in the morning, and lie on the pillows. Heaven forbid your head should get in his way. He then likes to lick you awake, just in case you didn't realise he was there by his weight on your face!

Ukgirl: that story of how Lucas used to fall asleep holding your fingers is so cute! But I can totally understand why you used a dummy for him, and it clearly worked! Glad it went well with Connie's teacher, and they probably just think you are hormonal, not mad!

Afm...I need to grow again. My tummy feels so stretched today! But a few girls at work said that I am really small for (almost) 30 weeks, which made me feel good!
IBCLCs will tell you that if you want to breastfeed, it's best to wait to introduce a pacifier and/or a bottle.

A pediatrician we saw on the weekend after Maisie was born poo-pooed the idea of "nipple confusion" (even used air quotes while saying it) and said it was fine to givie Mae a pacifier or to supplement with a bottle (at that point we weren't supplementing, but two days later we were told we needed to). Well, just one effing week later, she had a horrible case of breast aversion/nipple confusion and refused to nurse. :dohh: And knowing what I know now, if baby wants to comfort suck in the very early days, it's GREAT to have that extra breast stimulation (assuming baby has a good latch and isn't damaging the nips; if you got nip damage, get thee to an IBCLC immediately).

It very much depends on the baby. :thumbup: Even if you don't introduce those things, it's possible they'll develop breast aversion (depending on let down, milk flow, etc) so IMO and IME it's best just to try to eliminate as many factors as possible that could contribute to it until breastfeeding is well established (6 weeks or so? Even then, a bottle with a fast flow could be detrimental to breastfeeding; based on reviews for my breastfeeding group, I think I'm going to give Breastflow bottles a shot this go 'round). Exclusively pumping is not where I personally want to end up again. I'd much rather be cuddling a baby while nursing than being forced to listen to them cry while I'm hooked up to a pump. :nope:

And I mean to mention green mountain prefolds yesterday. I've not used them, but lots of people seem to like them. I do like that their different sizes are stitched with different color thread so you immediately know what size you're pulling out. Very handy!
thanks doggylover, lol. I'm sure you'll stretch soon :)

My midwife says dummies from birth are fine, I'm going to see how Benson is, I had no issues with nipple aversion. Luke was clear when he wanted the breast lol, so if Benson has sucking needs I will introduce his dummy once a feeding schedule is established.

I managed to get a few things out of the flat yesterday an got Aaron to go through his dvds but today he told me hes keeping them...
Hello Ladies! eeekkk about the temps some of you are having. And I'm complaining about 14 F here this am..... lol I'm such a wussie when it comes to cold weather!!!

So last night I started having these cramps down low in my pelvic area like menstral cramps. They were happening 1-2 an hour. I kept going to the bathroom to see if I was spotting (it really feels like I'm about to start my monthly). I debated on going to the hospital because Mason wasn't moving AT ALL & usually he's a tumbling crazy man all evening & for about an hour after I lay down in bed. He's moving around this am, but I'm still having the cramps. I'm waiting on the doctor's office to open this am so I can call. Has anyone else had this & if so is it braxton hicks???
Maybesoon, IME braxton hicks aren't sore. You can feel your uterus tightening, but no pain. HOWEVER, I did have menstrual like cramps twice in the last month, both times it disappeared within a few hours, but mine were pretty constant. I say if in doubt, get it checked out :thumbup:

Also, your 14F is our -10C, so not too much of a difference in the temps!! Plus it's only actually about 1/2C where I am, so nowhere near as cold as you! Brrrr!
-10 C? Wow. It's -1 C here... in the "land of winter" :haha:

It's bright and sunny out today (and warm!)... and I'm stuck inside waiting for the delivery guys. Sigh. Debating on what to make for lunch... I'm not normally home during the day to have the luxury of making something tasty for lunch, usually I'm just packing leftovers to take with me. Hmmm... decisions, decisions.
Probably nothing to worry about at all, but it's definitely best to call your doc, maybesoon. :thumbup: Always better safe than sorry about that sort of stuff.

It's possible for BH contractions to be painful, but IME that happened more toward the end (I was already full-term so I wasn't worried about it). In fact, My BH contractions toward the end were exactly the same as the contractions I had the first couple of hours of active labor. But they were definitely not painful in the same way that my well-established active labor contractions were. :haha:
Thanks doggylover..... I'm pretty sure it's BH because my tummy tightens for a minute or so but I notice it more in my pelvic area. I'm not having any other symptoms & Mason is moving around this morning.

