April Raindrops 2016

35 weeks for me today and im to wondering how the heck im going to get through the next few weeks. Insomnia is definitely kicking my arse and i struggle to get through the day. Pains during the night are so much worse this time. DH and i dtd for the 1st time in about a month and got about 2 hours worth of BH every 5-10 minutes which surprised me.
MW appt tomorrow and have to do the vaginal swab for what ever it is that that have to test you for ( mind blank right now can't think of what its called lol )

Thanks Hun! Happy 35 weeks! :wohoo:

Good luck at your midwife appointment tomorrow. I think it's the Group B streptococcus swab at 35 weeks from memory, although I could be wrong! Lol. Good luck!
Thanks Hun! Happy 35 weeks! :wohoo:

Good luck at your midwife appointment tomorrow. I think it's the Group B streptococcus swab at 35 weeks from memory, although I could be wrong! Lol. Good luck!
Thats it! Thank you :)
Cute bump Jonesbaby! 32 days is not long at all!

Happy 35 weeks misscalais! I can't believe a few of us are getting so close to full term :shock:

I got my midwife apt on Wednesday, I think from then on I should be seen every 2 weeks. I'm gonna ask about the gbs as I had it with my last pregnancy and for some reason I have this fear it will go unnoticed this time.... No idea why!

I had my bloods taken back at 28 weeks and haven't heard anything so need to find out how my platelets are as they were low with my first pregnancy and the fact that I bleed so heavily from my mouth and nose worries me a little

I'm gonna guess this baby is super low with all the pressure I'm having down there but we shall see :)
I have my 34 week growth scan in 2 hours. Eager to see my boy again and also really eager to see how big they think he is! (I was measuring ahead at last appt - I make big boys! My son was 8+11 at 39+1!!)
35 weeks today. I have a growth scan at 2:15pm. Can't wait as it's been 15 weeks since I've seen her last.

So glad everyone is doing well.

Jonesbaby-- Glad they are monitoring you closely for pre-e.
Babyjan - I never have followed the food rules. The only ones I follow are the no diet soda and the no alcohol.
I eat deli meat several times a week, and I eat a ton of ice cream (even soft serve!) throughout the whole pregnancy. I also drink way more caffeine than the recommendation, and I have been eating SO MUCH sugar! Ha. I am a really picky eater, so taking away that much stuff is just not ok with me.
35 weeks today... Next appointment isn't until next week and then it is weekly from then on.

I am still waiting to hear back for the OC results... I had my hopes up because so many ladies said they had theirs the next day, but when I called Friday they still weren't back (had it done last wednesday) and they are closed on the weekends. I am still pretty itchy, but I've had some little hive like bumps appear in a couple of spots where I was the itchiest so I'm gaining hope that it's something completely unrelated.

I'm hoping I'm just sensitive to something I've been using lately, but I haven't changed any products I use since before pregnancy. I'm definitely the itchiest on my fingers, my feet, my shoulder blades and my scalp. My boobs and belly are itchy too, but those are still growing so I know that's completely normal.
That's exactly how I feel powell! I'm extremely uncomfortable and my ribs hurt a lot :/

Does anyone ever watch what they eat? Meaning do you worry about the foods we are told to stay away from or you just eat what you like?

OH got me some waffles from the a dessert cafe it came with ice cream but I think certain ice creams aren't allowed? Anyways I just ate as I was craving it

I am definitely not watching what I eat. To be honest though, I stick to the same plain old boring foods and I don't think I'd dream of eating most of the foods on the 'restricted' lists :haha:

My next appointment is at 34 weeks, think it'll only be my fourth since falling pregnant :)
Can't believe how close we all are to having our babies its crazy!
I had my appt this morning and bub has turned posterior. I really hope she flips back over. My last bub was posterior and his labour was awful! MW was sure she was breach as well so she got the portable scan machine to have a look. The quality was so bad i had no idea what i was looking at. She said bub wasn't breach thankfully but i had to get her to stop because i felt like i was going to faint. Weekly appts now and if im still itchy ( was tested for OC 2 weeks ago ) then ill have more bloods. Because the itching hasn't got worse and isn't driving me crazy shes not too worried but will check again just to make sure as my levels were fine. Bile salts were only 3.5
35 weeks for me today and im to wondering how the heck im going to get through the next few weeks. Insomnia is definitely kicking my arse and i struggle to get through the day. Pains during the night are so much worse this time. DH and i dtd for the 1st time in about a month and got about 2 hours worth of BH every 5-10 minutes which surprised me.
MW appt tomorrow and have to do the vaginal swab for what ever it is that that have to test you for ( mind blank right now can't think of what its called lol )
I feel the same way lol can't sleep, uncomfortable, all the above. So different than my first pregnancy!

Group B strep is the swab!
We're due our baby's next month :D so exciting

I'm not really watching what I eat, I probably have way too much sugar!
Omg we are!!! :happydance: :wohoo:

And some of us could actually have our babies end of this month!! :shock:
My lo will be here by March 30th at the latest! I feel so unprepared even though we're ready lol
33 weeks today :)

I've not watched what I was eating at all! Chocolate, chocolate and more chocolate! I have however switched to decaff tea so I can still have my tea as chocolate has caffeine in too. This time I feel the weight is going to be much harder to shift.. but I'm not too fussed. I've got a midwife appointment this Friday then consultant on the 23rd. I would really like a growth scan to reassure me that this baby isn't huge but I don't think they'll listen to my concerns. :-/

Hope everyone is well xx
Had our 35 week growth ultrasound yesterday. Kenna is currently weighing in at 5lbs 15oz., she is head down but facing sideways like her brother did. Hoping she turns one way or the other because I don't want another long labor. She has hair that you could see floating in the ultrasound pic. Now I am down to weekly appointments.
had my growth scan yesterday. almost 35 weeks and baby boy weighs just about 6lbs. i make big boys! :) i have a c-section date scheduled for april 5th. can't wait!!!!!!
So twice last night I got really strong contractions. Both times it was when I was about to turn over. Not sure if it was the contraction that woke me to switch sides or the movement cause the contraction. Anyway....They weren't painful, but I couldn't move until they had subsided. I had one of those again this evening while still awake.

Anyone else's BH getting stronger?
Hi ladies :hi:

Just had my growth scan today. All is well with our babies thank goodness, both have a good amount of fluid in their sacs and blood flow through both their placentas is really good :thumbup:. Baby girl is measuring in the 30th percentile and is weighing in at 4lbs 3oz, and baby boy is measuring in the 53rd percentile and is weighing in at 4lbs 6oz. Baby girl's head is so far up inside my rib cage that the sonographer had trouble trying to reach it to measure :shock: Explains why it causes me so much agony at times. Also, baby boy has now dropped very low down into my pelvis and is now the presenting twin, so he could technically be born first (baby girl has always been the presenting twin throughout my pregnancy) :oneofeach:

Had more mucus plug loss last night & twice again today. I seem to be losing it in pieces every now & then.

Christie - I have been having some strong BH. When I go to my pre-e monitoring twice weekly they monitor the babies heart rates and measure all tightenings / contractions. When I get BH they normally measure around 70 on the toco monitor, but when I had a strong contraction yesterday it measured 117 on the toco monitor. The midwife commented that it was a "good one". Lol. It bloody hurt! I've had some more strong ones like that since, some last night & some more today but there is no rythymn to them and they are not consistently strong like that. I find the really strong ones painful.

Christie-- I've been getting strong BH's along with some contractions that made me stop in my tracks.

Jonesbaby-- Glad the twins are measuring well and looking good.

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