April Munchkins 2013- enjoying our wonderful babies!

And when I say cheap I mean like ~$5 a diaper. You can google alvababy or sunbaby to find them online. They get decent reviews on youtube. Good for padding out the stash I am thinking. They are pocket diapers.
Hehe kristabelle well done! Mine is black with ladybirds inside I had to buy one that Aaron can use too so I couldnt get the nice flowery one I wanted hehe xx
I understand UKGirl. Luckily my hubby would carry a bag with flowers on it and not care, although I think my bag is not too bad of a neutral choice although it deffo looks like a purse :haha: I will be carrying it 95% of the time anyway, so he's pretty safe.
Hi ladies hope everyone is ok, im mega tired, my DS has decided hes forgotten what it is to STTN, hes always been such a good sleeper and its driving us all crazy not to mention exausting! lol

Doggylover, i dont think you have to "lose" yourself to be a mother, i agree some people do, but in my opinion thats their choice, dont get me wrongm my little boy is my whole world and like littlespy said, the reason to get up sometimes but i do get the occasional night out, and i was going swimming once a week before i got so huge. I think the best mummies are those who stay true to themselves and like you say, its not like you got pregant on a whim, everyone knows your life changes but you dont have to change "you" totally, its all about balance.

UKgirl, boo to the mould, i hope you can get it sorted or get your deposit back at the very least so you can move somewhere else.

Im sick of being told i look huge too, even though i know i do, its not nice when others say it to me.

Re changing bags, ive got a pink lining bag from last time which is still useable ,so gonna stick with that for now, also got the free boots one(uk ladies)

Re thermometers, we have a in the ear one for DS, i find it is easy to use and works well

My mind has now gone blank, just wanted to say, we have a 4d scan tomorrow, so excited!!
I understand UKGirl. Luckily my hubby would carry a bag with flowers on it and not care, although I think my bag is not too bad of a neutral choice although it deffo looks like a purse :haha: I will be carrying it 95% of the time anyway, so he's pretty safe.

my OH has his own bag, but hes never used it and has always been quite happy to use mine with flowers on bless him! lol
I haven't even really looked at diaper bags yet, but my DH lets his daughter paint his toe nails & has been wearing the same bead bracelet she made him for 2 years now on his wrist (yes with lots of pink beads)... So I'm pretty sure he won't mind carrying any bag I choose.

We laugh almost daily now at the fact that he's the bleeding heart mommy type who never wants to say "no" to the kids or hurt their feelings & I'm the whip cracker dad who has no problem being the bad guy!!!! tehehehehe

melissasbump have fun with your scan tomorrow!!!!
I understand UKGirl. Luckily my hubby would carry a bag with flowers on it and not care, although I think my bag is not too bad of a neutral choice although it deffo looks like a purse :haha: I will be carrying it 95% of the time anyway, so he's pretty safe.

my OH has his own bag, but hes never used it and has always been quite happy to use mine with flowers on bless him! lol

Yeah I think the psychology behind this is along the same lines of how my DH is happy to eat anything as long as he didn't have to cook it, he is happy to carry whatever bag as long as he is not responsible for packing it :haha:
Kirstabelle: yep I have the alva baby ones in my favourites, and there is a uk site which sells eBay cheapies (it's called tiny nippers) and they seem to quality control check them etc, and like you say they are so cheap! I am planning on getting maybe around 10 for when baby is with my parents, as I thought if I prestuff them then it'll be as easy as disposables for them! Plus they have some seriously cute prints. I wasn't that keen on the idea of pockets at first, don't know why, but I am won over by their amazing price. The tiny nippers website also does super cheap wet bags, so I think I am going to get a couple more of those too!

Melissa, I am waiting on my pink lining bag arriving :happydance: they are so gorgeous! And I also got the free boots one! I'm not 100% sure what ill do with the free one yet...but I'm sure I'll find a use! Enjoy the scan tomorrow! I hope we'll get to see some pics?

