April Raindrops 2016

37 weeks today! Last pregnancy I would have been celebrating full term status, but apparently a baby isn't considered full term anymore until 39 weeks... at least here in PA anyways.

My husband will be home for good on Friday so the baby can come anytime after that!
I'm in PA too abd I'm still considered full term at 37 weeks...weird...
i think it's different with each doctor. most places consider 39 weeks full term now, but some it's still 37. my doctor will not do c-sections a day before 39 weeks at all, unless there's a medical reason to. but others will, so who knows?
I don't want to be a misery guts, because I am truly so very blessed and so very grateful to be pregnant with our miracle babies, and I'd do this all again tomorrow to be having these babies - without question - but I've hit a brick wall. Been up most of the night in pain and had a cry this morning.

It's getting so hard to do anything at all, and the pain is really intense. My legs, ankles, feet, hands and face are permanently swollen, my pelvic bone feels like it's going to snap like a twig, all of my bones hurt when walking like my back, shoulders, and knees. I have a lot of pressure in my pelvis and in my rectum from one of my babies head being fully engaged, and at times I have to sit on an angle as the pain from the pressure of sitting directly on my bottom is intense. Laying down is a whole other level of pain. My tummy is so heavy and tight, I feel sorry for my precious babies as I don't think they've got any room left to move :nope:. My tummy is measuring the equivalent of 45 weeks pregnant.

These last few weeks are a true test of physical and mental strength. I know I am so close, only 17 days left, but at this point it feels like 17 years away. I am so proud that my body is pulling through and cooking some healthy babies, but I am honestly in so much pain at this point that its hard to see the end of this pregnancy nearing. Final growth scan in 48 hours and then appointment with my obstetrician on Friday at 35 weeks for a check up. Hoping time passes by quickly for the next two & half weeks. We are so ready to meet you little babies, just a few weeks left. As excited as I am to meet them, and as much as I want my health back, I know they are in the best possible care in my belly, and each additional day I manage to keep them in there is a blessing.

Hope you ladies are well and had an enjoyable weekend xx
My view - tummy measuring 45 weeks pregnant.


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I'm not measuring big Jonesbaby but I feel just about every bit of your pain! I'm bigger now than when I gave birth to #1. And have a little less than 6 weeks til my due date I can't lay down to sleep because of the heaviness and tightness it causes so I prop myself up on the couch with one of those huge Teddy bears. Im down to about an hour of sleep a night. I feel like a zombie. My hips hurt so bad. Baby is very strong and likes hitting my cervix at least a few times an hour... Every hour. I can't walk very well. Getting off the couch is like climbing a mountain and I look like a turtle stuck on its back. I can't breathe very well. I can only eat small amounts at a time because there's no room. I choke on indigestion. I'm soooo over it. But even so I still want him to cook until at least 39 weeks but hoping I don't go over my due date. I'm scared he's going to be big like my husband was (9lb4oz 23inches) and will have to have a section which honestly terrifies me. Ahhh. RLS is a nightly thing which also contributes to the no sleep. I keep telling my husband if my first pregnancy was like this we would only have one kid lol I cry because I'm just so over it and feel like there's no end in sight. :hugs:

Have you tried sitting on a boppy pillow to help with the pressure? I sat on mine after I had #1 to help with the pain from stitches and the wonderful hemorrhoids and it helped a ton!
I'm not measuring big Jonesbaby but I feel just about every bit of your pain! I'm bigger now than when I gave birth to #1. And have a little less than 6 weeks til my due date I can't lay down to sleep because of the heaviness and tightness it causes so I prop myself up on the couch with one of those huge Teddy bears. Im down to about an hour of sleep a night. I feel like a zombie. My hips hurt so bad. Baby is very strong and likes hitting my cervix at least a few times an hour... Every hour. I can't walk very well. Getting off the couch is like climbing a mountain and I look like a turtle stuck on its back. I can't breathe very well. I can only eat small amounts at a time because there's no room. I choke on indigestion. I'm soooo over it. But even so I still want him to cook until at least 39 weeks but hoping I don't go over my due date. I'm scared he's going to be big like my husband was (9lb4oz 23inches) and will have to have a section which honestly terrifies me. Ahhh. RLS is a nightly thing which also contributes to the no sleep. I keep telling my husband if my first pregnancy was like this we would only have one kid lol I cry because I'm just so over it and feel like there's no end in sight. :hugs:

Have you tried sitting on a boppy pillow to help with the pressure? I sat on mine after I had #1 to help with the pain from stitches and the wonderful hemorrhoids and it helped a ton!

Oh Powell, I hear you sister! Big hugs! :hugs: It's so hard at times isn't it. Just a days relief would be welcomed at this point wouldn't it! Wowsers, 9lbs 4oz is a big bubba, I really hope you don't go over your due date. I have my fingers and and toes crossed for you!

I haven't tried sitting on a boppy pillow. I'll have to get my hands on one and give it a try! Thanks a million for the suggestion, I'm so grateful. I'm just having an emotional day today... I'm completely overtired I think :wacko:
Omg one days relief would be heaven!!