I really really dislike cold weather. To me anything under about 80 F is too cold!!!! lol
Maybesoon it could br ligament pain i felt period type pains a few days ago but I had movement and bens bp was good. I read in my pregnancy app that around this stage babies try to get into position for birth and it can cause the bowling ball feeling down low. Benson has drcided which way he wants to be yet but when he is laying low its really uncomfortable. I hope doctors office can reassure you. xxxx
I just read the tightening thing so now Im think bhs too.. the tightenings can make your muscles sore arou d there xx

I love easter lots of cheap chocolate and hot cross buns... that was my lunch today then another two hour nap! God bless 7 hours of school haha. It did snow this morning for a bit its so cold outside Im glad I get to stay home now.
Hey ladies. Wanted to Update you about Emmaleigh! When i got to the clinic i found out they were going to do an ultrasound and an Amino.I totally freaked and started having a panic attack so bad! After sitting there for 30 minutes we finally get back and do the ultrasound first...guess what....SHE IS GREAT!!!! Here nuchal fold was at 4.9 mm and she weighs 2lbs 12ozs and is 15 inches long(this is a guess from measuring from the hip bone to knee and then adding the femur length) her feet are 2 inches long!!! She looked great and we got to see her heart pumping blood back and forth from the atriums to ventricles. I loved this doctor we seen he was so in depth in telling us what he was looking at how it measured and why we were looking at it. Not only that he did all the measurements TWICE so that there was no margin of error. She is measuring exactly at 28 weeks and 4 days so her 2nd due date of April 6th is accurate. I can't believe how big she is and how great she was doing. She has also finally turned head down!!!! He also said my OB should have never measured her NF at 22 weeks because after 21 weeks it doesn't indicate anything because the baby is putting on more fat and the measurements can be really far off wrong!!

Now i have a huge problem with my regular OB and why he is doing all this differently than we had talked about in Nov. I hope after Dr. Chatelin sends his reports to him sees that his office has made some major errors.

OH and i didn't talk much the whole way down or while there but on the way back we argued like hell. It didn't help we got snow and the roads were ice packed and slick and almost wrecked 4 times trying to get back home. I am so glad that it is all over with and that my baby girl is doing great!!

Maybesoon I would just get into your OB/MW and get an exam and put on a monitor to see what it going on. I would hope it is just your uterus prepping for baby but it never hurts to be on the safe side!!
Oh my goodness mommabrown!!!! That is brilliant news!!! What a cock of an u.t for scaring you like that I hope he gets bollocked good for it! Im so happy that you got good results! X
Ukgirl That is exactly how i feel!!!!!! It this point i don't know if it is to late to change OB's or not??? I really loved Dr. Chatelin!!! To bad he is a specialist!
Awesome news about little Emmaleigh!!! So happy to hear everything is great with her!!! What the heck is up with your normal doc??? Isn't it crazy how different 2 docs can be?!?!?! I sure hope this new doc puts your regular doc into place. I would certainly be nervous about dealing with them from here on out. It makes it hard to trust them when you find out something like this.
Great news mommabrown!!! So glad your little girly is doing well and everything is looking good! That's too bad that you and OH got into it on the way home, but maybe it was the massive stress relief of knowing everything was ok with LO combined with the new stress of the weather? :hugs:
Maybesoon I know right!!!! WTF?? I am super peeved at the office! I am definately very weary of them now.

Readytomum yeah it was a big relief and the weather didn't help I threatened to get out and walk home 150 miles from home! Hahaha gotta love these pregnancy hormones.

Thanks ladies I am relieved and now to get the custody battle out of the way.

I just planned my very own baby shower after waiting months for OH's mom and sisters to put any plans together(which never happened) I planned it for March 16th at the Grand County Inn in Branson, MO. It is an indoor water park that has a buffet(ALL THE FOOD WE CAN EAT and by WE i mean ME LOL) and would work great with all the kids and us just getting together and having fun before Emme gets here!!
Can you switch OBs so late in pregnancy? Its not like he made a minor error. He majorly fucked up. He caused you and your OH unneeded stress at a time where stress is high for you anyway. Here we can change midwifes in a flash if we have a good reason I hope it is the same for you. Im glad the specialist was so thorough at least and gave you amazing feedback. Im just so happy Emmaleigh is okay and I bet you are too xxxx

your babyshower sounds great! Xxx
See, and I feel like the bags you guys have are so much nicer :haha:. My dream bag is a Louis Vuitton for over $1000... Not going to happen lol I still need to weed through some of my clothes that I can donate. I just have way too many clothes :dohh:

Lol, I'm like that with shoes, I like the exp shoes, but there is no way I will wear any $$$ pairs for the next year or so. :nope:
LV for baby bag? Are you sure? Imagine the nice fragrance it will have if you carry dirty nappies in there :haha:
Ask for the LV for birth present from your DH, but don't use it for the baby. :winkwink: I used to have a Speedy for work but I sold it, I'm not much into bags.