As I type dh is tearing the skirting board off the nursery as its all paint splattered from previous owners, and he said we have to get new skirting! We are going on Saturday to get the nursery paint as well! I remember thinking that we would start loads of stuff in January as that would be getting close to baby, and now we are halfway through! So exciting!
Lily you baby bag is gorgeous!! Most bags I looked at just seemed so expensive for the quality they are (around $100). I'm a bit of a purse snob, so it's hard to make me happy anyways... I also figured I would be using the diaper bag as a purse for at least the first year, so I want to love it.
I ordered a large purse from Tommy Hillfiger, hoping that I could use it as a baby bag but once it came in, I realized that it won't be big enough :growlmad:
Guess I will be looking for another diaper bag after all lol. Since I'm paying for it, OH will have to live with what I like lol... Or go buy his own (which he won't ahaha)

Any word from mommabrown? Still have all my fingers and toes crossed for Emmaleigh

As for nursery update... Yay doggylover for getting things moving! I have OH clearing his stuff out of the room today so I can start decorating and putting Grayson's clothes away! I have already filled two huge boxes with stuff for donation. It's amazing how many things get held onto over the years :dohh:. I still had a VCR in the closet .... Bahahah I don't even own any VHS tapes...:haha:

Maybesoon, OH and I are going to be similar I think when it comes to discipline! Lol I will def be the strict one... Unfortunately I don't think he realizes this :dohh:. He mentioned to me the other day: well when he acts up, just tell him to wait until I get home... Then I will be the mean one!
Yeah, I would love for be the push over mom that has no control over her kids and relays on dad for disciplining (especially since I have seen him discipline the dog:haha:... Very unsuccessfully)!! NEVER!! I can hold my own, thank you very much. I just hope he can too :wacko:
Grrr dh has annoyed me, despite his work in the nursery.

We have always allowed our dogs to sit up on the sofas with us (as long as they are clean!) I have no problem with it at all. But I said to dh before Xmas that after new year we needed to stop letting them up, as our youngest dog has a tendency to invite himself up, and when bubs arrives he can't just jump up whenever he likes. I want to phase it out slowly, so the dogs don't have a massive change, as that isn't fair. It's not fair to let them up and then one day bring home a screaming bundle, and they get told off for something that they have always been allowed to do.

Well, dh agreed. But right now he has both dogs on the sofa with him. Like every night. He hasn't made an effort at all. And I just think its going to be so unfair on the dogs when baby comes and he yells at them, when they don't know any better. And of course he's all "well you let him up last night" yeah, ONCE, because he was sick and feeling rotten. Not every single night :growlmad::growlmad::growlmad:
Yeah, I would love for be the push over mom that has no control over her kids and relays on dad for disciplining (especially since I have seen him discipline the dog:haha:... Very unsuccessfully)!! NEVER!! I can hold my own, thank you very much. I just hope he can too :wacko:

Hmm I think we will be the same - dh is such a pushover (see above message on dogs for clarification of this!!) I think he will be a super soft touch. I rule with an iron fist :haha:
Yeah, I would love for be the push over mom that has no control over her kids and relays on dad for disciplining (especially since I have seen him discipline the dog:haha:... Very unsuccessfully)!! NEVER!! I can hold my own, thank you very much. I just hope he can too :wacko:

Hmm I think we will be the same - dh is such a pushover (see above message on dogs for clarification of this!!) I think he will be a super soft touch. I rule with an iron fist :haha:

Lol yeah I feel the same... I think my big thing is consistency... OH will play with the dog one minute (even when I tell him not too play because dog is getting aggressive and I don't want that behavior when LO is here) and then yell when the dog is playing too ruff... Granted ... Cody actually is NOT playing but Rob doesn't see that :dohh:. I just ask him to please not "play" with him at all because I don't want him to do it later with LO (example: Cody will growl if he has a bone.. Rob thinks its funny so he keeps teasing him. I tell him to please not do it because I Grayson tries to grab it, Cody will think its ok to growl )

I just hope he is not so delusional when Grayson misbehaves lol. I'm a firm believer in: if you set a consequence, you actually have to follow through!

