April Raindrops 2016

I'm so crampy today it's making me very nervous ahh anyone else?
I had a lot of cramping on Sunday youngmam. Nice dark frer yesterday so nothing to worry about :)
I had a lot of cramping on Sunday youngmam. Nice dark frer yesterday so nothing to worry about :)

Thank you. I remember having it with my son too but i was on edge then too lol. Such a scary pregnancy symptom to have but I know it means my uterus is growing
i feel like you're reading my mind because i'm super crampy and achey!! i'm having a lot of sharp pains on my left side, they feel like theyre shooting down the side of cervix/vagina too. i know the cramps and backache are my uterus stretching but the sharp pains are worrying me...i just gotta relax and think positive instead of freaking out at everything lol :haha:
I keep thinking back to how blissfully ignorant I was with DS, I was so distracted and so busy in my first trimester with him that I didn't have time to really think about any of it that way and I was constantly getting ultrasounds (Thank you TriCare and awesome OB!). It's not like that this time and I'm internally freaking out and consulting Dr Google (Bad, Navy, Bad!) for everything :rofl: I also have a bit of a stiff for an OB this time around who likes to say, "What happens will happen" and I want to tear her head off sometimes.
omg i would hate to have an ob like that!!!

i'm still in the process of getting insurance and finding an ob. i just went to a gyno recently that i really liked but i'm not sure if she'll take my insurance, hoping she does or that i find one i really like!
I LOVED my OB/GYN with DS, he was an amazing Dr and if it weren't for him, my son would have been born mentally disabled or stillborn (Had an issue with a hypertensive crisis and his cord around his neck and in a knot) and had he told me to continue to my due date (DS was born 4 weeks early) like his partner suggested or had me try to give birth vaginally, I could have had a stroke and DS would have been deprived of oxygen. I'm am SOOO thankful for him, because now my son is perfectly healthy! I wish I could have him again, but we now live in a different state :(
omg that is crazy!! so happy for you that he is healthy, that sounds like it must have been a terrifying experience!
Honestly, looking back, the details are all a bit of a blur because everything happened so fast. I went in for my routine appt and my blood pressure was 182/123 (critical status) and it wouldn't go down no matter what we did. My OB did an ultrasound and DS was breech and he said told me I had a choice, have an emergency c-section and potentially save both our lives or continue as his colleague suggested and potentially have my condition worsen to the point that I had a stroke. After talking about my sons chances at survival being born early (which were very high since I was 36 weeks) I told him to take him if he felt it was best. My son was born a few hours later and he was perfectly healthy. My OB showed me his cord and it had a knot about 8 inches from where it was attached to DS and had it tightened during a vaginal birth, the result would have been disastrous and I could have lost my son. He was born July 2nd and was so healthy (just a little small) that we went on on July 4th.
Welcome samae23 & mac1979 :hugs: I will get you right on the list.

AFM--I took my digi on Monday, but here's my progression. I felt comfortable enough with it to add a ticker. I've been having the cramping and sore boobs.


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Great progression cntrygirl!! Yay for tickers!!

Here's my progression. Surely my beta will be good tomorrow?! The line is so dark today, little nugget must be growing!


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Great progression ladies! This is my frer from yesterday :) I don't have a progression picture. All my other tests were IC's and I was starting to panic about the lines so I threw them away.

It's always good when the test line is darker than the control line. I took my last tests today, just because I didn't want them to go to waste. I am still in disbelief I'm pregnant. We've been trying since December and I wasn't even ovulating. So in late May I saw my doc about it (I'm 36) and she put me on metformin. I finally ovulated but with DH's travel I thought we missed the egg (we BDd two days before O), but I was just happy I ovulated, turns out DH has strong swimmers. I think its fate so my due date (by O) is my dad's b'day.
anyone else extremely bloated?? my whole stomach is so huge and uncomfortable right now that it's ridiculous. and all my clothes feel too tight, like i can't stand having jeans all up on my belly right now!! that part could just be in my head but i'm definitely bloated lol
That's a great line salamander! And great progressions jtink and cntrygrl!!

I can't tell you how much better it makes me feel to know I'm not alone with the crampy feeling and how it's really freaking me out!! It puts my mind at ease that it seems the cramps are completely normal. I don't have my progression with me, but to help put my mind at ease, I took a weeks digi this morning and got 2-3 weeks. That at least made me feel like hopefully things are progressing! I'm going to try to save the next one until mid or late next week and hope for a 3+. If I can do that, I might be able to make it to my u/s date with my sanity still in tact!

All of you ladies are wonderful!!
Purely- I had extreme bloating until yesterday and then it eased up a bit. It comes and goes for me, but my clothes definitely feel looser today without it!
jtink-- Great progression
salamander-- That's a good dark line.

Have any of you ladies checked your cervix at all? I just checked mine this morning and it's low and kind of hard...... Of course I googled and nothing looks good.

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