Yeah he was huge lol and now he's only 5'4'' 128lbs lol I always joke with him that he hasn't grown much since haha crazy thing, his brother is now 6'3" 215lbs and was around 7lbs when he was born!
Luckily i was only 6lbs2oz so hopefully this one will be average like his brother. #1 was 7lbs8.2oz 20 1/2 inches but I think he's the biggest I can deliver vaginally. He almost didn't make it out because of his shoulders. I got lucky that my midwife was able to maneuver him out! He came out Superman style with one arm out above his head and he was sunny side up and got stuck for 45 mins (outta 3 hours total) during the pushing process after being in labor for 36 hours before all that! I'm hoping so much for a smooth delivery and natural labor this time because I was induced due to GD with him. By natural labor i mean I wanna go into labor on my own. I don't think I wanna go pain med free, I don't wanna feel the ring of fire lol I think I can manage longer than I did last time as far as contractions. I made it to 4CM before I caved and got an epi but I think I could have waited longer but I was scared lol

If not a boppy pillow you could try a small inner tube (should be able to find some since summer stuff is out in most stores) or even one of those doughnut pillows for tailbone injuries like thishttp://www.walmart.com/ip/10105204?wmlspartner=wlpa&selectedSellerId=0&adid=22222222227000003242&wl0=&wl1=g&wl2=t&wl3=40753506272&wl4=&wl5=pla&wl6=46693172061&veh=sem. Anything with the center out should give you at least some relief from all the pressure! Good luck mama
Now I'm in the 'not getting any sleep' boat. Between being uncomfortable, sweating and the horrible dreams, I almost pray for my alarm to tell me it's time to get up. But then I'm sooo tired.
I'm still having a lot of sex with OH (usually daily) but I think it's making me crampy in my back. Seems to have triggered back pain the last two days. Not sure if that's a good thing or bad.

Aside from that I'm feeling pretty good.

Can't believe some of you are hitting 37 weeks already... I feel so far behind!
I'm considering building one of those count down paper chains to help me get through the next couple of weeks. I don't have anything scheduled, but I need a goal, something to look forward to, so I can continue putting up with all these aches, pains and limitations.
I don't want to be a misery guts, because I am truly so very blessed and so very grateful to be pregnant with our miracle babies, and I'd do this all again tomorrow to be having these babies - without question - but I've hit a brick wall. Been up most of the night in pain and had a cry this morning.

It's getting so hard to do anything at all, and the pain is really intense. My legs, ankles, feet, hands and face are permanently swollen, my pelvic bone feels like it's going to snap like a twig, all of my bones hurt when walking like my back, shoulders, and knees. I have a lot of pressure in my pelvis and in my rectum from one of my babies head being fully engaged, and at times I have to sit on an angle as the pain from the pressure of sitting directly on my bottom is intense. Laying down is a whole other level of pain. My tummy is so heavy and tight, I feel sorry for my precious babies as I don't think they've got any room left to move :nope:. My tummy is measuring the equivalent of 45 weeks pregnant.

These last few weeks are a true test of physical and mental strength. I know I am so close, only 17 days left, but at this point it feels like 17 years away. I am so proud that my body is pulling through and cooking some healthy babies, but I am honestly in so much pain at this point that its hard to see the end of this pregnancy nearing. Final growth scan in 48 hours and then appointment with my obstetrician on Friday at 35 weeks for a check up. Hoping time passes by quickly for the next two & half weeks. We are so ready to meet you little babies, just a few weeks left. As excited as I am to meet them, and as much as I want my health back, I know they are in the best possible care in my belly, and each additional day I manage to keep them in there is a blessing.

Hope you ladies are well and had an enjoyable weekend xx

Oh boy, I hear ya sista!

I mean I can't fanthom how much worse it must be for you!!! I'm around 37 weeks so I'm nowhere near the 43 weeks you're measuring now.

Hang in there! And yes, do a calendar countdown thing.... I find that ticking off each day helps with the bodily aches and exhaustion.
I'm still having a lot of sex with OH (usually daily) but I think it's making me crampy in my back. Seems to have triggered back pain the last two days. Not sure if that's a good thing or bad.

Aside from that I'm feeling pretty good.

Can't believe some of you are hitting 37 weeks already... I feel so far behind!

Lucky you! We've had sex once in the last like month and a half. Mainly stopped because of a yeast infection that had to be treated twice. Up until then it was still regularly a few times a week. When we did do it I had contractions for like an hour or two and I'm not ready for all that lol they freak me out so I've told him to stay away for a few weeks then it's on like donkey kong lol get this baby outta me!
I'm considering building one of those count down paper chains to help me get through the next couple of weeks. I don't have anything scheduled, but I need a goal, something to look forward to, so I can continue putting up with all these aches, pains and limitations.

You and me both! I have the countdown on my calendar and noticed tomorrow is 39 days which makes it feel so much closer but still far away! I'm so glad we are in the house buying process because it's giving me something else to count down to and focus on or I would have lost my mind by now! We got this mama!
Wow, that's super exciting, lots of deliveries scheduled for the next week and beyond! Eeeekk! Can't wait to read the happy announcements :wohoo:

Thanks Cheerios! Another day ticked off and survived! 16 days and counting... :coffee: Hope the next few weeks pass quickly for you too :hugs:

Natasha - way to go, still having sex! Amazing girl!!!

Christie - I definitely recommend a countdown ticker of some sort, will help a wee bit on those really difficult days.


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