I have started making Cody stay only on one end of the couch (where I have blankets laid out). I'm hoping that he won't feel left out this way but there will be limitations on what he can do :shrug:
Sorry for all the typos... Been using my phone and its a pain lol
I think we might be married to the same man :haha: mine is just the same - rolling around on the floor with the dogs one minute, then yelling the next when they get over excited :dohh:

I think consistency is definitely a key thing for LOs. At dinner the other night my nephew was screaming because he was told he couldn't have his pacifier. The screaming went on for about 15 minutes to the point where he got himself insanely worked up (he's 19 months).....and he got so upset he was offered his pacifier to calm down. :huh:
With kids it's 100% about consistency!!!

When I worked at the daycare we would get parents come and talk to us all the time to ask us why the kids listened to us so much better than they did to them. It almost always came down to consistent rules. If the child was misbehaving they went into time out. They could kick and scream all they wanted to, but we weren't going to give in, whereas at home, mom or dad would cave which just reinforced that screaming and throwing a tantrum is how to get your way. :dohh: When kids know what their boundaries are, they're more likely to respect them. When they don't have firm lines there's too much wiggle room and kids will test that.

doggylover: Your poor nephew! What mixed messages. I personally hate pacifiers, and will be trying my hardest to avoid ever using one. I'm not judging those who do, I just don't think they're necessary and don't want to go down that path if I can't help it!
Yeah I had three solid years of watching other people parent their kids when I was doing all that childcare. I can assure you I have learned a lot from other people's mistakes.

My OH is pretty good with discipline and understands how to discipline the dog mostly. I am better at it because I think I have a better understanding of how the dog perceives behaviors. Like at dinner time when we are eating she will try to get our attention by clicking her nails on the floor. OH will look at her or tell her off and I am like "she doesn't care, any attention is attention" and he just always forgets. I am going to start kicking her out of the dining room as we have never had a dining room with a door until now. Party's over. I too rule with an iron fist :haha: I am only worried about leaving baby with my inlaws. They are terrible with the dog and don't listen to anything I say. :growlmad: I can just see them putting her in disposables and doing all sorts of things I hate. It is going to be so infuriating and is the one thing I am dreading. I am also dreading them never leaving me alone once baby is here. I am already planning to not introduce bottles for the longest possible time just so that nobody can have her. :haha: Yes, I am aware that this makes me a control freak, and I'm okay with that.
lmao!!! doggylover I was just thinking "wow, it's like she is talking totally about my hubby"!!!!

The one thing that drives me the most crazy is that dh's kiddos know exactly how to manipulate him. They will ask him to do something & on the odd chance he actually tells them "no" or "not now" they will continue to ask him until he gives in. I on the other hand am the "I answered you once, that's your answer, ask me again & there will be consequences". I just don't have time for that type of crap. They also use the "Daddy, I LOVE YOU" every single time they think they might even get into trouble. Once they say those magic words, he melts & forgets any & everything they have done. Waiting on them hand & foot.... ummmm Not NO but Hell NO. They are 7 & 5 years old. By golly they can get up off their butts & put their dirty dishes in the sink & they can come into the living room if they want to tell him something. Until recently (because I put my foot down) they would sit in their rooms & yell "Daddy, I need you" & he would stop whatever he was doing at the time & go see what they wanted. If it was a drink, snack whatever, he would get it for them & take it too them then when they were done they would summon him back to their room where he would take the trash, empty cup whatever. Yeah well..... NO FOOD OR DRINKS ARE ALLOWED IN THEIR ROOMS. They will eat & drink at the table PERIOD!....
Littlespy, my bf book says (I think) that it should be 1 poopy diaper on day 1, 2 poops on day 2... Right up until day 5 I think. Does that sound right? It sounds like a lot of pooping to me on day 5!! I know they only have itty bitty tummies so can't hold it but...still it sounds like a lot!

The breastfeeding/pee/poop log sheet the hospital gave me requires far more pooping than that, I think. :haha: I don't remember exactly how much on which day but I think at some point it's looking for 4 poops in a day.:wacko: They do have extra fluid in their bodies and all that meconium to poop out the first few days, so I think that's why.

I remember having a hard time at first figuring out what a "day" was. I just arbitrarily started drawing a line around 5-6am and counting for the previous 24 hours because it's just one huge blur. :haha:

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