Weeding out the clothes: good luck, it is back and heart aching. It was the first thing I did, I'm left with the bare essentials.

I don't remember who was just talking about their dogs not being allowed on the couch...? But I can remember when we first got our German Shepherd I was in grade 11, and she grew up to be such a horse. She was huge. And she had this thing about jumping up onto your bed in the morning and laying ontop of you, and she would bite at your hair like she was trying to clean it the way she did her fur. But she was like 120 lbs at full grown size... so there was nothing you could do about it except wait till she was finished and went away. :haha: It was the oddest senesation in the world...
Readytomum: our 80lb lab (and still growing..!) also likes to jump on the bed in the morning, and lie on the pillows. Heaven forbid your head should get in his way. He then likes to lick you awake, just in case you didn't realise he was there by his weight on your face!

My doggy was huge too, a big male retriever, not some toy dog, therefore I couldn't stand him doing all the crazy things like that, he was heavy and very clumsy. I knew I would have trouble if a baby came and he was allowed on furniture.

Hello Ladies! eeekkk about the temps some of you are having. And I'm complaining about 14 F here this am..... lol I'm such a wussie when it comes to cold weather!!!

So last night I started having these cramps down low in my pelvic area like menstral cramps. They were happening 1-2 an hour. I kept going to the bathroom to see if I was spotting (it really feels like I'm about to start my monthly). I debated on going to the hospital because Mason wasn't moving AT ALL & usually he's a tumbling crazy man all evening & for about an hour after I lay down in bed. He's moving around this am, but I'm still having the cramps. I'm waiting on the doctor's office to open this am so I can call. Has anyone else had this & if so is it braxton hicks???

I have a plethora of pains and tightening. I have ligament pain when I walk too fast, the bones of my hooha hurt when I sit indian style, I get braxton hicks that scare the hell out of me, and I get painful gas too. It is overwhelming trying to distinguish all the above.

Cramps: streching uterus. Braxton hicks are not painful, but I guess the 2 can happen together? If it gets to apoint that you can't relax from discomfort get to your doctor hun:hugs:
Hey ladies. Wanted to Update you about Emmaleigh! When i got to the clinic i found out they were going to do an ultrasound and an Amino.I totally freaked and started having a panic attack so bad! After sitting there for 30 minutes we finally get back and do the ultrasound first...guess what....SHE IS GREAT!!!!

She has also finally turned head down!!!! He also said my OB should have never measured her NF at 22 weeks because after 21 weeks it doesn't indicate anything because the baby is putting on more fat and the measurements can be really far off wrong!!

Now i have a huge problem with my regular OB and why he is doing all this differently than we had talked about in Nov. I hope after Dr. Chatelin sends his reports to him sees that his office has made some major errors.

OH and i didn't talk much the whole way down or while there but on the way back we argued like hell. It didn't help we got snow and the roads were ice packed and slick and almost wrecked 4 times trying to get back home. I am so glad that it is all over with and that my baby girl is doing great!!

At last mommabrown! We were all worried about Emmaleigh!

Such wonderful news, so happy she is perfectly fine and is growing!

Lucky gal, you got a good doctor out of the blue, stick with him for as long as possible. Too bad your regular OB turns out to be like that. Errors like that are unforgivable, I would definitely complain.
NF is not measured after week 15-16 as the liquid there is absorbed by the lemph system of the baby and the measurements are not accurate after that point. Even I know this!:dohh:

Congrats on head down!

I have lots of arguments with DH lately as well. IDK why this is happening, I can't blame it all to nerves due to baby coming, I'm the one who has taken responsibility for everything, going shopping, moving furniture, organizing stuff, budgeting, not to mention I'm the one carrying this baby and having to do with docs, midwives and tests. All he has to do is be nice to me.:growlmad:
I'm not moody, and I don't bring up baby in conversations, so wth?:growlmad:

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